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Done. He's done. He's done with everything. He wants to leave. He wants to be with Newt. With Teresa. With his mom. With Allison. With everyone he ever lost.

Can you blame him?

He watched them die. He didn't do anything. He couldn't do anything. No-one wants him, so why stay? Why stay in this awful world? Why stay and make everyone unhappy? The only ones who care are in different states, countries, hell they're in different parts of the world.

He can't talk to them. The government forbade them for some weird reason. They don't even know each other's addresses. That'll make it tougher for him but don't worry, he can still research things pretty well.

It's the only useful thing he can do these days. Research. It hurts him to know that the ones he once loved abandoned him. The pack finally saw what a liability he was and tossed him aside. It hurts, yeah, but he believes he deserves it.

So here he is. Writing. Writing all that hurt down. Writing everything down. Writing his final words. His final breath. His final wishes. His final goodbye.


A shove, it's alright. It's just Stiles, skinny, defenceless Stiles. Again a shove, a bit harder then the last. It's fine, it's just Stiles. Another shove. It's okay. It's just Stiles Stilinski, the dumbest, weirdest, loneliest, weakest boy on Earth.

Stiles closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath. Stop. He thinks. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. He grips his hair and he pulls. Stop. Stop. STOP. STOP! STOP!

"Watch it, freak." Another shove. I'm sorry. He thinks. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. he chants it as if someone will hear him. The only person who would have been able to hear him is Teresa. But Teresa is dead. Just like everyone else he loved. Well, some are alive but are gone from his life. It's not their fault. It never was.

Class starts, Stiles zones out.

"Mister Stilinski? Mister Stilinski? Stiles? Stiles. STILES!" Coach yells in his ear, he snaps out of his thoughts. Stiles doesn't even look at the board before answering with the right answer.

"Correct. Pay attention next time." Stiles nods.


That's it. That's it. This is the day. He sits down in his chair near his desk.

He grabs a notepad and pen. He starts writing.

'Dear Minho.

I'll miss you, you shank. I will. Trust me. I love you. Now, I won't go all sappy on your ass, Min-Min, but I'll tell you this; you're my best friend and my family. Also, do something stupid and I'll haunt your ass. Having said that, I just need to say one last thing and remember these words, Minho, they're crucial. So here we go; my hair is better than yours.

Thank you. For everything.

~the Greenie.

PS, I'll say hi to Newt for you.'

Stiles wipes a few tears away and smiles.

He puts the letter in the envelope. He writes the address he found on it.

He starts writing again.

'Dear Brenda.

Don't be too hard on Minho, please. Also be nice to everyone, will ya? For me? I'm sorry. I knew you loved Teresa and I'm the reason she's gone. I'd like to tell you this about her, she had the biggest crush on you. I wasn't supposed to say anything and she'll probably whoop my ass when I see her again but it'll be worth it. I'll miss you so much. I love you.


'Dear Sonya.

Keep that fire you have inside of you burning. Don't let it die like I let it die and like I will die. Once you've gotten this, I'll probably be dead. Don't think it's your fault. It's no-ones fault. I just gave too much of my own light to the wrong people, I guess. Do I regret it? No. I kind of loved giving it anyway, it made me feel like I was doing at least something right. If anything, it's my own fault. Not yours, not anyone else's fault. I love you and I'll miss you.

~the boy you were supposed to kill.'

He does both in separated envelopes and writes the addresses on them.

He starts writing again.

'Dear Harriet.

Make sure Sonya won't go on a rampage, will ya? Also, why don't you ask her out? I've seen the way you both look at each other. It's the same way I looked at Newt. You don't have to do it. I'm proud of you either way. I'll miss you. I love you.


'Dear Aris.

Thank you for helping me get everyone out. You were a good friend to me, I didn't deserve it. Thank you anyways. I'll miss you and of course I love you.


'Dear Frypan.

I'll miss your stew. How weird it may sound, I'll miss it. Thank you for being my family when I needed it. I'll miss you as well. Don't worry though, I'll be watching over all of you.

~the Greenbean.'

'Dear Gally.

I don't know if I ever told you but, I forgive you. I'll tell Chuck not to be mad at you, although I don't think he is. I'll miss you and as weird as it sounds I love you.


'Dear Dad.

I'm sorry. I love you and I'll miss you. Please don't be mad.

I'd like to do a last wish. Call these people and invite them to my funeral or cremation as soon as you find my body. Whichever you choose. (If it's cremation I want to be scattered in the Safe Haven)

Aris  (number)
Sonya (number)
Harriet (number)
Minho (number)
Gally (number)
Frypan (number)
Brenda (number)
(A/n I couldn't be bothered to make up phone numbers lol)

Tell them you're Thomas' father. If they hadn't gotten my letter yet, tell them I died. They're my only friends. I know them because of WICKED. I told you about that, didn't I? If not, just ask them. And please, tell the girls not to beat up anyone (the girls are most likely to do it so just tell them that, will you?)

Please be nice to them. They saved my life. More than once.

If anyone asks why they're at my funeral, tell them that they don't need to know. Tell them it was my wish. Also tell them that if they'd like, they could say something at my funeral or cremation.

Tell everyone I was depressed if they ask why I did it. Tell everyone that I'll miss them, whoever they may be. Just make sure that you mean it when you say it to those who I asked you to invite. I'll truly miss them. Just like I'll truly miss you.



That was the last letter. He goes to the mail office.

He mails them all away.

He doesn't waste time. He drives Roscoe to a small road where people would notice his car in the morning. He walks further from there.

Yes, it's a TW x TMR crossover again. I'm sorry I just love these crossovers so much!

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