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I woke up late today because I stayed up until 4 am. I fixed myself quickly because Yaowen might be waiting for me outside. I didn't even eat breakfast anymore or prepare lunch.

When I opened my door I saw Yaowen waiting for me smirking, probably because I look like a mess. I quickly ran to school because it's already 7:10 and our class starts at 7:30. I saw Yaowen laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing? You're also late.", i said

"Yes, but it's because of someone.", said Yaowen. I ignored him because I am too busy running. Luckily, we arrived on time.

When we arrived in the school, we saw lots of students gathered into the 3rd year classroom.

"What are they doing?", I asked but Yaowen just shrugged. We didn't bother to check what's going on there but instead went to our classroom. There werw only a few students on our classroom probably because they are gossiping on what's happening there.

"I wonder what happened there.", I said

"Let's ask Ding'er and Xiao Ma ge later", said Yaowen. The bell rung and we started the class like usual. The test scores was given back too.

During the lunch time we went to our study room. I saw 2 other familiar faces except the members. Ziyi and Yihang? What are they doing here? I quickly hid my face so they won't recognize me and made an excuse to go outside. My knees were shaking when I went out. Why are they here? I was about to go away but Haoxiang stopped me.

"Is something wrong?", Haoxiang asked

"N-nothing", I replied and smiled at him.

"you know, you don't have to smile when you don't want to.", said Haoxiang. I don't know why but that made me so emotional. Tears continously fell out of my eyes. Haoxiang pulled me for a hug to comfort me. I thought I will stop crying but I cried more when he hugged me.

After that, I told Haoxiang everything,  Everything that happened in the past. I apologized on making his shirt wet because of my tears. But he said it's fine. Haoxiang told me that past is past and I can always be friends again with Ziyi and Yihang. But I can't just do that. I left them. I left without saying goodbye. I didn't contact them for 3 years. I ignored them and acted like we're not friends so they're probably angry at me.

I returned to the classroom and wore my spare glasses. I even put a mask on before returning to the study room.

"Hey Y/N, did something happen? You suddenly left without saying anything", said Chengxin

"I'm fine, I just forgot to wear my mask *fake cough* because I don't want you guys to catch a cold", I said. Yaowen looked so confused because I definitely looked okay awhile ago.

"Is it because we played games all night", said Junlin

"Yes it is, so stop playing late at night", said Haoxiang.

"Oh, we have two new members. Ao Ziyi and Sun Yihang. We're in the same grade. You weren't here when I introduced them awhile ago.", said Chengxin

"Y/N? You have the same name as our friend". said Yihang

"I-is that so? hehehe", I laughed nervously.

We ate lunch altogether along with Ziyi and Yihang. The two haven't notice I'm Y/N at all.

"The bell will ring soon let's go back to our classrooms.", said Zhenyuan. We went back to our classroom. Yaowen asked me a few questions but I told him I'll tell him later.

The class ended and Yaowen kept on asking me about what happened awhile ago. It's only the two of us because Yaxuan is busy with the student council.

"Hey tell me", said Yaowen while nudging me.

"It's just about Ziyi and Yihang, it's nothing serious.", I said.

"Why? Do you know them from before?", Yaowen asked. I nodded.

"Then why didn't you say so?", said Yaowen

"I still don't have the courage...and I think it's better this way", I said while looking down and smiled.

"Y/N?", I looked up as I heard a familiar voice.

It was Ziyi and Yihang standing right infront of us.

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