Pride Month

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Tony: happy pride month!!

Peter: happy pride month dad! shuri and i are making pride flag stickers!!

Bucky: i wanna help 🥺

Loki: ^^

Shuri: okay!! 🥺💖

Stephen: nat and i are making pride necklaces

Nat: yesssirrrr

Pepper: aww you guys are so sweet and wholesome

Wade joined the chat

Wade: the author wanted everyone to know that just because it's pride month we can not forget about the fact that black lives matter!

Peter: yes, black lives and all colored people (even whites, but they're not being attacked like everyone else) all matter. it shouldn't matter what your sexuality, race, or gender you are. you matter.

Wade: exactly!

Wade left the chat

hey everyone, i hope that you guys are doing okay. be safe, especially with what is going on. also ik this is off topic but should i start a cult for you guys ? i think that would be cool, i know it wouldnt be a big cult but leave name suggestions and your thoughts on it in the comments please!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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