🍿✿CHAPTER 12✿🍿

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We almost got late because we overslept, thanks to Haoxiang who woke us all up on time. We all went to school together.

"Hello Y/N", a student greeted me.

"Y/N you were really cool yesterday", said by another student I don't even know.

"Wow Y/N became famous", said Junlin. I ignored him. When I opened my locker I saw lots of letters. I took all of them out of my locker and decided to just read them at home because today will be a very busy day.

We head straight to our classroom to help prepare. I helped Yaowen with his Maid outfit.

"Yaowen you look so cute!!", I said and pinched his cheeks.

"Stop, it's embarrasing.", said Yaowen with a disgusted face.

"Y/N go here you need to change too!", said our class president. I went to change into a butler uniform and I surprisingly look okay and better than what I expected.

We became busier, because Yaowen attracted lots of customers. The study group members dropped by too, to tease us with our outfits. After 4 hours of working, we were finally given a free time. We changed back to our casual clothes before touring around the school to try the booths of other classes.

Zhiruo is actually part of the art club so it's only me and Yaowen. A lot of students were looking at us but we didn't mind them and walked to Junlin, Yaxuan and Haoxiang's class since their classroom is the nearest.

Their class prepared an escape room but it will only be available at night and a horror themed café open for the whole day. We saw Haoxiang talking to someone who looks familiar. wait.... is that my brother?! I quickly went to them to check if it is really my brother, and I'm right it is indeed my brother. I pulled him away from Haoxiang.

"What are you doing here?", I asked

"Is that the first thing you'll say to your brother after not seeing me for months?", my brother said.

"What are you doing here?", I repeated my question.

"I wanted to visit you but I went to the wrong class and I mistook your friend right there for being you", he said while pointing at Haoxiang. How come he mistook Haoxiang for being me?? . My brother explained why he decided to visit me and how he ended up forgetting my address. He said he didn't want to disturb that's why he want to surprised me during the school festival.

"Hey introduce me to that young man, is he your boyfriend?", he asked while low key pointing at Yaowen.

"Huh? No", I quickly said

"Then who's your boyfriend? That Haoxiang guy? Not bad sis you have a good taste.", said my brother. I literally facepalmed.

"I don't have a boyfriend", I said. I gave my brother my address and apartment key.

"Here's my key. I'll talk to you at home", I said.

"But I want to stay with you", said my brother while clinging into my arm like a little puppy.

"There are lots of snacks there you can go eat them", I said. His eyes brightened and quickly took my keys away.

"Thank you sis! See you later!", said my brother while waving.

"Sorry about that my brother can be really noisy", I said to Yaowen and Haoxiang.

"It's fine. I got surprised when he called me Y/N", Haoxiang said.

"You're lucky he didn't ask you to do wrestling with him", I chuckled.

It was getting darker and it's almost time for the them to light the bonfire. Our school owner really loves this kinds of things, and the long awaited Escape Room will also take place tonight. The group who'll finish the escape room will have plus points in the ng exam, but that being said the Escape Room is no joke and really hard. The groupings were already made and I am in the same group as Jiaqi and Haoxiang.

"You're lucky I'm in your group I'm really good at this", Haoxiang proudly said. We just laughed at him and proceed to the Escape room.

"Are you scared?", Jiaqi asked.

"No, I'm fine for now.", I replied.

When we entered the escape room it wasn't that scary and Haoxiang is really good. But during the middle, when we need to be separated, there were lots of jump scares and I was scared as hell. I had to look for a key and the room is really big so it tooked me 10 minutes to find it with the clues I saw. I didn't even notice I was crying already because of how scary it is and how focused I am with the game. Finally the three of us were able to finish it. Haoxiang saw me and quickly wiped the tears from my face.

"Don't cry princess", said Haoxiang. I cringed so hard with what he said but still, I blushed. Princess? Me? I wasn't even crying anymore but Jiaqi pulled me for a hug.

"Did you cry because of the escape room? HAHAHAHA Yaowen cried too!", Yaxuan said while laughing so hard.

"I didn't cry, it was you", said Yaowen

"No I just scared at first but you started crying so I cried too", Yaxuan said. We laughed at their story and I pinched Yaxuan and Yaowen's cheeks.

"Cutie crybabies", I teased

"But you cried too so you're a baby", Yaxuan said. Zhiruo pulled me for a hug.

"Y/N is my baby don't touch her", Zhiruo said. Me and Zhiruo became really close after that bullying incident. She has been protecting me ever since I transferred here, because she said she is making up with what she did before.

"That's unfair I want to hug my sister too", said my brother who appeared out of nowhere.

"Why are you here?", I asked.

"I finished bringing my things to your apartment so I went here to pick you up since it's late.", my brother said. The others looks so confused.

"Ahhh sorry about that he's my brother", I said.

"Hello so which one of you is Y/N's future boyfriend?", my brother asked and I pinched his ears.

"Sorry about that, I got to go now. See you during the tutorial", I waved goodbye at them, and walked home with my brother.

"So who do you like among those boys?", my brother asked. I hit him in the arm.

"I don't like anyone", I replied.

"Really???????", my brother asked and smirked. I didn't bother answering his question because he won't believe me anyways.

"Do you perhaps like all of them?", he asked.

"No way I'm not that kind of person", I replied and we went home while my brother was asking lots of questions.


Wang Junkai as Y/N's brother

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Wang Junkai as Y/N's brother

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