Need [nsfw]

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Now we're in need. In desperate, aching need; which is of course why he has me perched on his lap and kissing him deeply.
His hands on my hips... his lips on mine...
The warmth of his body, and the hard thickness of his cock pressing up through his trousers and waiting, waiting for me to give in and take it in my hands and...
He moves a hand from my hip to slip sweetly between my legs, and I cry out for him:

Oh, Alan!~♡

He smiles into my neck- he had relocated his kisses to my neck- and his breath is hot and heavy on my jugular vein...
Another kiss. I move my hands to touch him, all I want is to touch him, and he rewards my hands on his chest and slipping down his abdomen with a drunken moan and a kiss on the lips.

"Don't speak."

He takes my wrist firmly in his hand, leading me to brush my fingers over his restrained erection, and I cup it in my hands- all of him is so big, and soon I'm drooling over him and I need to interact with him wholly. I need him!
I kiss him needily as I slip my hands under the waistband of his boxers, loving the feel of his skin and his muscles under my hands, and I take him in my hands.
He inhales sharply, and, groaning softly for me to keep going, starts on stripping himself completely.
I kiss a trail of love and adoration down his chest, taking a moment to listen to his heart- thumping away gleefully inside him- and I savour the feel of his skin against my cheek.
I continue my quest lower, to suck him into my mouth and make the birthday man feel good...
Alan moans as I kiss his cock, holding my hair in his fist and working my mouth on him.
I mumble something at him, mouth full, and my voice vibrates on his stiff member, causing him to moan louder, and oh, I just think he's so sexy.
I move steadily lower still, suckling sweetly at his balls and making sure they get all the attention they need...
The birthday man needs all of him taken care of...
My tongue strokes them, and I use my unrestricted access and knowledge of my lover to make him squirm and sigh and writhe...

"Honey-" he chokes out, as I let one of his balls go and run the tip of my tongue up the pulsating vein on the underside of his cock... it twitches against my tongue and I smile.


"Let me fuck you," the man is desperate. His eyes are crazed and he's shaking and...

"Just sit there, daddy. I'll make you feel good, I promise."

I strip, to join him in nakedness, and to open myself up to him, and I kneel over his thick, flexing member, dripping and waiting for him.
His hand slips between us- he adjusts his cock beneath me, and I feel the head begin to slip inside... he pulls it back out again. Runs it over my opening a few times until I've joined him in begging and begun mewling for him to put it inside.

I sink down on it, unable to wait any longer, and we both sigh in relief. I fall against him, and he holds me against his chest with one strong daddy arm, and I leave kiss after kiss after desperate kiss there on his chest.

We move against one another; pumping in and out and sighing and moaning names into lips and...

"Alan. I need it all inside me. Fill me up, I need you."
I whimper softly, kissing him on the neck and screwing my eyes shut.
He merely grunts, holding me tighter- squeezing me in his grip and he continues his steady thrusts until...

"Here it comes, darling..."

And I feel it spill inside me, warm and loving, and I could really die right now and be perfectly happy as long as I'm with him.

He makes a soft sound, adjusting me in his arms, and we're so tired by now....

He holds me tightly against his chest as he shifts to allow the blankets to cover us both, and he leans over to turn off the bedside lamp.

"Sweetheart. You've made my birthday very special. Thank you so much."

I feel my heart officially burst, and as I kiss him for the umpteenth time today, I tell him that I love him.

"Happy Birthday, Alan."


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