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Albus tried to find a memory of his parents crying but he just couldn't, by the stories his aunts and uncles had told him, he always saw both of them as really strong people, unable to shed a tear, but this time was different, he had never seen them so vulnerable.

Elena saw probably one of the most scary things in her life, she sure had seen her mother cry once, at that time at her dad's birthday party years ago but she had never seen her dad cry, and that scared her.

Ginny and Harry were a mess, both with puffy red eyes and nervous expressions, it was quiet for a couple of minutes until Ginny spoke first.

"Albus can you go back to your room? There's something we need to say to Elena." Said Ginny with a steady look in her eyes.

Elena froze, she knew that whatever it was it was going to be something really bad, she didn't remember doing anything wrong, a feeling had overthrown Elena, a fear bigger than anything.

Albus obey his mother without much question, he ran over to James' and Lily's bedrooms to tell them what had happened, he wanted to support his sister and he knew him and his siblings would make Elena feel better.

He ran to James' room first, he didn't bother knocking first, Albus found James looking at the mirror while brushing his hair.

"What?!" Said James blushing. "I have to look good for my birthday tomorrow!" Albus was trying to contain his laugh but he remembered this wasn't the time.

" I think Elena might be in trouble, wake Lily up, Elena needs us." Albus was determined to defend his sister at whatever cost so did James.

"Elena in trouble?! That can't be possible-" James' words were suddenly cut by and angry Albus. " I said go and wake Lily! And then we'll go to mom's and dad's bedroom and we'll wait until she gets out."

James didn't say any other word, he went to wake a moody Lily but before she could even say a word he silence her.

"Before you can say a word Lily, let me tell you that our sister needs us, she is in our parents' room and we will wait for her outside until she comes out, and we will support her."

Lily immediately shut, Elena was her favorite sibling, they would always play together and Lily would do anything for her big sister, she wake up and went along with her siblings to their parents' room.

Meanwhile in the bedroom Ginny asked Elena to sit and Harry shot the door, Elena was rubbing her hands, anxiety taking over her little body, she saw as her parents sat in front of her, they were on the bed, Elena was in a chair.

"Before you can say anything, I swear I didn't do anything bad, I know I pranked Albus by painting his favorite shoes purple but I can buy him new ones, please don't punish me!"

Harry took Elena's hand, his sad eyes meeting her scared ones. "That's not what we wanted to talk about."

Ginny turned to Elena "You know Elena how much we love you, and you're always have been a wonderful daughter and sister." Said Ginny facing one of the most tense moments in her life.
"Yes, we love you, more than anything and you will always be our daughter, no matter what people say or think, we will always love you." Said Harry, speaking from his heart.

" I know you already love me, please tell me what's going on, you're scaring me!" Elena was trying to swallow the lump forming in her throat.

Ginny and Harry shared a look, Ginny dropped the bomb. "Elena... you are adopted." Ginny couldn't resist anymore and started crying.

While Elena zoomed out 'what? Adopted? But I thought... I thought they were my family' Elena's thoughts raised with so many questions she couldn't answer.

Harry then proceed to tell her the story of how they found her on James' birthday party when they both were two years old.

Ginny reached for her daughter's arm but she jerked away. "That explains so many things," Elena said already crying. "Why we don't look alike, the sad looks grandma gives me sometimes, the weird conversations, I- I- I'm not your family..."

"Yes you are Elena, we love you please don't say that, you're our daughter." Ginny was crying hard, she hadn't cried this hard since Fred's funeral.

Elena felt like falling, all the things she believed, all the things her parents had said to her about how much they loved her they were all lies? And the thing that hurts the most is that her siblings weren't her siblings.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Tell me who are my real parents?!" Elena yell.

"We don't know anything about your biological family nor we know the motives of why the left you, and I know it was our mistake not telling you sooner, we are so sorry Elena" Harry said trying to reach his daughter.

But Elena stepped away from them, she felt betrayed, why didn't they tell her this sooner? She felt sick. "Stay away from me! You lied to me!" Elena was sobbing, not really understanding why her real parents would leave her, she was confused, sad, scared and angry.

Elena closed her eyes hard, wishing not to be there, wishing to running away, she felt a weird sensation and landed into something hard.

Harry and Ginny watched with horror as they saw their daughter disappear, Ginny let out a cry and Harry took his wand. "I will call the aurors, we need to find her."

Harry reached the door and opened it, he found his children with tears in their eyes, they obviously heard everything.

"What do you mean Elena is not our sister?" Said James with puffy eyes, God this was gonna be a long night.

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