Chapter 20: Training in Evolutions!

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With the Almos Town ribbon safely stowed away in her ribbon case, Harmony had other plans.

"Since we've got a few days, and the Hearthome contest is a double performance I want to start training you and Pip more," she explains to Lyn, her Shinx, "After all water and electricity though are natural enemies create wonderful combinations.

"After the first round I'm going with Cinders and Bubbles," she says pointing to her Cinderace and Vaporeon she had switched out.

Her team now consisted of Pip, the shiny Piplup, Cinders the Cinderace, Hatters the Hatterene, Lyn the Shinx, Bubbles the Vaporeon, and Chu her Pikachu of course.

"Alright we'll start with a new combo, Pip I want to see you with your drill peck, because we want to use that and have Lyn use a charge beam that should be able to wrap around you as you zoom around until you spin and flip back with a bubble beam which should static around each other and explode upon Lyn using swift," she explains to her pokemon who nod and move to go train together.

"As for you two, you've done these before, we're going to be using combo 2b that we've used before, hydro pump and fire spin as a way to guard ourselves in battle. Especially if we go up against an opponent with moves that could hurt either of you. We could also do more combos creating steam as a way for Bubbles to use Acid Armor to blend in and strike when she needs to." she explains to her team who nod and go off.

"Hatterene, my darling, can you and Chu go around to find berries to pick for a curry tonight?" she asks, "I want to go more hands-on with Lyn and Pip." she explains, "I don't want to push them too hard of course, but I want to help them," she says

Of course Harmony, we'll look for ones our pack love!

Harmony heard in her head from Hatterene making her nod at her psychic-fairy partner.


"Okay, Pip, slow down, don't overwork yourself," Harmony says gently to her Piplup who huffed and shoved her hand away with its flippers before rushing off to practice again making her sigh. Lyn however moved to purr against her side while Harmony pets her, "I think your brother is going to evolve soon, he's getting that way." she explains to the Shinx who nods understanding before shoving Harmony's hand letting out a cry.

"Oh, you want to evolve too huh? Well then let's go find Pip, maybe the two of you will evolve together," she says only to hear Pip cry out as if in pain making her gasp.

"Pip! Hold on! Hey get away from my pokemon!" she cries out noticing a few Ariados. "I'm sorry! My pokemon got in your territory! We'll leave you alone!" she cries out, Lyn getting in front of her trainer sparking a bit to let them know she meant business for them to get away from her trainer.

It was then Pip let out a huff of annoyance, throwing bubble beam at the Aridos, which only angered them further. But then a bright light appeared from the Piplup as it grew bigger and eventually called out its new name before rushing in with its wings glowing before looking similar to iron tail but with its wing-like flippers and attacking the Ariados.

 But then a bright light appeared from the Piplup as it grew bigger and eventually called out its new name before rushing in with its wings glowing before looking similar to iron tail but with its wing-like flippers and attacking the Ariados

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 It was then Lyn who moved to help create a combo with a new move as well, secrete power emitting and surrounding the wings as it further attacked the Ariados making it feint leaving Lyn to start glowing and evolved into a Luxio as well.

 It was then Lyn who moved to help create a combo with a new move as well, secrete power emitting and surrounding the wings as it further attacked the Ariados making it feint leaving Lyn to start glowing and evolved into a Luxio as well

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"Well, that's one way! You two were amazing I'm so proud! Now let's go back to camp." she says moving to corral her pokemon away from the fainted pokemon grinning as her pokemon had evolved, but not just one, both of them and together. Their bond was stronger than she had thought it was.


After a good night's sleep and full bellies of leftover curry she and Hatterene teleported to the outskirts of Hearthome city, where she marched straight to the gym only to find it close with a note making her hiss unhappily.

"Why I ought to, does the league know about this? How could they allow it without letting the region know that the gym leader is not there, it breaks all kinds of rules for being in the season of gym battles," she grumbles her eyes narrowing at the note only or Hatterne to whisper in her head about exploring.

"Alright, might as well, I don't suppose the others are here yet anyway?" she asks, earning a shake of the head from her Hatterene.


It turned out that she was a few days earlier than her friends, so all it meant was more time to train for the contest that was going to happen which made her excited and thrilled at her newly evolved pokemon who were happy to pair with each other without any issues after evolving.

Especially with a quick check-up from Nurse Joy to say there was nothing wrong with the two, that they'd be perfectly fine to compete without issues.


Finally deciding to check on the gym for the second time Harmony had run straight into Nando who had been looking for the same thing. "Oh hello Nando! I see the Gym leader still isn't here then?" she says with a groan her shoulders sagging a bit. "I wish the league would have mentioned that this Gym leader is AWOL at the moment it'd save us all time from bothering this. Are you going to compete in the contest then?"

Nando lets out a small laugh, "Yes I was looking for the Gym Leader, but as you correctly stated they are not here," he says before going to say something when another voice called out.

"Hey, Staravia! Pikachu, wait up for me!"

Harmony's eyes lit up when she heard Ash's voice and Chu leaped from her shoulder to race towards the other Pikachu letting out a happy cry and nuzzling it once they were together again.

"Ash! Over here!" Harmony calls out happily waving her arm in the air.

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