Chapter 5

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I'm so sleepy...

I sighed as I watched Leon run through the maze.

Before he went down we had received a call from Salazar, which ended up talking about his strange passion for his garden.

After all, this garden was also my favorite; I couldn't keep myself from thinking about all the things I've experienced here.

The dinner when I was a teen...

I smiled softly.

For now, Leon had seemed to be taking some kind of liking into putting me in deep embarrassment; the more we moved on, the cheesier his remarks.

Still, the surprising fact was that I ended up liking his company more and more. I had always been disconnected from reality since the incident happened, but his presence somehow helped me live again.

It was refreshing.

"Are you okay?"

I jumped in surprise and ended up laughing afterward.

And of course, he was really fast.

In less than five minutes he had crossed the entire labyrinth and didn't seem to be exhausted at all.

The only different thing were the two objects he carried in his palm and his hair, which was way messier than earlier.

Strangely, I seemed to appreciate the view.

He was so...


"I should be the one asking that." I teased as we both shared a gaze, making me redden instantly.

He then moved in front of the door and put the two emblems back in their spot.

Is it me or is it suddenly hot, in here...?

As the door leading to Ramon's bedroom opened, I quickly went for the cabinets.

As I kept on looking for a particular thing, I felt weird.

"Put your hands where I can see them."

It was a womanly voice.

Without waiting I looked at the lady, which wore a long red dress with glasses.

Isn't it the silhouette I saw when I entered the castle...?

I quickly gave up thinking about it when I saw Leon's reaction, who had frozen instantly.

Does he know her?

"Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style."

"Put them up now."

That's when I didn't understand what was happening anymore. As he mimicked putting up his hands he caught the woman's arm and twisted it, making her wince in pain. She then rapidly swung her leg back and threw her pistol, somersaulting. While this short period, Leon had reached for his knife, and, when the lady caught the pistol she had launched, Leon's knife already was next to her throat.

I was pretty amazed.

"Bit of advice, try using knives next time. Works better for close encounters." Leon ended up saying as he took the gun from the woman's hand, throwing it away.

They both shared a look.

"Leon. Long time, no see."

The woman took off her glasses.

"Ada... So it is true."

Is she... an agent too?

"True? About what?" she feigned.

The Butler's daughter - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now