🍿✿Chapter 1 ✿🍿

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"S-study group??", she was in shocked and didn't believe what the principal said.

" That's right. I want you to help them study until their grades improved. ", said the principal.

" But- ", y/n was about to decline but the principal cut her off.

"Then good luck in studying you can go out of my office and go back to your classrooms now.", the principal smiled.

Y/N went out of the principal's office in disbelief. There's no way I'll tutor the 7 princes in this school, their fans will kill me, y/n said to herself. When she was about to go to her classroom, she was held back by someone.

 When she was about to go to her classroom, she was held back by someone

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"I'm sorry about that, the principal can be selfish sometimes. I'm Chengxin and I'm a senior, it's a little embarrasing for a junior to tutor a senior heheh", he softly smiled at y/n.

"I didn't even agree that I'll study with you guys", y/n coldly replied.

"As if you had a choice, tsk". The bell rang so they weren't able to continue their conversation. Y/N hurriedly ran to her classroom. It is only the second week of school so she can't afford to be late.

For some reason everyone from her class is whispering. She noticed that the supposedly empty chair beside her is already occupied by the person she saw in the principal's office.

 She noticed that the supposedly empty chair beside her is already occupied by the person she saw in the principal's office

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(Imagine sitting next to Yaowen in class asdfghk)

"Why are you looking at me?", y/n asked the person beside her. But he remained silent and just slept through the whole class. Y/n was pissed off because she actually asked him nicely.

The class ended as usual but as soon as y/n was about to leave the classroom and go home someone was waiting for her there.

The class ended as usual but as soon as y/n was about to leave the classroom and go home someone was waiting for her there

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"Xiao Ma told me to pick you and yaowen so we can start studying.", he said. Y/N was about to decline, but ended up going with them.

They entered a not so big room that has a lot of books. The 5 boys are already there ready to study.

"Welcome to our Study group!", the shortest boy out of the 7 said.

"I'm He Junlin, I'm in second year. Nice to meet you"

"I'm Song Yaxuan"

"I'm Ding Chengxin! I introduced myself to you already this morning, Nice to meet you".

"I'm Zhang Zhenyuan and I'm also in second year, nice to meet you."

"I'm Haoxiang, no need to help me study", he was smiling at y/n like an idiot, cute y/n thought.

"I'm Ma Jiaqi the leader of the study group, and he's Liu Yaowen. I'm sure you two are already acquainted because you're in the same class.", y/n despite being in the same class as yaowen, actually doesn't know him. She was too focused on studying and maintaining her peaceful school life .


The first day of the study group wasn't that bad, but wasn't good either because of how slow they are in learning. Y/N thinks that being in the study group actually isn't that bad and she decided to continue studying with them.

>>>>The reason why y/n transferred will be revealed throughout the story. Thank you for reading.❤

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