"I Love You."

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Now it's nearly done. Now it's nearly perfect!
I'll chill the whiskey and the cake seperately first. The first day of June promises to be warm, and I want everything to be perfect- I'll soak the cake later.

And it's still early, yet, so I can have some more time with him...

I bound up the stairs and down the hall and I find him sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling a t-shirt over his messy head of greying-brown hair.

I stand and look at him for a bit.
This shirt accentuates the muscles in his arms...
He's not taken his sparkling blue eyes off me since he pulled his head through the neck hole, and now he raises an arm to beckon me closer.
"Come here."
I walk over to him shyly, smiling and wishing him a...

"Happy birthday, daddy."

I smile as he sets his hands on my hips and sighs contentedly.

"It's a beautiful day outside. I want to dress you up nicely and take you out on a picnic."

I furrow my brow, like he taught me, and I wonder to myself, why is he still babying me? Isn't he tired of it..? Doesn't he need a break from being daddy?

"Aren't you taking a break from being daddy today?"
I ask directly, and he laughs at my bluntness.

"No, love. I'm not."
He takes my hands and holds them.

"Aren't you tired of taking such good care of me?"

He smiles.
"No... no, I don't get tired of taking such good care of you. I like it. Now, can I pick your outfit for you..? Daddy wants to take you out on a picnic."

I want to cry but I won't. I love him so much and I'm so lucky to have him.
I nod, and he stands to look through my clothes for just the right outfit.

"I'll take good care of you too today, Alan. I promise. You deserve it."

And as he pulls out an outfit he knows I like and enjoys seeing me in, he looks back to smile warmly at me.

"I love you."
"I love you, too."


Happy Birthday, Alan Wilder!Where stories live. Discover now