Missing You

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AN:Hey guys, so since im just to excited to wait to show you part two of this story, I decided I would let you guys read 3 chapters of part 2. I know you guys cant wait. Ok to the story!!

Sarada's POV

A Couple Of Months Before Boruto Comes Back

I laid down in my bed thinking about....


I can't believe its almost been 3 years

I was worried

Yes, we send letters...


I'm still scared

I know he's strong


I still can't help but wonder of he's okay...

His birthday just past and I sent him a letter

its been 2 days and he still hasn't responded back

I sighed as I got out of my bed

I missed him 

so much....

I missed the make outs

The dates

The blushing

The laughing...

I miss everything....

I miss him

and my dad of course....

but I already know he's gonna be fine..

I'm used to him being gone..

but Boruto...

he's never been gone....

all the years we have been together

he has never been gone...

I walked downstairs to greet my mom

"hey sweetie...somebody's birthday is tomorrow!" she giggled

Oh yeah...

my birthday

without Boruto


"yeah mom" I put my head down on the kitchen table

"Boruto and dad just sent a letter"my head popped up

"huh really!!??Are they coming back!!"I ran to my mom

"hey calm down"she hid the letter from me

"I'll read it to you sweetie"

Sakura's POV

I already read the letter earlier and I already know not to tell Sarada that there coming tomorrow. 

"I'll read it to you sweetie" I opened the scroll and read what Boruto told me to read

"hey Sarada and Sakura. I just wanted to let you know that I got that letter from you. Thank you for your birthday wishes for me. Me and sensei Sasuke are fine and we will probably be coming home around Christmas! I love both of you!! See ya soon" That was just half of what I read..

"yay!!Their coming soon!!" she ran back to her room with a smile of her face

The rest said...

"See ya soon.....


Were coming home tomorrow for Sarada's birthday since I'm done training!!

We are going to surprise her at the gates at 3 pm so get her ready and make sure she has a blindfold on.

okay bye for real see ya tomorrow!!!!"

Sarada's gonna love this birthday present!

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