Addition to The Team

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We jumped down from a high tree branch to meet up with the rest of the fifth division.

"There you guys are" Sakura said as she ran up to us. She wore a thick green jacket worn by other medical ninja's in the temporary camp.

"Who's this?" asked a man behind her. He was tall, bald, and stood with the posture those who held authority stood.

"I am Yumi Yakushi, shinobi of the leaf" I replied. He eyes narrowed,

"We are supposed to be protecting jinjuriki, you shouldn't be here. Madara of the Akatsuki-" he began.

"I have as much a right to fight in this war as everyone else does. Besides without me I wonder how cooked they would have been" I said looking at Shino, Ino, and Kiba,

"Medium rare, well-done, or burnt to ashes" I said with a serious tone.

"Very well, just remember Lady Tsunade won't be happy" he said before walking away. Kiba sighed, "You really know how to weasel your way out of trouble don't you?" Kiba muttered.

"Like a snake" I joked.

"Not a bad trait" Shino said with the usual blank tone.

"OI!" A girl yelled and suddenly landed on Kiba's back, refusing to move.

"JUST WHAT ARE YOU DOING NEARLY GETTING YOURSELF KILLED?!?!?" the girl with red markings on her faced yelled at him. Her brown hair was pulled into an untamed pony-tail.

"Ow, Hana

get off of me" Kiba complained about his older sister, Hana. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Akamaru!" Kiba called to his dog, but the white furred dog had already ran off with Hana's three dogs.

I started busting up laughing while Kiba flailed like a puppy beneath his sister who was also laughing.

"Allright Hana I think he's had enough" I chuckled. I gently pushed her off and pulled Kiba up.

"Next time Hana!!" Kiba shot back, defensively shaking his fist at her. Kiba put his arm around my shoulder while making faces at Hana. I sighed, and pulled away. 'Just a tiny bit of chakra' I thought letting it flow into my right hand.

"Oh quit acting like a child!" I said slapping him across the face. He started yelling that his face stung while Hana left with Sakura to fix up some new antidotes to some newer poisons.

"Why oh why, am I dating a cat-girl?" Kiba said looking up at the sky, "why?"

"Because you love me" I joked and jumped up to peck him on the cheek. 'Since when has dog boy become taller than me?' I wondered. I thought back to the first day we'd been asigned to the same squad, squad eight. First of all I hated Kiba and we were of equal height. I focused my chakra into my feet and began walking up a tree. I sat on a high tree branch.

Later, rations of food were given out which wasn't too bad. In the distance I could here loud explosions. I didn't know what was going on and wouldn't unless we were given orders. Rather than sleeping by a fire outside we fell asleep in the medical chords tent as it was cold outside. Kiba shared his jacket with me and again Akamaru was on my feet. I patted his head softly and starred into the flames.

All of the sudden I felt a sudden pull on my chakra. I closed my eyes and found myself infront of the twin golden gates. The Matatabi sat on its haunches, its body not as skinny from munchin on my chakra.

"Well your looking better" I joked. The cat didn't smile.

"Do you not sense it?" it asked. Its eyes narrowing.

"Sense what?" I asked.

"Danger" said the Matatabi. Its voice trailed off and I heard a scream.

"Yumi please get up!" I heared a voice say. I opened my eyes to see Kiba hovering over me, trying to wake me up.

"Kiba" I whispered his name.

"Come on! We have to go!" he snapped angrily. I blinked rapidly and wipped sweat off my forehead. I realized that the tent was set a-flames. "Lets go" he said picking me up. I coughed and gagged on smoke. Normally, I'd be yelling at Kiba for picking me up, but I had no strength to. I felt a burning in my neck and without thinking I held my hand up. My lips moved without any thought what-so-ever.

"Ice style, wave of snow" I murmmered. A wave of cold snow shot out from my hand and hit the tent. It went throught the burnt fabric, exstinguishing the flames long enough for Kiba to run out along with half the medical chord and a few other shinobi. The burning in my neck went away. My eye lids drooped low.

"Good thinking Yumi" Kiba said, his voice semingly trailing off.

"Yumi?" he whispered.

"Hey Sakura, Ino" he said, his voice seemed dim. My eye lids drooped even more, and I was unconcious.

I woke up to warm rays of sunshine on my face. I moved and opened my eyes. The tiny movement sent a fiery pain all over my chest. I coughed which brought more pain.

"You okay?" asked a smooth, calm voice.

"Shino?" I murrmered.

"You inhaled too much smoke when the fire happened, but you'll be okay" Sakura said. 'So that's what happened' I thought, vaguely remembering the fire. Though I could move much I could use my chakra still. I gathered it to my chest to heal my lungs faster. I sighed and sat up.

"Hold on, you shouldn't be moving so soon" Sakura told me. I chucked, a slight ache in my chest, but no firery pain.

"Na" I said, "Thank you so much for looking out for me" I said politely.

"No problem" she replied. Medical ninja hurried by with a injured shinobi. Judging by here thick brown jacket, she was from Iwagakure; the village hidden in stone.

"So where's Kiba, and Ino?" I asked. There scents were strong, meaning they'd left the area recently.

"They went to asist the front lines" Sakura told me. I stood up, brushed some ashes off.

"Where do you think your going?" Shino asked.

"Well I'm not missing out on the action. I'm going to help" I stated. Before they could stop me, a man obviously from Iwagakure came running up.

"Our asistance is needed" he said, and then we were dashing off. Though I wanted to help Ino and Kiba; we were heading to help another group. Rock Lee and Sai's group against a few reincarnated shinobi.

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