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Author's Note, since this is apparently suddenly a fic from 2014, I made this uber cringey. Enjoy I guess lmaoo

There was a very sharp knock-knocking coming from Alan's front door.
Who could it be at this hour..? He's not even really awake yet.

He gets up, he scrambles for the door after haphazardly pulling on a shirt and some trousers and...

"Happy Birthday, Alan! I've written you a special story and I've baked you a cake! I'm learning Norwegian and I learned how to say happy birthday, just for you! It's gratulerer med dagen!-"

Alan slammed the door.
A crazed fan? He knew he still had them, but this one...
This one had guts. This one had determination.
And it kind of scared him.
They knocked again, and they insisted the cake was soaked in whiskey so he opened the door once again.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. It's just you're very important to me and I wanted you to know, so I made this for you!"

They smiled weakly. They were nervous.
They were what, 18? Fair enough.

"Come in, then, and we'll eat it together?"

They remarked, "You look tired, are you sure?" And Alan didn't have enough patience for this weird person's questions so he took the cake they had extended for him to take and beckoned them inside, to sit, to eat the cake and... did they say special story?

Anyways. Whatever. Whiskey-soaked cake, you say?


Alan had eaten a few too many slices of the alcoholic cake, and so had his guest- their name was (Y/N), he had found out.

"Alan, I'm a writer and I want to read you a special story I wrote for today!"
They smiled at him drunkenly.
"I would like you to correct me on anything that's wrong!"
They hiccuped, and pulled up a document on their phone, and began to regale him with the most domestic imagined birthday scenario he had never experienced.

Suddenly they stopped, and blushed, and Alan asked what was wrong, and if they were going to finish.
They gulped.
"That's it."

Alan scoffed, slurring, "No, that wasn't it, you're so good with words and that didn't tie anything up."
He reached to steal their phone, to see for himself, but they held tight and soon it became more of a tug of war than anything.
"Okay! Fine! I wrote the lewdest sex scene I could possibly come up with! I wrote in my story that we fucked and it was so fun to write and now I'm so embarrassed I might die."

They let go when Alan pulled on their phone this time, feeling ashamed.

He read it for a bit, and he grinned, and he laughed.
"Don't laugh at me! This is terrible,"
He laughed some more, and spoke.
"No, 'little darling', that was great. It was very lewd and daddy loved it."

They swooned. "You did?"
He got up, only to lean over the smaller one of them on the couch.
"Yes. In fact, I want to reenact it with you..."
Their heart skipped a beat, and they shyly obliged.
"Go ahead. I'm yours."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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