Thirty Two

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Tris' PoV

"Your aptitude test results?" Christina asks, and my eyes search around the room for cameras. Unfortunately, I find some. I shake my head, refusing to answer. "Why? It's a simple question," oh, no, it is far from simple. "Abnegation," I whisper, trying to hide my Divergent result. The serum starts to wear off, and I freak out. I could've been killed if I hadn't defied the serum.

Christina's PoV

Tris was acting strange, I ask to talk to her, outside. "You were lying, somehow, under the truth serum," Tris narrows her eyes at me. "I wasn't, Chris," she sighs. "I'm not lying, plus, what do you think my results are?"
"Have you heard of an Divergent?" She scratches the back off her neck. I blink at her, and she drags me to a place with no cameras.

Tris' PoV

I start to evaluate my options, either A (confess that I am) or B (lie, and guilt her). I choose B, it is my safest option. A feel my insides moving around, and I vomit in my mouth. I burns my throat, as it goes back. "Look, I know about Divergents, and if I was one," split second decision to change? Denied. "I would be either in danger, the danger, or dead."
"I kinda wish that I was a Divergent, they sound cool, defying serums, fitting in more than one faction..." I sigh, and have to break the bad news to her. "Well if you were, you wouldn't be able to tell anyone, and only Four would know, because of the second stage..." I trail off, strongly hinting I am a Divergent. "Are you sure you are not?"
"No, stop saying that, please."

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