Medical Ninjutsu; Three Times The Charm

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I got up out of bed, and stretched though I regreted it. A throbbing sensation immediately filled my head. Despite this, I got up and walked out of my room. 'I may as well see if the others are okay' I thought. I walked into the lobby of the medical division's clinic.

"Hey, Yumi" Shikamaru said waving to me. I grinned, glad to see Shikamaru and Temari okay. 'We fought once, in the final battle of the chunin exams' I though, 'and I won that battle Temari' I thought.

"How's Hinata, and Kiba" I asked. 

"Hinata has a few pulled muscles. That's what a nurse told me earlier. Hinata should be fine" Temari told me.

"And Kiba. Well... there still trying to extract all the poison and needles, but they're worried he'll bleed out before that can be done" Shikamaru told me, his expression grim. I pressed my lips into a tight line, and nodded my head,

"Ok" I murrmmered. I turned around and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" Temari asked curiously. I stopped and looked over my shoulder,

"I know medical ninjutsu, too" I replied softly, and kept walking down the hallway. There was a room with two doors entering and exiting. I entered the room. 

"Yumi, what are you doing here?" Sakura asked me. She stood at a sink in the room washing her hands. The room smelled like any hospital room would, but it also smelled foul from the poison. Kiba lay on a table in the center, the a few members of the medical ninja trying to pull the needles out without to much blood being lost. 'Who over did this to him sure knew what they were doing' I thought. Every needles pulled with the most carefull movement still gushed blood, and cause Kiba to whimper in pain.

"Yumi" Sakura called to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"If your going to help, put a mask on and wash your hands" she said tossing me a white mask to put over my mouth and noise. I quickly washed my hands and walked over to help. 'Well Kiba, you've officialy become a porcupine-dog, that and a bloody mess' I thought. 'I need to stop the bleeding, quick' I thoughts. I made the tiger hand sign.

"Regenerative Healing Jutsu" I murmmered. On the table Kiba lay on black markings forming a square seal for the jutsu appeared. A green aurora formed around Kiba. I needed to focus my chakra into the jutsu to stop the bleeding.

"Yumi, isn't taht a four person jutsu?" Sakura asked me as she worked the next hand full of poison out causing Kiba's body to jerk and him to cry out.

"Yes, but I have enough chakra" I replied. She frowned, uncertain of the jutsu I was using, but didn't say anything. More needles were pulled and that also caused Kiba to struggle against the medical chord. I kept one hand in the tiger hand sign. With the other hand I made half of the snake hand sign.

"Striking shadow snake" I murmmered. I could feel my chakra divide into the two jutsu's. The green auruora around Kiba grew dimmer meaning the jutsu was becoming weaker. 'Focus Yumi, focus' I thought. I could almost here Kabuto telling me to focus back when he trained me in the art of medical ninjutsu. A single snake slithered out of my right sleeve and coiled its body around Kiba. It's teeth sank into his right arm. The snakes fangs were so sharp that it caused no pain.

"Best anethesia you could get" I said. More needles were pulled from his chest. This time he didn't struggle or jerk, and the bleeding lessened. Needle after needle and it was becoming a struggle on my part of keep the jutsu going.

"How much longer?" I asked.

"There's still just a bit of poison left, it'll probably take about five minutes" Sakura told me.

"The needles are all near extracted, too" said Hino. I nodded my head and frowned. 'Would my chakra hold up though, for five more minutes. I've been using a four person jutsu for about twenty minutes, maybe longer. I better not risk letting up the jutsu' I thought. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, 'unlock' I thought the command. I felt the curse mark on my neck shift. Once again I had three tails- cat-like ears, and sharper teeth. The green aurora around Kiba brightened with the strength of my chakra. I smiled as the needles pulled didn't bleed. 'With the Matatabi's chakra I can not only become a better shinobi, but a better medical ninja' I thought. Kiba groaned, and his eyes opened.

"That's the last of the poison" Sakura murmmered.

"eh Yu-eh" Kiba murmmered, his speech was uncoordinated from the anethesia. I with drew the striking shadow snake. The needles were pulled out of his legs as well, so he looked less like a porcupine.

"That's it" Hino said, "Looks like he'll be okay" she told me. 

"Right" I replied. The curse mark changed back to its original form and once again locked up the Matatabi's chakra. Kiba was moved to another room to rest. I decided to visit Hinata, who was glad for the visit.

"Yumi, its good to see you again" she said cheerfully, and sat up in the bed she lay in.

"Good to see you to Hinata, though I wish seeing you again didn't involve you being injured" I replied. She grinned,

"I can't help that as a shinobi" she replied, "So how is Kiba, and Shino?" she asked.

"Kiba will be okay, he looked like a porcupine dog, and Shino. Shino is Shino, a stick in the mud still" I joked. Hinata laughed, though that turned into a cough.

"Hinata" I called to her.

"I'm okay, I'll be fine with a bit of rest" she replied. There was a knock at the door, and Hino walked in carrying a tray of tea and Hinata'a pain medications. While Hino took care of her I went to go see dog-boy.

"Come in" he called softly when I knocked on the door.

"Hey dog b- ahh!" I yelped as Akamaru jumped up to see me.

"Down Akamaru" I commanded the dog. Akamaru backed away, tail wagging to show he was happy to see me. Kiba laughed at me and patted Akamaru's head,

"You so owe me" I joked.

"Owe you, owe you for what?" he asked, a frown on his face and the arogant smirk too.

"For saving your liffe three times" I told him, a playfull grin on my face. He sat up in the bed he lay on,

"Oh really?" he asked.

"Yes really. I think you owe me" I said in the same joking manner.

"Come here" he told me. I rolled my eyes dramaticly and stepped towards him. 

"Close your eyes, I've got something for you" he said. I crossed my arms over my chest and did as told. The next second I felt his lips on mine. He pulled away and I opened my eyes,

"Thanks kitty" he murmmered softly, the arogant grin was gone. Replaced with the genuine grin I loved too much for my own good. I returned the grin,

"Your welcome dog boy" I replied. Kiba was okay, as was Hinata. To bad this reunion wouldn't last as long as I wished, there was a still a war going on.


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