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Taylor reluctantly headed back to Jefferson after dinner, but not before she thought up every excuse she could give her boss for missing work at the insurance agency in town the next morning. Kolby was packing up his own belongings so that it would be a quick escape the next day. Hailey sat on the floor of the guest room doing the same. She was folding a pair of shorts when there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in." She replied, not looking up. 

The door opened quietly. Brantley stood there in his old dirty boots, dark denim jeans, and black cut off tee. His black baseball cap pulled over his green eyes. He stared at Hailey as she was going about her business. He cleared his throat. She peered up, pausing. 

"Always such a neat packer." He chuckled, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed against his chest. His silver rings adorning both hands caught the light just right. 

"Yeah." Hailey laughed, looking up at him from her spot on the floor. 

There was an awkward silence before he spoke up again. "You know, you don't have to go home with Kolby tomorrow morning." He eyed her from under the brim of his cap. 

Hailey stopped what she was doing again. A little smirk playing upon her lips. She thought about staying here at the farm with him for a few extra days briefly before shaking the thought from her head.

"Thanks, but I should get back. I have some things to do. Plus, my house has been begging to be cleaned for over a week now." She sighed. 

"Suit yourself." He shrugged, turning to leave. 

Hailey bit her lip, "Wait." 

Brantley stopped in his tracks, not turning around. 

"I'll stay." 

Brantley smiled to himself then walked out of the door of the guest room. Hailey stopped what she was doing. She placed her right hand on her knee, pushing herself up off the wooden floor. She was going to have to tell Kolby. She walked out in to the hallway, stopping to see if she could hear him. She was met by silence. Hailey walked down the hall a little more, coming to the bedroom that he had been staying in. Kolby was sitting on the big log frame bed, his feet propped up on the edge. He was playing some game on his phone. 

"Hey, Kolbs." Hailey offered up a small wave as she stood a couple feet away. 

"What's up, Hails?" His smile infectious. 

"Hey, I ummm, I wanted to ask if you would be okay with me staying a little longer. B said that he could bring me back with him on Friday." 

Kolby pushed himself up, sitting in an upright position now. He placed his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it. "Will you be okay to stay? I mean..." 

"Oh, yeah." She brushed it off, "We are good." 

"Promise?" He asked. 

"Promise." Hailey grinned. 

The next morning, Kolby took the solo ride home to Jefferson. Brantley was in the garage, tinkering around with some trail cams. Hailey sat on the couch, reading a book that she had brought along with her. She was so engrossed in the novel that she didn't even notice Brantley had come inside. 

"Earth to Hailey." Brantley waved both hands in the air, trying to grab her attention. 

"Hmmm?" She looked up from the pages, slightly embarassed that she didn't see or hear him. 

"I asked if you wanted to take a ride." He chuckled. 

"I'd love to, actually." Hailey placed her book on the small stand beside her, standing up. She smoothed out her gray running shorts and white Nike tank top. Her shoulder length chocolate brown hair in a low ponytail. 

Hailey followed Brantley out of the cabin to the side of the house. He hopped in the driver's seat of the army green Polaris RZR. Hailey slid in to the passenger side, buckling the seat belt around her. Brantley pulled his shades down from his baseball cap and placed them over his eyes. He glanced at Hailey to make sure she was set before he took off to the trails that ran through the expansive woods behind the cabin. He drove slowly at first, until Hailey yelled for him to stop being such a wuss. 

Brantley let out a huge belly laugh. He hit the gas hard, sending her flying back in her seat. He hit a couple bumps, lurching them in all directions. Brantley came to a small clearing, deciding to do a couple drifts. He hit some mud, earning a squeal from Hailey as it flew all around them. They did this for another hour or so before heading back to the cabin. 

Hailey hopped out of the vehicle, jumping up and down. "That was so awesome." 

Brantley smirked as he watched her in all her glory. She walked up the porch and discarded her shoes before entering in to the foyer. He followed closely behind. 

"I think I am going to catch a shower before we have dinner." Hailey turned on her heel, looking up in to his bright green eyes. Brantley nodded in acknowledgement as he started for the stairs to the loft. Hailey reached the bathroom door and went in, closing it gently behind her. She started the hot water, the steam quickly filling up the whole room. She stripped herself of her muddy garments and stepped in to the standing shower, closing the glass door. A few seconds later, the door to the bathroom opened. Brantley came in quietly. Hailey peered through the glass at him. He stared in to her gleaming blue eyes as he pulled his baseball cap off and placed it on the sink. His leather cuffs coming off next. He pulled his tee shirt over his head and unbuttoned his pants. Hailey pretended not to notice what he was doing, but she couldn't help it. Every muscle in his body flexing with his movements. 

Brantley finished getting undressed and opened the glass door. He stepped in, shutting it behind him. He placed his hand palm up in front of her. Hailey handed him the loofah that she was soaping up. He twirled his finger, signaling her to spin around. Hailey gave him her back, looking up at him over her left shoulder. She pulled her hair behind her ear over her other shoulder. Hailey swallowed hard, wondering if this was a good idea. 

A/N: A lot of chapters are filler chapters, but I hope you are enjoying them! Thank you for all of the comments, votes, and continued support! Keep it coming!

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