Two Weeks

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A/N: You guys are the absolute best! I love how you all are so invested and are on the edge of your seat to see who showed up at Hailey's. It makes writer's block, and countless hours during the day and night all worth it! It took me a little while to figure out who I wanted it to be and where this was going. So.... I hope you are not disappointed by this chapter! Please leave a comment on your thoughts, excited? Mad? And of course, vote and share!

The plane started to descend toward the runway, jerking Hailey forward slightly in her window seat. She looked out over the land, palm trees and a clear blue sea for miles and miles on all sides. The white color of the sand a stark contrast to the ocean it met. He wasn't kidding when he said they were getting out of there. A large, rough hand reaching over to grab hers. She looked away from the beautiful scenery, gazing at him. Her heart had been racing since the minute he showed up at her door hours ago. Not to mention that she had a real fear of flying. 

They came to a complete stop. It was a little bit before they could get off, but once they did, the warm tropical air hit Hailey's face like something magical. They had already grabbed their bags and were now standing outside the sliding glass doors waiting for a shuttle. They waited for about five minutes before one pulled up, driving them to their destination. As the black van had come to a halt, Hailey gasped, earning a chuckle from him. The side door opened and the two hopped out, stretching their legs. Hailey did a full circle, taking everything in. She stopped when she faced him, his generous grin saying it all. 

"B." Hailey shook her head in disbelief. 

He had tried to cancel the honeymoon that was booked for the following week, explaining his situation. While the resort was not able to cancel his accommodations, they were able to add on an extra week for the price of one. He had asked Kolby to go with him, but Kolby had other ideas. He didn't give in to asking Hailey to go with him until he was sitting in the backyard of Kolby's house after church. Everyone was laughing and having a great time, but something was missing. Kolby had been right. It wasn't the same without her. He showed up at her house on a Lord's prayer that she didn't hate him. He was not too thrilled about the alternate plan of spending two weeks with Kolby in a place that housed only one bed. He breathed a silent sigh of relief in her little living room when he saw her grab her duffel bag out of the hallway closet. 

The driver brought their bags around to the side of the van. "May I bring your bags to the house?" 

"Not necessary." Brantley waved him off, but not before handing him a tip. He grabbed his bag and Hailey's duffel, starting toward the door. He turned when he didn't hear Hailey behind him. "You going to stay out here or?" He laughed, gesturing in his driection with a slight tip of his head. 

"We are staying in one of these?" Hailey looked passed Brantley at the very large bungalow at the end of the long dock. 

"I mean, unless you want to stay in one of the rooms in the main resort?" Brantley cocked an eyebrow. "In which case, I'll see you when we catch the plane back in two weeks." 

"Very funny." Hailey rolled her blue eyes that matched the ocean on either side of them. She followed Brantley closely down the dark brown stained dock to the front door of their place for the next two weeks. Two weeks. Hailey couldn't wrap her mind around it. She couldn't even  afford two hours in a place like this. And here she was with Brantley. 

He opened the door, revealing a foyer with a bench and table to place keys or any other small belongings. There was a very large opening that led to a decent size living space and dining area next to an even larger kitchen. The walls were covered with floor to ceiling windows on almost every side of the bungalow. A sliding glass door on the far side opened to a deck with a private outdoor shower and seating. 

Hailey stood in the foyer in awe. Brantley dropping their bags by the bench. Hailey went to walk in to the living space and explore what the bungalow had to offer, but was stopped by Brantley's hand on her left arm. She spun in place, looking up at him. He had adjusted his black baseball hat so that she could see his sparkling green eyes. He bent down, stopping inches from her face. 

"Thank you." He whispered, capturing her warm soft lips with his. 

They pulled away from each other. Hailey still gazing up at him, her expression slightly confused. "For what?" 

"For never giving up on me no matter how much I know you wanted to. I know I didn't make any of this easy. And I'm sorry." Brantley played with the rings on his fingers, fidgeting as he looked down at her. 

"You're what?" She asked with a stone cold expression on her face. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Don't get used to it." Brantley nudged her, rolling his eyes. Hailey let out a giggle that made him smile. He leaned down one more time for a quick kiss before they walked the rest of the bungalow. 

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