Chapter 11: Trouble Follows Us Everywhere

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"Oh my, she's cute! I'm gonna catch her!" Harmony cried out as the group had stopped for a break, "Ash look at the Shinx!" she says shaking his arm a bit in excitement, "C'mon Chu! Let's go make a new friend!" she cries out, her Pikachu darting after her as they crept closer to the pokemon who was just sunbathing in the grass.

"Oh my, she's cute! I'm gonna catch her!" Harmony cried out as the group had stopped for a break, "Ash look at the Shinx!" she says shaking his arm a bit in excitement, "C'mon Chu! Let's go make a new friend!" she cries out, her Pikachu darting af...

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"Hi Shinx, I'm Harmony and this is my partner Chu," she says softly grabbing a berry from her bag to offer it to the semi-wary pokemon.

The Shinx slowly crept up taking the berry before going little ways away from her. "See? That's good, there's more where that came from. I even have other sweet treats in my bag. Do you want to battle? Or would you like to join our team, our goal is to become the best pokemon trainer across all regions, and be a top coordinator in every region that has contests. Then when we reach that we might challenge my best mate, Leon, he's the World Champion right now." Harmony babbles on to the Shinx who slowly made it's way back to her, Chu talking with it as well to coax it into Harmony's lap where she gave it gentle pets and scratches earning happy purrs from the pokemon.

Harmony pulled out a Pokeball offering it to Shinx who nodded it's head tapping its nose to the ball and getting sucked in. "Awesome! We just got a new friend! Come on out Shinx!" Harmony calls out the Shinx. "Now just a name...if you were male I'd say Lightning, but I don't think that will suit about Lyn? I think it's some ancient word meaning lighting" (Danish but Pokemon world doesn't have that) Harmony says earning a grin and nod from the Shinx. "Lyn it is then!"

It was then Harmony heard a commotion from across the field where it looked to be Ash, Brock, and Dawn being lit up by a blue eclectic move. "Oh...uh-oh that doesn't look good, let's go Chu and Lyn!" she cries out rushing to her friend's aid.

"Is everything okay!?" Harmony cries out, Lyn in her arms while Chu rested on her shoulder, "We saw the huge electrical explosion. Oh Dan you caught a pokemon! That's great!" Harmony says noticing Dawn had a Pokeball in her hand and was excited.

"And you caught a Shinx! That's where you went off to, guess we both got distracted by pokemon." Dawn teases.

"Yeah for sure, I go ga-ga for electric and water types.." Harmony says sheepishly. "Now is it lunchtime yet?"

"Sure is," Brock says earning a cheer from the other three teens.


While trying to train with Pachirisu Dawn slowly gave up and ended up releasing the pokemon no matter how many times Harmony tried to tell her that there is a learning curve with every new pokemon, some take longer than others she wouldn't listen.

Then Team Rocket attempted to catch Pachirisu for themselves which allowed for Dawn to finally admit she still cared for and wanted to train the little electric squirrel and everything worked out in the end.

Then Team Rocket attempted to catch Pachirisu for themselves which allowed for Dawn to finally admit she still cared for and wanted to train the little electric squirrel and everything worked out in the end

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