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I clutch Maggie's hand as the prison comes into view. I lean up slightly to look through the front window, my heart speeds up when I see Carol and Beth opening the front gate. Rick stops the car and he and Glenn both get out. Carol looks through the back window and my lips part in shock. Even though I was preparing myself for this, I'm still surprised.

Maggie pulls me softly as she opens the door and I force my feet to move me out of the car. Beth lightly gasps and before I can register it, she's tackled me in a hug. I clench my eyes shut and hug her back just as tightly.

"Where's Daryl?" Carol asks, causing me to flinch.

"He's alright," Rick consoles her, "We ran into his brother. They went off."

Carol's eyes well up with tears and Rick pulls her into a hug.

"Where have you been?" Beth asks pulling away only slightly, her hands still on my arms.

"I was-"

"Are you okay? How did you get off the farm?" She asks, her voice raising an octave as she speaks quickly.

"Bethy, let her breathe," Maggie coaxes softly.

Beth only gives her a glance before looking back at me. She blinks rapidly for a moment before nodding.

"Right, I- I'm sorry," She apologizes, her hands shaking as she puts them back to her side.

"It's okay," I swear to her, "I'll explain everything later."


As we trailed inside the dim prison, my eyes scan across everyone's faces. I walk cautiously down the steps beside Glenn as Rick walks straight through and into the next room. My heart couldn't decide whether to speed up or skip a beat when I saw my old family all sitting around the room.

I was on the last step as Glenn and Maggie were on the side, behind the railing. I remember back at the Atlanta camp when I was afraid of everyone looking at me, in this moment I felt the same way. Kate was still at the very top as if something were about to go wrong and she had to make a quick escape.

Hershel stood up on crutches, his eyes turning softer as he sees me.

I take another step down, readying to greet Hershel until I spot someone else.

I'd spent years not thinking about Carl- the pain would be overbearing and I'd break.

Refusing to think about him and putting own my own ploy, that's how I made it without everyone while at Woodbury.

It was finally the moment I saw Carl that I breathed.

He looked so different from the last time I'd seen him. His hair had grown out and the bags under his eyes were more defined to show he was miserable lately. He looked exhausted and weak but once we'd made eye contact his expression changed.

He was in front of me before I could register and hugging me tightly off the step. I could only react the way I knew and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him closer as my feet were off the ground. His hat had fell off but he didn't react to it, instead squeezing my waist tighter. As for myself, I somehow found it deep inside me to shed more tears.

-----KATE POV-----

I couldn't stop the smile that spread on my face when Jade and the guy had reunited. I guessed that he was Carl.

She mentioned him once when we first met. But, couldn't say anything more than, 'He's my best friend. We grew up together. He's all I've ever really had and now I don't know where he is' before she broke down. The first and only time she ever brought him up. If I tried to ask about him, she'd tense up and walk away or divert the conversation somewhere else.

I looked around the room seeing everyone watching the two with fondness. Maggie even wiped a tear away and smiled widely. I felt like I was almost invading their family. It was obvious they were all happy to have Jade back even though she and, I once again guessed, Carl haven't released each other.

I'd never seen her like this. At Woodbury I could tell she had a guard built around her. She only let certain people know few details about her. I was lucky enough to be one of the few people she let in, if only surface level.

I knew Merle was the only person that really knew who she was.

Jade was a different person than she let on, I could already see that. To me, she was free willed and didn't care what anyone thought about her. Almost a nicer, younger, female version of Merle. Considering he was the one taking care of her, it was expected he'd rubbed off on her a bit.

Looking at her now as she's with her family, she looks optimistic yet vulnerable. There was a light in her eyes that I'd never seen before.

Finally, Carl set Jade down and she cupped his face. They looked at each other momentarily before he tucked her into his chest, his arms surrounding her like a cage. It was like he was locking her away so she'd never leave again. Her arms were around his back clenching his shirt in her fists as if it would bring him closer, and her face was turned toward me, though her eyes were closed.

She had a sense of peacefulness on her features. A small smile on her face, her body relaxed, and a few stray tears going down her cheeks. I looked to Carl's face who had the same expression, except he only had a single tear. His right hand was tangled in her hair, his cheek resting on top of her head, and I could see he was softly rubbing her back.

If I didn't know any better that they were childhood friends, I'd almost worry about Brian.

An older man that was at a table makes his way over, stabilizing himself on crutches. He makes his way closer to her, as if he needed confirmation she was real. I'm taken aback by the sight of his lost leg. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in shock. Jade and Carl eventually pull away and she looks over to the man.

"Hershel," She breathes out, stepping toward him.

He drops the shocked face and smiles brightly.

"Hey, darling," he laughs a little, he pulls her into his arms hugging her.

Carl quickly wipes his eyes and watches along with everyone else.

There was something different about the hug between she and the Hershel man. He was more delicate and cautious with her unlike Carl who swooped her into his arms in a death grip.

I was a little sad I didn't get to see Jade and Glenn reunite. I could only imagine how powerful that was. I know she looks up to Glenn as if he were God himself. She would tell me about him and he was explained as a fearless, brave, caring man who would do anything for his group.

It was sweet how Hershel had hugged her and kissed the top of her head. I could tell they had a history together, I couldn't remember her bringing him up at any point. Maybe he was like Carl.. If she spoke about him, she would break down.

In a way, I could literally see a family. I could see Glenn and Maggie as Jade's parents, Hershel as her grandfather, it was surreal. I made a mental note to ask Jade how exactly everyone got so close.

"We were all so worried about you, sweetheart," Hershel smiles softly at her, brushing her hair behind her ear.

Maggie turns back to look at me, I couldn't imagine what my face read, and reaches up to set her hand on top of mine.

I look at her, confused. She smiles kindly at me and nods, silently telling me that I was okay here. I looked back to how the man was cupping Jade's face and whispering to her about something he obviously wanted to keep between them.

When I looked back to Maggie she held the same sweet eyes and I smiled back softly. I nod back to her and take a couple steps down to slowly join everyone. When I made it fully to the floor, Maggie squeezed my hand and released. I felt a little more confident and welcome due to her actions.

Jade found her home again, maybe she helped me find mine as well.



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