Fly me to the moon.

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It was a warm Saturday evening of March and an eight year Elena sat nervously behind the curtains waiting for her turn to be on stage, she didn't even think about it when she wrote her name to be on the talent show since she liked to sing and thought it was a good idea, it seemed like a good idea at the time but Elena couldn't stop feeling so nervous, she thought about how bad she might perform and the fact that her whole family was watching her didn't help either, she knew she had to be perfect for them, and also this is what Elena wanted to be when she grew up, a singer, Elena hadn't the time to feel nervous, singers don't feel nervous when they perform, she had to be brave, "And next we have Elena Potter singing Fly me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra!" Elena stood, she hesitate for a bit but she reminded how much she wanted to do this, she immediately saw her family waving and clapping at her and that gave her enough strength to sing:
"Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a, Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you"
As soon as Elena started to sing everyone looked closer, some couldn't believe how beautiful the little girl standing there could sing and some just watched her with a surprise face, Harry couldn't deny it either, he felt so proud of his daughter standing there and how she was so brave, apparently he wasn't the only one thinking that way as he heard his son James saying "Wow! She is so brave, I bet she'll be a Gryffindor!" Ginny looked at him with a murderous face "Be quite James! Someone could hear us! And I want to hear your sister sing!" As she finished her sentence some people looked back at them, some saying shhhh Ginny apologized and kept looking at her daughter, she couldn't stop the thought of Elena probably inheriting the ability to sing from someone of her relatives, Ginny was very curious of finding out more about Elena's past but she knew it was something Elena should do. Elena ended her song and everyone stand and clapped for her, she was fascinated and smiled while she waved to her family, she went back to the curtains and saw her friend Sara who had performed as a magician, Elena and James found it funny how muggles thought of magic and that was one of the reasons why Elena loves the muggle world so much."Why you didn't tell me you could sing like that!? Girl that was amazing! Keep doing like that and you will be like Lady Gaga!" Elena let out a chuckle, "Thank you Sara you were good as well and I don't think I can be like Lady Gaga! She is a queen!" They both laughed and waited to the show to end. Some time passed and Elena finally could join her family, all of her siblings went to her and hugged her so har she couldn't breath! "Elena you were fantastic! And you sing so pretty!" Said an excited Lily still hugging her favorite sister, "Thanks Lily, I was so embarrassed, I think I didn't do well enough." Said Elena who knew she had messed up in the first line, "Are you kidding me! If this is a joke 'Lena I swear it's not funny, you sing spectacular!" Said James who couldn't believe of how his twin thought that way, "You were amazing 'Lena and your mother and I are so proud of you tonight." Said Harry with a loving expression towards his daughter, he loved her so much and was grateful for having his whole family with him, Elena ran towards her dad and said a quickly 'I love you' Harry hugged her and said " I love you too." After they apart from their hug Ginny looked at her daughter with mischievous eyes, "Well Elena, you know fly me to the moon is a love song, did you dedicated it to some especial boy in your class?" Immediately Harry and James glare at her, Harry spoke first, " No Ginny, she is too little to think about those things, she can't have a boyfriend until she turns 30" James spoke soon after " Don't worry dad, I always watch for any boys that approach Elena, no boy deserves Elena, no one is good enough for her!" Harry watched his son with pride, he didn't want to think of Elena having boyfriends, she was his little sunflower. " You guys are unbelievable! Seriously, I was a girl when I fancy you Harry for the first time!" Said a little bit angry Ginny, "Well that was different, Elena can't have any boyfriends until she turns 30!" Said Harry in protective dad mode, "And I agree!" Said an overly productive brother who just wanted the best for his sister. "First of all I just choose the song because I thought it was cute!" That was a bit of a lie thought Elena "And no, I don't fancy any boy!" Another bit of a lie, "Ok sunflower I believe you, just be careful with guys, ok sweetie?" "Ok daddy" said Elena rolling her eyes although she thought it was kind of adorable sometimes it was overwhelming not having any guy friends because James glared at them, but she did had a guy friend, a secret guy friend she was excited to have, just at that moment someone tap her shoulder and she turned to see those brown eyes that made her blush, "Hola Elena!" Said the boy standing in front of her.
And another finished chapter! Thank you for reading it! Please tell me what you think and comment, I'm always open for new ideas. <3


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