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Normal POV Their Still 25 btw July 10th

Sarada woke up feeling like crap. She felt dizzy and she needed to throw up, so she did. She was confused at first, but then thought about it for a second. Could she be pregnant?

'nahhh' Sarada shrugged it off

It only happened once and she wanted to be sure it was because of pregnancy. She could just be sick. She decided to just wait until she was certain.

2 Months Later

Sarada woke up and idmedently felt like she was going to throw up again. She ran to their bathroom and through up. She felt disgusted and confused. Was she really pregnant?

"are you okay Sarada, you've been throwing up every single moring for a whole 2 months now" he rubbed Sarada's back as she through up again

It burned, bad. Her stomach was killing her. She felt so bad..and so dizzy.

"Boruto...get mama and papa..." Sarada choked as she coughed up blood

"Sarada!" Boruto yelled as she collapsed into his arms

He wasted no time carrying him to the hospital, where Sakura was currently working. She was eating her lunch when she heard some on her co-workers yelling at someone.

She quickly got up and followed the noise. Her eyes widened as she seen Sarada in Boruto's arms. She looked like she was sick-no more than sick.

"she was throwing up a-and-"

"its fine, follow me" Sakura ordered 

They went to a room and Boruto put Sarada down on the hospital bed slowly. Sakura hooked some tubes to her gently as her eyes softend. 

"is she gonna be okay?" Boruto's worries grew and grew

He couldn't loose her...

Not again...

"Shes gonna to be fine, imma go get some supplies and get Sasuke" she walked out of the room, leaving Boruto with his unconscious wife

Boruto was confused and worried. Why was she throwing up so much? Why has she been eating a little bit more than usually latly? Was she- 

'no no no' thought Boruto 'shes just...oh my god SHES PREGNANT!' he screamed happily in his mind

He smiled as he let a tear of joy slip out of his eye. He's going to be a father...


"where is sh-" Sasuke barged in the hospital room and stopped when he found his daughter in the hospital bed, looking paler than Sai

"oh Mr.Sasuke..." Boruto gave a sad smile

"whats wrong with her?" he took a seat on a chair on the other side of the bed

"shes been throwing up every morning for a while now and this time it was bad. She even coughed up blood...she then passed out" he glanced at Sarada and smiled "but I believe shes going to be okay dattebasa!" he smiled brightly

Sasuke smiled a bit too before Sakura came in with some friends and supplies. 

Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, Temari, Cho-Cho, Sumire, TenTen, Ino, Kousuke and Himawari walked in behind Sakura, looking worried as ever.

Everyone gathered around Sarada as Sakura did a couple of test on her. She had a feeling that she was pregnant because of the symptoms Boruto told her about. Although its not normal to cough up blood during pregnancy, it is still possible that she can be pregnant. She decided to take a ultra sound, just in case.

Sakura looked around in her belly for a minute as everyone else in the room watched the monitor like a halk. She soon saw a little foot and then it soon became a small little fetus. Sakura almost cried at the sight. She was going to be a grandma, she was so proud of her little girl. She was shocked to say the least and she and everybody else was even more shocked when she seen another pair of feet. Was her daughter having twins? She looked a bit more and seen another fetus...

"Sarada..." Boruto whispered as she held on to his wife hand

He was going to be a father...

He couldn't be anymore happier. He was very thankful for Sarada..

He couldn't help but let a couple of tears slip out of his eyes. Sakura soon joined in too, covering her head in Sasuke's chest.

Sarada woke up to the sound of crying. She opened her eyes slowly and sat up a bit.

"Boruto...?" she whispered 

Everybody turned there heads too Sarada, who blushed in embarrassment. 

"Sarada...!" Boruto hugged Sarada tightly as he cried

"Boruto... whats wrong.." she pulled back from him

Everybody smiled at Sarada

"Sarada...your pregnant" Sakura whispered as she wiped her eyes

"wait-wha...." Sarada looked at Boruto "is that true" she asked

He nodded as he smiled

Sarada sat there in silence for a second before crying. She hugged Boruto and smiled

"were going to be parents..." she whispered in Boruto's ear

"yeah..." he laughed

"HA INO-PIG I BECAME A GRANDMA BEFORE YOU!"  Sakura sunddently yelled at Ino

"SCREW YOU!" she yelled back

"eeeeee I'm a grandma and your a grandpa Sasuke! Your old!" she teased 

"no I'm about to turn 45" he rolled his eyes

"still old" she giggled

"I'm going to be a cool grandpa!" Naruto yelled as Hinata smiled slightly

"an idiot one you mean" Sasuke mumbled

"what was that!" 


"mama...calm down please" Sarada whispered

Sakura nodded and glared at Sasuke and Naruto

Boruto And Sarada's House

"I can't believe were going to be parents" Sarada whispered 

"me too" Boruto let their forehead's touch

"I'm so happy" cried Sarada

"me too" Boruto rubbed Sarada's belly "oh and Sarada..."

"hn" she mumbled and looked up

"were not going to have a child" 

"what but you said-"

"were going to have children..." he rubbed her belly again as Sarada stood there in shock

"you mean twins?" she smiled

"yes..." Boruto ran his fingers through her hair

"I love you.." Sarada said

"I love you too" Boruto whispered before he let their lips touch


oh me geeeeeee

sis im so happy!

Sarada's Pregnant!

I'm crying.....

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I sure did!


xoxo my lil weeAboo's 

and remember

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