The new generation of the Avengers

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Eric was now Captain America and his dads and Sam are now regular spies and Eric loved his team and family he could never trade for another

his Captain dad is the new director of SHIELD because fury was settling down with Captain Marvel or Carol danvers

And Eric practiced throwing his captain dad's shield and it'd come back and Thomas was practicing Thor's hammer

"well we're the new Avengers" "yep my dads are now staying in Asgard" "Nat and Clint have a farm and Nikki is really good with Clint's bow and arrows" "and Peter is now the new Ironman"

"Jackie now has Wilson's flight pack" "well let's assemble our friends" Eric was excited to start a mission and he said hi to his to his dad

"we have a guy who keeps taking alien technology and we need to stop him" Eric thought of his old best friend John A. Pierce

Eric knew that his captain dad killed Alexander Peirce and John wanted revenge

At the mission

"John don't do this" "you work for your murderous father" "I didn't know and my dad had a tumor and Captian dad had to get revenge for what Alex did I'm sorry for your loss but this isn't the way"

Steve and Bucky were fighting too and saw Eric being held by John "let our son go" "you kill my family, I kill yours" "Eric" "dads no it's okay"

nat shot John in the head and he fell and Eric was sad but releaved and he ran to us and hugged us "I'm sorry dads I didn't know he was evil"

Eric decided to be a police officer and he did and he made New York safer and helped troubled youth and everyone he could and Steve and Bucky were proud of their son

Five Years later

Eric was called to a shoot out and he saw his school mates and he that it was a tribute to someone "what's the shoot out for"

"well Eric I believe your dad Capitan America Steve Rogers was killed on a mission and we're doing this here at central park as tribute on his birthday because that was his wish"

"Rickie I have not seen you since we were kids" "son" "I know dad" "he will be missed by all of us" Eric got out his rifle and led the tribute

"READY AIM AND FIRE" they shot bullets in the sky for his dad and they shot fireworks up for Steve too "I'll miss you Stevie"

Year later

Bucky now led shield and he had many new faces in shield Academy and Eric taught mixed martial arts and accuracy with guns and bow and arrows and he got to meet the Cullen sibilings

Emmett was a strong kid and he was able to break a rock and Bella could too and was a shield too and used many different weapons and she even improvised

"well me and your father are off you guys stay out of trouble" "yep" "sup I'm Emmett" "Eric" Rosalie didn't like Eric all that much

Jasper and Alice were quiet and they knew Eric was a special person and he had a daughter on the way and Alice knew that Eric's daughter Luna N. Barnes would fall in love with seth the young wolf and she smiled

"I can see your future Eric Grant Barnes-Rogers you lost Captain America who was your dad and Bucky had been sad but he had you to help him with the loss of Steven Grant Rogers and you have a daughter who is named Luna Natasha Barnes, and she'll later meet Seth Black"

"wow that's impressive" "and the vulteri will hunt you" "I know that Carlisle" Eric told his dad that they to go to forks and Eric got his wife Nikki and drove there

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