𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊. back to missing

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NATALIA PRESSED THE LITTLE facetime icon next to jaeden's contact and nervously awaited for his face to appear on her phone screen. after a few seconds of ringing, her phone made a little ding and natalia's picture diminished and moved to the upper left corner.


natalia said to the boy now on her screen. she leaned down to pick up kermit from the floor and pulled him into her lap, stroking the soft fur between his ears.

jaeden said nothing, staring at the cat in her lap. natalia frowned, reaching up a hand and snapping at him.


"oh. sorry, uh- right. question."

he ran a hand through his hair nervously, clearing his throat.

after a few more seconds of awkward silence, jaeden spoke again.

"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

he said quickly, the words coming out of his mouth so fast that the red head could barely understand him.

"you're asking me to be your girlfriend over facetime?"

natalia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"um, yeah. i- didn't-"

"couldn't have done it better myself."

she said, her face relaxing into a grin and pulling kermit up to her head so she could nuzzle her face into his fur.

"that doesn't answer my question, though."

the boy said uncomfortably, leaning back in his seat in his room.

"you already know my answer, ding dong."

natalia responded, quickly ending the facetime before she died of embarrassment (but mostly elation.)

she put kermit down on the floor and flopped on her bed, letting out a rather loud squeal.

of course, the noise caught the attention of natalia's sister elora, who just happened to be walking down the hall of their toronto airbnb at that moment.

"what's crackalackin'?"

the older girl asked, leaning against the doorframe and watching natalia, slightly incredulously.

"oh wait- is it that jaeden kid? is he the one who's got your panties in a bunch?"

natalia narrowed her eyes at the other red head.

"shut up."

she said, sitting up and then flopping back on the bedspread again.

the first time she'd felt his touch, it felt so good that it crowded out all the bad things. it felt better than anything had ever hurt.

"he asked me to be his girlfriend."

natalia breathed, his face still imprinted in her brain like a tattoo. when she closed her eyes, she could still see his face.

there's no shame with jaeden. nothing is dirty. because jaeden is the sun, and that's what the best way she could think to explain it.

elora smiled to herself and exited the room, leaving natalia to her thoughts.

natalia liked him. she wanted to see him again. she missed him.

back to missing.


✓ PICTURES OF GIRLS,   jaeden martellWhere stories live. Discover now