The Fifth Division

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Boy did my face hurt, but then again despite the fact I was angry that Yumi had come here I was glad to see her again. I noticed the changes about her. Her air was longer for one thing, and she wore a new out fit.

"Another little bratt, what luck" Konae sneered.

"Not like she'll be any trouble" Lea sneered, she wore an arogant smirk. 

"Says your ugly face" Yumi shot back bodly. I started cracking up laughing, as did Ino. 

"Oh come on Shino, you know you want to laugh to" I chuckled. 

"Hmm" he said with a dull, plain voice, though could detect a faint trace of amusement beneath the cold mask of dullness he always wore.

"You little bitch!" Lea snarled, and suddenly lunged. Her attack snapped us all out of our cheerfull, lightened mood, and back to the serious focus on the battle. Lea's claws stretched out towards Yumi. Akamaru growled and lept into passing fang. Lea flapped her wings hard out of the way. We were about to jump in to assist her, but then Konae and Yamaru jumped into the battle.

"Help Yumi!" Shino ordered. I nodded my head. Ino fought against Konae and Shino against Yamaru.

"Tsuga!" I exclaimed. I slammed into Lea. Akamaru had risen to his paws again, and he too slammed into her side.

"Huh!" Lea yelled and threw out a dozen shurikens. I dodged most of them, but one hit my arm. I yelped in pain. My skin was burned and covered in soot still. Now there were more bleeding wounds.

"Die!" Lea yelled from above. I looked up to see Lea coming down from above, claws outstretched. My eyes widened in fear. All of the sudden Yumi jumepd in front of me.


I grabbed one clawed hand, swung Lea around, and slammed an icy fist into her face sending her flying backwards.

"Stay away from my friends" I yelled at her. She hit the ground rolling, but was quickly attacking again.

"Earth style, mud pear!" Lea yelled. 'Darn, the girl had enduracne' I thought. She jumped in mid air, and threw the hardened-earth spear.  I too jumped in the air,

"Ice stlye , ice shuriken!" I exclaimed and threw a few shurikens directly at the spear.

"Fang passing fang!" Kiba growled as he and Akmaru slammed into Lea. She shrieked in pain, but managed to kick the two away from her. 'Poor Akamaru, and Kiba. They're too beaten up by battle to build up enough power in their attack' I thought grimly. 'Come on Yumi' I thought. I landed firmly on a nearby tree branch. I could here Ino, Shino, Kiba, and Akamaru panting hard and still trying to fight. The sounds of Shino's kuni-knife clashing with metal, the buzzing of parasetic insects. Ino fighting with her tenton, throwing chakra-packed punches. Kiba and Akamaru trying to stand tall and fight diligantly. 'Your comrads need you' I thought. 'Find the strength, be strongI thought. I opened my eyes, finding myself in an empty room of darkness with a large fiery pool above my head. Some how I knew what to do. I reached out, allowing a thin blue string of chakra to extend from my hand to the fiery pool above me. The pools conected. 

I opened my eyes, a blue swirling threads of chakra spinning around me. I bent down on all fours  feeling a new strength, a new chakra flowing into my chakra networks. I felt my teeth lengthen into a cats canine teeth, my ears become more cat-like as well as my finger nails, and three blue tails too. I grinned, exposing my sharp teeth. 

"Ha, your monster just like me" Lea sneered blodly.

"Nope" I said in a calm voice, my three tails lashing, "Your a monster, and I'm a shinobi of the leaf" I shot back and lunged forward. In a flash I was directly above her brining my claws down. Within less than a second I saw a flash on Lea's neck. A curse mark to be exact. My eyes widened in suprise. Her skin turned grey, claws longer, and extended fangs. She was something like a bat. With speed she didn't have earlier she brought down a clawed hand. I twisted my body, knowing that I wouldn't able to dodge in mid-air so I twisted in a way her claw would hit my shoulder. Next I focused my charka to my shoulder and began to heal me uninjured arm. 

I shrieked as her claws hit my arm with a tremendous force. It only bled though because of my medical ninjutsu already healing my arm; however, if I hadn't my arm could have been torn off. I letp backwards. 'So frontal attacks won't work' I thought. She has power and speed to the maximum, but a shinbo always has a weakness. 'Smart shinobi can hide their weakness' I thought. 'Close combat jutsu, then I wonder about a farther distance. Can she counter it?' I thought. I jumped backwards again, and while in the air I made the tiger, monkey, ram, and tiger hand sign.

"Fire style, flaming bullets!" I exclaimed as I took a deep breath. 'Hold that chakra there, let it burn before you release it' I heard the Matatabi within inform me. Thank goodness it was helping me considering I had no training what so-ever in fire style. It was the Matatabi's chakra that aloud me to use fire stlye. Lea jumped out of reach of the fire ninjutsu, but not the shuriken hidden in the flames. They struck her wings causing her to cry out in pain and agony. 'That's it, long-distance jutsu' I thought. I just had to use ninjutsu.

"Kiba go help Shino" I told him.

"But-" he began to protest. I turned around and looked at him. One serious, stern look was enough to make him get up and follow orders. 'such a dog boy' I thought amused. I turned back to Lea who was getting up and wripping out the shurikens embedded in her wings. It was time to end this.


"Mind destruction jutsu" I exclaimed, holding my hands out in a triangle shape. All of the sudden Yamaru stopped moving, his  body frozen and he fell to the ground, writhing and screaming nonesense. His mind had been destroyed by my jutsu. It was unfortunant for him that he was standing on a high tree branch when he fell. Yamaru landed with a sickening thud on the ground. As a medical ninja I could tell he'd broken his neck, three ribs, and both legs. He was finished.


I yelled out in pain when I felt Konae's attack hit me.

"Striking blade of wind!" he exclaimed after making a few hand signs. I felt wind moving at high speeds hitting me, delivering multiple cuts deeper with each strike.

"Fang passing fang!" snarled a large, two headed dog. It was Kiba and Akamaru using their two-headed wolf jutsu. They slammed into the unknowing, suprised Konae. Dead he was now. I sighed and fell to one very bruised knee. Kiba and Akamaru ran up to my side. I noticed Akamaru limping, and the cut on Kiba's head. He attacked Konaie at the risk of taking on of full blow of his striking blade of wind jutsu.

"Nice job Kiba" I muttered. I felt a dull thud in me. 'Shit, I used up to much chakra' I thought, and I closed my eyes.

I reopened my eyes feeling dizzy. I noticed my jacket had been removed, and a blanket had been thrown over me. Yumi, and Kiba were fast asleep. Kiba's back against a tree that hadn't been burnt to a crisp, Akamaru at his feet, and then Yumi leaning against Kiba's shoulder.

"Your wounds were bleeding quite a bit" Ino said, her voice bringing me out of my thoughts. I sat up, gritting my teeth in pain. My whole body ached when I moved. 

"How are the others?" I asked. 

"Well Kiba's okay, bled out quite a bit though. Yumi had a couple wounds on her arms, but she's just fine. Akamaru though, he has a slight limp. Kiba thinks Akamaru sprained a paw. She sighed,

"I'm just glad we're all alive" Ino said. I looked up at the starry night sky. 'We are alive. Though I'm mad at Yumi for risking her life being here, she's a comrad and a friend I'm glad to see' I thoguht. Having slept already I stayed up keeping watch, talking to Ino occasionaly until Yumi woke up and took Ino's place to keep watch. Everything was okay.

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