You live in america: luke

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Walking down the hall, you don't really talk to anyone. You had friends, a bunch of them really, but you still always walked alone. Right before winter break, you could see all of the cute couples in the hall and I made your heart ache knowing that Luke couldn't be with you. You only got to see him when he was on tour in your area and that wasn't often. Sure you guys skype and text a lot but it took a toll on the both of you. There weren't as many rumors in magazines as you had anticipated but inside the fandom, it was worse than you could've imagined. Hate on top of rumors and pictures and then a dash of death threats and "go kill yourself" and there was nothing you or Luke could do to stop it. "y/n!" You hear from behind, snapping you out of your train of thought. You whip your head around to see a tall scrawny blonde boy jogging towards you. "Luke?!" He runs up and hugs you tightly, as if you would disapparate if he loosened his grip. You inch away from him to look into his eyes, "What are you doing here? I thought you and the guys were taking time off for the holidays." "We are but we were coming from London so I thought I would come see you first." You both laugh a bit and you abruptly pull him in for a kiss, not giving a flying fuck who was watching.

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