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It had been 4 years since the break up

Rose adjusted her tiara and looked at herself in the mirror, she wore a red dress, with some red heels and some makeup but her eyes fell to her silver charm bracelet which had an apple charm as she stroked the charm, Astoria came barging in

"Rose come on we are gonna be late" Astoria cried Rose smiled at her friend "Astoria u never change do u"? "Of course she doesn't" Lingling and Joy said "Well u all would have failed without me" Astoria replied  we all laughed. Everyone was still the same except for him Rose thought her smile slowly turned into a frown" Rose are u alright" Lingling asked worriedly "Oh im fine" Rose answered faking a smile "Well we better go now before we get late" Rose said and they all sat inside the carriage .

Meanwhile At Snow White Castle

"I can't believe its been four years since i last saw her" Hawk thought putting his hands in his pockets he sighed thinking how stupid he was back then "Oh come on Hawk u can't just mope around all day we have somewhere to be" Mirror Hawk came into the mirror and said which knocked Hawk back to reality "Im not moping i just don't want to go" Hawk replied "Oh yes u are going to ball young man" Snow White came and said sternly "But granny" "No buts" Snow White cut him off "May i remind u that all the 5 fairytale families must be there including u" "Granny's right Hawk come on it will be fun i promise" Fala appeared behind her grandmother Hawk sighed in defeat.
"Wow this place looks amazing" Lingling said "Yeah im soo glad granny decided to have the ball here at regal academy it brings back soo many memories" Rose said. While entering the ball, Hawk felt uneasy even Travis tripping over a rock didn't cheer him up like usual his mind was focused on only one thing or rather one person. "Oh look whos waving Astoria" Joy said with a flirty tone "Its just Shawn" Astoria replied slightly embarrassed "Go on talk to him" Rose said "You too Joy look Esquires talking to him" Lingling said "Wait Lingling Rose.." they resented but after pushing them in front Rose and Lingling hifived.

"You know Rose, i think its time for you to find someone else" Lingling said in a serious voice Rose bit her lip "i mean u haven't been with anyone since..." Lingling's voice dropped. Rose knew Lingling was right but it was easier said than done
Back with the boys

"Hawk u gotta try this apple pie its amazing" Travis said with his mouth stuffed full "Not now Travis im not hungry" Hawk said with a bored expression "THE Hawk SnowWhite is Refusing to eat APPLE PIE You must be sick or something" Travis said pretending to be shocked "Yeah lets go with that" Hawk replied but before Travis could talk again. Headmistress Cinderella stood on the stage about to welcome the guests.

Hey guys Worlds Worst Author here sorry for the wait but finally heres a new series for u all to enjoy thanks for ur support
Btw Rose and her friends are all 19 in this series
Peace Out ✌🏻

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