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"Happy Birthday dear Harry! Happy Birthday to you!!" Everyone cheered gathered around Dad as he blow the candles of the big birthday cake, as soon as he finished blowing the candles Uncle George bury Dad's head into the cake, everyone laugh specially James who were surely taking mental notes of what to do for the next birthday party, Elena favored her twin James out of her siblings, she of course loves her other two siblings Lily and Albus but James was her partner in crime and best friend, she never understood why she looked so different from her twin, she had straight blonde hair while he had jet black hair, both of their eyes were brown but he had their father's while she had very beautiful light brown eyes and finally both of her brothers looked exactly like their father while her little sister looked like their mother with her beautiful red hair.
Elena always thought she had inherited some underrated genes that ran in the family but she didn't really paid attention to that.
"Sunflower, can you pass me the towel, please dear?" Said Dad with his face covered in cake, Elena let out a chuckle since it was hilarious to see her dad this way, Elena handle him the towel and Dad let out a "thanks" with a wide grin, "Aaaawww Elena! You should have left your dad like this for at least a couple of minutes!" Said Uncle George shaking his head. Elena laughed and said " I am sorry Uncle George, I know is funny but everyone should look clean on their birthdays." Said Elena. "And well you're right sweetie." Said Dad with a smile on his face, Harry has always loved his daughter ever since he saw her for the first time, he couldn't thought of the look of her face when It was the time to tell her the truth, she was only seven, she didn't need to know yet, he pushed his thoughts away with the excuse of that moment happening in a couple of years, today needed to be a happy day. Cake was served and all the kids went to the backyard to play while the adults stay inside to talk, Ginny was watching her children play, she was so proud of them and how every of them turned out to be good and kind children, well except for James and Elena sometimes because of all the pranks they plan but they were happy and she was glad, at that moment Ginny couldn't stop thinking of Elena's situation, the secret that only the adults of the family knew too well, that scared her, there was no way possible to know how Elena would react, this was a life changing secret and she was afraid of Elena getting mad at them, she suddenly felt a tap in her shoulder and turn to see her brother Bill staring at her with a worried face. "Ginny are you ok? You seem a bit off." Everyone turned their faces to see her. "Yes Bill I am fine, I was just thinking about how to tell Elena the truth, just look at her, she looks so happy I just can't imagine the look in her face when she finds out." Said Ginny trying to fight the tears streaming down her face, now she felt terrible, everyone was looking at her and Harry sadly, this was supposed to be a happy day and she felt like she ruined it. " Don't worry about that Ginny, I'm sure she will understand, she is a happy child, a bit mature for her age and I'm sure she will still love you both, after all she is your daughter no matter what." Said Hermione with and empathic look, Ginny was grateful or Hermione's comment, she had always helped her and was a great friend."Or maybe you can not tell her at all so she never finds out and you two can avoid that topic." Said Ron with a little smile, Ginny knew he has trying to help but that wasn't helping at all, "Ron how insensitive from your part!" Hermione looked like she would smack her husband's head, "I am sorry! I was just trying to help!" Said Ron, Hermione and Ron started and argument for the sixth time in the day while everyone heard with small smiles, suddenly Harry felt two small arms wrapped around his waist and turn out to see Elena holding a sheet of paper, " Look daddy, I made this for you." Said Elena with her signature sweet smile while Harry took the sheet out of her little hands to see a drawing of the Potter family with the title ' I love you daddy' everyone turned to see the drawing and Elena heard a couple of aaawwws in the crowd, " Harry your daughter is an absolute sweetheart!" Said Aunt Angelina, Elena turned her head to see her mom's worried face, " Mom? What's happening? Why you look so worried? Did I do something bad?" Said Elena with a sad face, "No Elena, you did nothing wrong." Ginny wrapped her daughter into a hug and enjoyed the rest of the day together.

Hey guys! I hoped you had enjoyed the chapter, I know is a bit long and maybe it's kinda whack but this is my first time writing a story and I'm open to new ideas and criticism! You can always comment and I'll be more than happy to reply to all of your questions! Thank you guys and there will be an update every week or so, byeeee until we see again!

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