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--this happened when Kira was found by Shino and was taken to his house--

[A small filler chapter for you lovely readers wanting some Shizu]

3rd person's POV
The blue haired girl layed on the couch, staring at the ceiling blankly not knowing what she'd do.

Sitting upright, she looked at her surroundings before peeking at the room where Shino was in, his back turned to her.

Crouching down, she slowly crawled towards his bed without making a sound, not noticing a small blue bug flying above above her.

Reaching the corner of the aburame 's bed, she slowly sat up only to look at Shino' s face staring back at her.

"What are you doing?"

Tilting her head, Kira poked Shino's cheek before she was carried by the said Aburame by her waist and placed back to the couch, a blanket now being given to her.

"Were you cold? Sorry." patting her head, Shino waved at Kira goodnight, heading back to his room leaving Kira once again by the couch, and now with a blanket wrapping her safe and warm.

Lying back down, Kira now clutched the blanket given to her by the male Aburame, staring at e ceiling once again.

Sitting upright, she wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and tiptoed towards Shino's room, peeking to see he had his back turned from the door.

Nodding to herself, she quickly sneaked in and slowly laid down beside Shino, nuzzling her cheek on his back and nodding to herself, content on this position.

The blue haired girl flinched when Shino turned to look at her, his red cheeks now evident to Kira whom did not know what that meant, and decided to poke his cheeks, curious.

Noticing that Shino still had his shades on, Kira moved her face closer, wanting to see what his eyes looked like, not noticing that the space between them was diminishing as their noses touched each other softly.

Blushing a much more brighter red, Shino abruptly stood up and went to the couch, Kira silently following him as he did so.

"I will sleep at the couch--you can sleep on my bed."

Despite not knowing what he said, Kira nodded her head, watching the Aburame lie down on the couch and face away from her, his back once again turned to the blue haired female.

Letting the blanket fall onto the floor, Kira peeked from behind the couch, examining Shino's form closely.

Deciding to lay on top of him, the female went and layed on top of him, shocking the black haired boy.


About to stand up once again to scold the female of her actions, he saw that she had fallen asleep on top of him, her slow breaths being the indicator she was already asleep.

Sighing, he wrapped his arms around her waist to not let her fall, a blush still evident on both of his cheeks as Shino stared at the blue haired girl laying on top of him.

An hour passed by yet Shino was unable to sleep, especially with the female on top of him, rendering him unable to move, because if he did, he'd probably wake her.

A sound from a door opening caught Shino's attention, and when he looked to his left, saw his mother looking at him smugly as she crouched down beside him.

"Is somebody enjoying his girlfriend being close to him~?" she teased, Shino only sighing at his mother's statement as he stared at the sleeping female laying on top of him.

"Can you please just help me out of here?"

"Of course of course." with one last snicker, his mom slowly carried the sleeping girl as to not wake her, letting Shino roll off the couch before placing Kira slowly onto the couch, draping the blanket onto her body.

"Well you look like you haven't gotten much sleep - go on now. I can watch over her."

Nodding, he went to go back to his room but a tug on his shirt stopped him from doing so, only to see a hand gripping at the end of his shirt tightly, the owner of the hand looking at him through sleepy, half lidded blue eyes.

Shino went to her side and crouched down to her level, petting her blue hair gently.

"It's okay. You're safe here."

"..." falling back asleep, her hand let go of his shirt, the Aburame's mother could only watch the two, smiling ear to ear.

"I know what you're thinking mom, and I want to clarify to you that whatever it is, it isn't true."

Snickering, his mom nodded and let the boy enter his room, still leaving his door slightly ajar, open if ever the blue haired girl wanted to go to him.

"Whatever you say, my son."


Whatcha think of the filler chapter? Nice? Bitter? Sweet?

Leave your comments below! I always love reading em- just saying. Ehehe..

Ahum ahum! Anyways, this book is almost nearing it's ending, so I hope y'all stay tuned! >^<

Well, onwards!!!


And if you want, please dooooo





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