New Boy.

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James was grounded for participating in a prank Elena thought was far too mean, apparently Samuel Baskin stole James' math book and ripped it out, so he took Samuel's backpack and throw it in the small fountain we have in the school yard. Not only Samuel's books were ruin, now he didn't had a lunch to eat, this action gained James's detention and the school called both of their parents, Elena could hear her mother's yells and for an instant she felt bad for James but she knew he deserved it.
Now she sat alone on a bench, of course Elena had friends but she didn't felt fine if her twin wasn't around, so there she was eating her sandwich alone when all of the sudden she felt someone tapping her shoulder, she looked up to see a handsome boy staring at her.
-"Hello, can i sit with you? I don't have many friends."
Said the boy with a thick Spanish accent, Elena nodded and let the boy sit beside her.
-"I'm Alexis Garcia, I just moved here from Spain, sorry if my English is not very good." Said a blushing Alexis, Elena smiled and said
-"You don't have to worry, we can speak in Spanish if you want to."
The boy looked up, surprised filled his eyes
"Can you speak Spanish?!"
Elena laughed and responded in Spanish
"(Well my parents wanted us to learn another language and I picked Spanish, my other siblings speak French, oh! And I also forgot to introduce myself I'm Elena Potter)"
And so they begin what Elena thought a beautiful friendship, they had many things in common, he was amazing and also very cute.
The day passed by and she couldn't stop thinking about Alexis, Elena felt sad they didn't share a class together but she felt happy about this new friend, when Elena and James arrived home she flew upstairs to her room ignoring the shoutings her mother was giving to poor James, Elena sat on her bed and thought again of those beautiful brown eyes.
End of the Flashback.
Elena now found herself staring at the same brown eyes she loved so much
-"Ho-hola Alexis! I didn't knew you would come." Said Elena blushing slightly.
"And miss my best friend on stage?! You know I would never miss that!" Said a happy Alexis.
Alexis had become an important friend for Elena, he even went to Elena's 8th birthday party, she was so proud his English improved a lot since last year, they would hide in a classroom together so Elena could teach him better the language(and also to hide from James who were always spying on them)
"Anyways, I-I have something to give you." Alexis took a little box from his pockets and gave it to Elena.
"I wanted to thank you for being my first friend and I also didn't bought anything for your birthday and I felt bad and well you know." Said Alexis while he was scratching his neck, 'Oh my God he is just too cute!' Thought Elena, and in that moment she knew she was blushing hard while she stared at the boy's chocolate eyes, he was also staring and thinking of how pretty Elena was and how he hadn't notice it until now, both of their thoughts were interrupted by an annoyed James who knew his baby sister was staring deep into the boy's, he coughed and said:
"Well Elena it's getting late and I wanna go to sleep!"
"James, it's Saturday and you never go to sleep early on a Saturday." Elena said rolling her eyes, really she was kinda annoyed by James protective brother mode.
"Well James is right honey, it's getting quite late and we need to go, say bye to Alexis, we will be waiting outside for you."Said Ginny who was smirking towards Harry, she knew what's this was about, she saw the looks they both have to each other, it remind her of how she used to stare at Harry whenever he stayed at burrow.
"Well Ginny I'm sure we can wait for Elena-"
"I said we were waiting outside for her." Ginny narrowed her eyes and Harry knew how dangerous Ginny was when she was mad so he had to agree with her.
"Ok kids let's go outside, Elena we will be waiting for you." Said Harry not sure if he really wanted to leave his daughter alone with a boy but they left anyways leaving Elena and Alexis alone.
"I am so sorry for my family" Elena put a hand on her forehead. "You know my brother and my dad they're overly protective and I don't know what's got into my mom"
Alexis was a bit nervous, Elena's dad was extremely intimidating, he was really tall, and strong, and he had this weird scar on his forehead that every time he asked Elena about it she changed the subject so he eventually stopped asking.
"Oh no it's fine, honestly I can get why do they want to protect you so much, you're they're girl and I'd do the same thing if I had a daughter." Said Alexis with a small chuckle escaping from his lips.
'He is soooo cute' Elena bit her lip she wanted to give him a big hug and stayed in his arms, was she allowed to think like that?! She was only eight, how could she be thinking about hugging Alexis?! Elena was drag out of her thoughts by Alexis.
"Well it's getting late you have to go, I guess I see you Monday." Said Alexis, he leaned towards her and gave her a small kiss on the check.
"T-thanks, I-I mean y-yes, I will see you Sunday, I-I mean Monday" Elena was red from the embarrassment but Alexis only chuckle.
"See you Monday 'Lena" Alexis waved to Elena while she exited the school, Elena couldn't stop smiling! He kissed her cheek! Is this was her first kiss? Elena was on the moon when she made it to the family car and sat besides her favorite sister Lily, the youngest Potter noticed the red of her sister's cheeks and yelled:
"Mommy! Daddy! Elena has a boyfriend!"
Harry's and James' eyes opened in shock and Harry stopped the car for a moment before he started to drive again.
"HARRY BE CAREFUL! YOU ALMOST KILL US ALL!!" Yelled an ages Ginny who was ready to smack Harry's head but Harry didn't care at all.
"A boyfriend you say 'Lena? Who is he? Is he the guy you were talking to earlier?" Asked Harry.
"Yes Elena, is your boyfriend Alexis?" Asked James who was furious at the idea of some guy kissing his baby sister! He knew there was something weird with this boy Alexis, he tried to warn Elena but she didn't listed.
"What?! He is not my boyfriend! And stopped being over protective because I don't have a boyfriend!" Said an angry and embarrassed Elena, but Lily knew better and asked in her little innocent voice:
"If he is not you boyfriend then why did he gave you a gift and you blushed so hard?"
Elena suddenly remembered the box she was holding in her small hand.
"What? is he not allowed to give me a gift?"
"Guys stop questioning Elena about it! She is probably tired and doesn't want to hear you all yelling at her!" Everyone became quiet not wanting to make Ginny Potter angrier than she was. Elena thanked her mother silently and proceed to unwrap the box, she gasped silently when she saw the most beautiful necklace she have ever seen, she blushed slightly while she remembered Alexis and his beautiful smile, Elena looked at the window envolved in her thoughts 'What a day' Elena thought and smiled to herself.
Hellooooo everyone, I'm sorry i didn't update in a long time, I ran out of ideas, but I promise to uptake more often, I hope you liked this chapter, I made it a bit longer, please comment if you have any suggestions!
Bye see you all later!!!!

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