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Alex went straight to DuckBurg and asked anyone who can help him. "Hi" said Alex. "Can any of you help me? I fell out of the sky and I need to find my way home." The citizens started backing away from Alex because they thought he was crazy and his hat has eyes. Alex sat down right next to a staircase to the apartment feeling depressed and lonely while nobody cared for. He sighed and said "What am I gonna do now? No one ever helps me in any sort of wa-" By the sounds of squealing tires, he saw a limbo driving round the town while heading to McManor. "Sorry" Launchpad yelled. "Wait a minute" Alex said. "That's Launchpad with Scrooge! Maybe Scrooge can help me!" He then follows the trails of skid mark led by Launchpad's driving skills.

A few minutes later, Alex made it to the McDuck manor after Donald Duck dropped off Huey, Dewey, and Louie to Scrooge to babysit them. Alex then buzzed in for Scrooge, but nobody answered until Pixiu broke through the garage trying to feed itself with gold. "I don't like the sound of this" Alex said in his mind. He sneaked inside the door cage and ran towards the garage seeing that nobody's there but a broken ceiling. He immediately saw the sunchaser plane preparing to take off. "Okay kids, get in" said Launchpad. Alex then ran towards the plane and grabbed on to the left wing. While the triples and Webby saved Scrooge, Louie already had a plan to stop Pixiu with Medusa's Gauntlet. Scrooge grabbed the tail of Pixiu with the gauntlet thus, turning the dragon into stone. Scrooge immediately dives into his money bin which he landed save and the kids cheered for Scrooge. "Wow" Alex said, "That was amazing!" All of the sudden, the sunchaser started falling down and Alex started to fall somewhere else. Before he hit the ground, a river formed as an armed save Alex's life and placed him down safely to the sand. He heavily breathes while a strange girl walked up to him and asked, "Are you okay"? He asked, "Yeah. Who are you?" "I'm Ariel Doves" She said. "You don't look like a dove to me" Alex said. "Thanks for saving my life anyways". He then leaves to find a place to stay for a while. Ariel asked "Where are you going"? "It's none of your concern" said Alex. Ariel seemed curious and sees Alex that he didn't belong in her world. His hat started turning towards Ariel and shocked her. She took out her smartphone and took a snapshot before it turned away quickly. She then shared the photo to her friend and told her "I think that's the kid who was brought here. The hat looked at me!"

The next day, Alex found a place to make shelter right underneath the Money Bin bridge. He realized he was hungry and started looking for jobs in Duckburg. He decided to sneak into the McDuck Manor again to clean his suit in the laundry room. He stores it into the washing machine and tries to stuff his hat inside as well. The hat then opened it's eyes to Alex and pops his body out floating in mid air. Alex screamed loudly and Bentina Beakley rushed into the laundry room. She opened the door and sees nobody but a basket full of dirty clothes. Mrs. Beakley then leaves from the room and continuing to do her job around the house. Alex and his hat came out from the basket and Alex said "You're alive?" The hat became nervous and tries to say hello in a gibberish language. Alex couldn't understand what the hat is saying. "Hi" he said nervously. "Why is this universe so weird" his mind said. Alex felt bad for being scared. "I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?" The hat nods a 'yes' and decided to go along with Alex to his journey. "Do you have a name" Alex questioned. He still couldn't understand it and decided to give it a nickname. "How about Fedory"? The hat felt happy for its name. "I've got to clean you up first" Alex said.

A few hours later, his suit and Fedory are clean and dry from the machine. Alex is still starving. When returning from his shelter, Alex noticed a big buffet with a small table is standing right in front of him. "This seems pretty suspicious" he said. "But it looks so good" Alex dug in with Fedory and asked "Can you eat"? Fedory does a emotionless expression. A month later, Alex was about to prepare to ask Scrooge for help. He's seen on the sunchaser again. Alex then sneaks inside of the plane to talk to Scrooge. He hid behind the boxes and Fedory hovers towards Launchpad's head and place itself to him. Alex was trying to think of what he's gonna say. He then hovers and go through Launchpad's mind thus controlling Launchpad. "Where am I" said Alex in Launchpad's voice. "Uh, Launchpad" said Huey. "There's a storm coming in!" Alex then realized that he doesn't know how to be a pilot. He exist through Launchpad's mind and hid behind the ladder. Louie questioned "Where did you find that hat"? "What hat" said Launchpad confused. Dewey and Webby immediately put their plans to work to find info about Della Duck as the lightning bolt caught on the wing of the plane. Everyone screams in terror as they're about to crash landed on Ithaquack separating Alex from Scrooge again on top of the building. Alex got up and almost slipped his foot to fall. "Thanks a lot" Alex said in a disappointed face. "I didn't ask to control Launchpad's mind. And if I did, I would be okay". Fedory does a nervous laugh.

Alex climbs down and gets a tour inside the building. Little did he know, Dewey and Webby went inside. He found a lightning bolt from Zeus on a display case. "Wow" Alex said. "I've always wanted to throw Zeus's lightning bolt". He then heard a commotion that Zeus beat Scrooge. Alex took one of Zeus' lightning bolt and watches Zeus rubs his victory against Scrooge. Alex said "What a show off" with a disappointed look. Dewey and Webby got back from the building and returned to Scrooge. Dewey accidentally drops the Sphere of Selene knocking out Zeus's ball and won the challenge. Zeus is enrage by Scrooge and his family again causing to make a giant storm. "Oh no" said Alex. "They're about to be killed! I better think of something. What do I do?" "We should go now" said Scrooge. "You're not going anywhere" said Zeus. A rock was thrown against his back head. "Hey Zeus" Alex yelled. "Look at me! I'm Scrooge McDuck's biggest fan! He's a better god than you'll ever be! Do you know what else?! I have something from you that you don't deserve!" "What" Zeus screamed. "How dare you make me a mockery and stealing one of my bolts! I shall paralyze you mortal!" "You have to get me first" said Alex. "Why you" Zeus grunted. "Get out of here" yelled Alex. "Now's your chance to leave!" Scrooge and his family started to leave inside the sunchaser. But the sunchaser has been ripped apart by Launchpad. "Okay" Launchpad said. "I think I found the problem". There was no other way but to watch Alex trying to distract Zeus for so long.

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