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As done for the precious 6 months, now she is in search of some pieces of metal and ship that Kuill can use and trade with the Javas.

In these 6 months she had gained some talent in repairing old droids and stuff like that, that Kuill had at the farm. After the first bounty hunter landed on Arvala 7, she wasn't in security and every time a ship landed in the desert planet, Kuill send her away, hoping anybody can't found her, even with the fob.

Because of the heat and of the sand, she decided to use a sort of beige foulard, in order to protect her pale and cadaveric skin from the sun, and to hide her blue hair. Fortunately, after the sunset, she can set her hair free and feel the air on her skin.

She arrived on a Blurrg after the sun went down and Kuill wasn't outside, so she can see the light on insidie the small kitchen. She felt a strange sensation under her skin that can't explain to her self and that felt only when, five or so months ago, accidentally, she had thrown a cup of tea with out touching it in a rush of anger.

The feeling increases ad she approaches the door and so she enters putting her bag onto the ground.
Giving the back to the room she greated Kuill, unknown of the presence the host.

The host, which was a Mandalorian, get up in rush with the blaster pounted to her and as she turn around, her blood ices in her veins and she freeze immediately, not wanting to die prematurely.

"Calm down - Kuill gets up slowly and talking to the Mandalorian - she is Eira, she won't arm you or the Child"

"I'm not worried about that, but almost certainly she is the restant part of my bounty" he so extracts the small fob that was emitting some bip and a intermittent red light.

Kuill sighs looking between Eira and the Mandalorian. Eira sits down on the chair near the couple and gives an apologetic look to Kuill.
Now facing the Mandalorian, which had put the blaster on the table, directed towards her, she looks right in the black T shaped helmet, where perhaps there are his eyes.

She isn't afraid. She feels somehow that she doesn't have to worry about that whole thing. She feels also that she had passed though a lot, even if she can't remember anything except the cold, the snow and the taste of blood in her mouth.

He doesn't understand why she doesn't feel the fear and the tension to have a blaster directed to her.
He start questioning about the possible things the Client will to to her and to the Child.
She seems, as the Child, unharmed and not even dangerous, even if the angelic presence was perturbed by some details that he have never seen before: from the blue hair, to the canines pointed and longer than the other teeth, to the knuckles made of materiali that looked like metal or stone, to the eyes.
The eyes that have a color very similar to the sky or the stormy sea and that go inside him with out pity.
He doesn't know about people that had such unique features like her, even during his childhood, when Mandalorians teached him about hand to hand combact and weapons, but also some history about Mandalore, a bit of Mando'a, their native tongue, and a bit about the other populations and planets of the galaxy.

A small coo was emitted from the Child that craving the legs of Eira. His big dark brown eyes are staring at her with interest and a small hand with three nailed fingers was grasping some of her hair while the other tries to reach her hand on her lap. His ears were fully open and very large as to catch if she was emitting some small noises or something similar.

The strage feeling was so intense that was overwhelming her, even if from the outside she seems normal. Every sound was like clouded and her pupils dilate almpst covering the iris of her eyes.

All of this in a matter of seconds, after whom Mando gets up rapidly and catch the Child to put him into the small levitating pot.

The overwhelming sensation start to fade away and her eyes return normal and like water.

"I will go with you, even if you may take me to my executor jailer. Kuill, i have to thank you. You are, in this 6 months that you hosted me here and helped me, the more similar figure to a father that I ever had. Maybe in future we will see each other again. Now I suggest to eat something, I don't know you two, but I'm starving."

Mando was both confused and surprised by the actions and the words spoken by Eira. Now she was putting a generous portion of bone broth into a cup and was currently eating, as if she can't overcome the hunger.

To her, bone broth is delicious, but not satiating like the meat of some animal, that was like pure energy, better when it was raw and not cooked. Eira knows that if someone could read her thoughts, she would consider her animal and feral and disgusting, but, the taste of blood on her tongue experienced months before, was like ecstasy and like returning home. But because of the impossiblitity to have fresh and raw meat every meal, she contented herself with being able o eat it only when available. 

After ending her dish, she washes her pot and puts it on the small cuisine. During that small things Mando is staring at her, in search of a small misstep, but she seems too calm. 

"When you will be ready to leave, let me know. I'll be in my bedroom trying t fell asleep."

A small sigh escaped from the mouth of Mando and wa nearly udible because of the modulator. He decides to put away his blaster and he sit on the small sofa, to have a small nap before leaving.

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