"We're here!" Layla screamed. "I'm going to destroy him! And of course, retrieve my husband."
"Layla, calm down. Getting upset isn't going to solve anything." Jaylen warned.
"Ughh fine!"
The girls approached Evan's house,and Layla violently pounded on his door.
"Open up! It's meeeeee!""Who is h-Layla? What the heck are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.
"I've come to take back my husband! And get my cousins lover or something.. I forgot. Where is my husband?!"
"The marshmallow..?"
"He's not a marshmallow. His name is Mr. Marshmellow squishy cloggers fluffers cornelius fliffs fluff t-"
"I don't care anymore.. just come in." He interjected impatiently, as he rushed them inside.
"So besides you Layla, why are y'all here?""Well, I got a letter from a secret admirer and I wanted to know if you knew anything about it.." Felicity explained, leaving out a few details for good measure.
"Mmm... a secret admirer you say? Hmm.. I don't really know anything about one.. did you- where's Layla?! Guys, where is your little friend? Don't tell me that she's-"
"Take that! Hyah! Ahhhh!" Layla screamed from the other room.
"My fort! Did you destroy my fort?!" He yelled in response,while he rushed to save his beloved fort.
"That's what you get! You wrecked my heart by taking him away!"
"Why are you so whack?" Hannah asked rhetorically.
Layla ignored Hannah's comment and focused her attention back on Evan."Please.. I really want my marshmallow back." She began to plead.
"Are you serious?! You just destroyed my evil lair! Why would I give you your weird husband after that?!"
"It wasn't much of a lair if it's any consolation to you." Hannah chuckled, trying to take her cousins side for once.
"You should be focusing on getting a real boyfriend or something not by a Marshmello.
It's weird..""Don't judge my tastes. I bet you have some weird book about 'how to be funny'." She cackled.
Suddenly, her eyes found a tiny piece of paper in the corner, that had her "husband" on top of it.
Evan noticed that she had found the marshmallow, but weirdly he didn't try and stop her from grabbing it. She reached over, and quickly retrieved her marshmallow.
"Jerry! Wait-this isn't jerry! Jerryssss deadddd. Wahhh." She wailed loudly."Nice going.." Juliet commented.
"What's that piece of paper underneath your.. husband?" Keirstein asked. She quickly thought that it had something to do with the mystery.
"She's too fake heartbroken. She zoned out like two minutes ago." Felcity remarked quietly.
"I'll go check." Hannah, who was nearest, decided. She picked up the piece of paper and read it out loud. "Dear Felcity, you are probably receiving this from someone right about now I could imagine. Don't ask; it sounded cooler in my head, but I was too lazy to change it. Why am I explaini- nevermind. Anyways, here is a clue: A specific party will take place on this date in which you are about to figure out. You haven't been invited but someone will soon. That person will bring you the next clue. Figure out this riddle to figure out the clue: when the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday, then today will be as far from Sunday as the day it was today when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. Happy hunting~ mysterious lover."
"Well, anyone good at solving riddles? That seemed pretty tricky." Jaylen asked nervously.
"Nope. Looks like we've got a problem then."
"if you mean the flaming pillar, that's our solution to last weeks problem." Layla replied, snapping out of her daydream.
"Umm.. you know what, I don't even wanna know." Kiersten chuckled.

Admiring Who? {Short story} {On Hold}
HumorOne day a blonde haired, brown eyed, 15 year old girl named Felicity Johnson got a letter in the mail. It was addressed to her, from a secret admirer. Felicity puzzled by who it could possibly be from, asked her four cousins for help. Her cousins;...