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A few hours later, we're drunk.
Not even on his special cake, no, Alan Wilder just isn't himself without a good bottle of wine...

I stumble across the hotel room, giggling, just giggling, in nothing but one of my sweet, sweet Alan's dress shirts; misbuttoned in my ecstatic drunkenness.

My hand reaches out to grasp the neck of the wine bottle- sitting, waiting for me on the table- and I turn to face him.

That beautiful man.

He's lying on the bed, shirtless, his shirt having been stolen by me, and his pants are unbuttoned and unzipped and I think he's the most delectable fucking thing I've ever seen.

He lifts his arm to point at me.
He speaks through his smile, and I laugh in a way that I'm sure sounds stupid, but the look on his face indicates he finds it endearing.


He leans forward.
"You're the sexiest thing I've ever seen,"
He begins, and leans back again, against the pillows, with a gentle huff.

"Come over here and bring that wine."

And he smirks, and I laugh foolishly again, stumbling back over to the bed, tripping over nothing and catching myself on the bed.

I laugh uncontrollably- loudly and gleefully and so glad the wine bottle was corked, and I crawl over to settle myself next to him.
He wraps his arm around me, crushing me against his chest.

"Why-" he breathes, shifting his weight to loom over me.
"Why do you drink?"
He kisses me once, smiling widely, and continues:
"You-" he hiccups, "you can't even hold your liquor, honey... You get soooooo drunk every time."

He rests his chin on his hand and looks at me, enamored.

"You make very admirable attempts... but always get so very drunk. Daddy will have to teach his little darling... how to do it properly."

He leans down for a kiss, and I'm so happy, I could die.
His lips are soft, and he has lost some technique to the drink, but the kiss is still perfect and I never want it to end.
But we need to breathe. So it does.
He leans his forehead against mine and we look into each others eyes..

"Happy birthday, again, Alan."
He smiles warmly, leaving a small kiss on the corner of my mouth, and he shifts back to free me from his constraints.

"Thank you, darling."

We sit in silence for a little while, until I remember...

Oh! There's cake!

"Alan, do you want your cake? I made it earlier."

He hasn't stopped smiling, so he widens his grin for me and nods.

"Yes, let's have some cake."

I move to stand, and Alan shifts to follow me but I stop him at once.

"I'll get it. Stay here,"

The cake is waiting in the small refrigerator, along side the large bottle of whiskey, and I pull both out
Oh. This will be hilarious!

I uncover the cake on it's platter, and set it on the table, turning to set the bottle down next to it.

I look at him. He looks back with wide eyes.

I open the bottle, not breaking eye contact for a second, and begin to pour the chilled whiskey onto the cake- it soaks it in like a sponge. Perfect.

Alan is excited to eat such a cake, but also confused.
"Is... is that how it's supposed to be done?"

"I messed up the recipe I found, so I did some improvisation. I knew you'd like it if I soaked it in something alcoholic."

His grin widens even more, and I fear his face will crack but most of all I want to kiss him.

"I love you so much."
He speaks softly, beckoning me over to rejoin him on the bed.

I lift the platter, and step carefully over to him- he reaches out to take the cake while I clamor onto the bed to sit with him.

"Try it!"

I insist, nudging him and cutting him a slice.

He takes a bite- savours it- swallows and makes a soft, delighted sound.

"Mm. It's good."
He eats a bit more, and he feeds me a bite or two of his own until he just cuts me my own slice and tells me to eat.

"But daddy. It's yours. I made it for you."

He cocks his left eyebrow. As he does.

"Love, you expect me to eat all this? Daddy's gonna need your help... don't you have another stomach designated specifically for sweets?"

I blush.

"Apparently I do."

"You do." He says softly, affirming my statement.

"Yes, you do. Eat up, darling."


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