Ariel Doves to the rescue!

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"What in blazes do you think you're doing" said Scrooge in a shock face. "I had to find the problem of the plane and I think I found it" said Launchpad. "Don't you see we're having our problem to a God who acts like a baby" yelled Scrooge. "We have to get out of here! Now we can't because you've torn apart me sunchaser and I am not paying a single dime nor me number one dime to repair this plane. A strange little boy is sacrificing his own life for distracting Zeus!" "I'm sorry Mr. McD" Launchpad apologized. "Hey don't get so down on yourself" said Dewey. "It's not your fault" said Webby. "Why are you encouraging him" Scrooge questioned. "Did the two of you did this"? "What, no" Dewey and Webby said together. 5 minutes later, Alex was getting exhausted from running from Zeus around the island. "Father" said Storkules. "Do you must erase this mortal's life"? "Silence" yelled Zeus. "Every mortal is our enemy! They must be gone!" "You're acting like Hades" said Storkules. "I'm not acting like Hades" said Zeus. "You're acting like Hades! Go to your room, you're grounded!" Storkules walked up to the building in a depressing look on his face. Selene teleports right behind Scrooge and his family asking him "Come with me if you want to leave." They teleport out of their way to Duckburg along with the torn apart sunchaser. "Selene" yelled Zeus. Alex is still running and turned around and stopped if they left. "Yes" yelled Alex. He was caught by Zeus's lightning against from his finger tips. The lighting melted Zeus's bolt that causes to go inside Alex's nervous system through the skin. The lightning blew him off and he noticed that the bolt is gone. "Say goodbye Scrooge" said Zeus acting crazy. All of a sudden, water formed into a whip slaps Zeus in the face. "Sorry" Ariel apologized to Zeus. "What the heck are you doing here" said Alex. "Have you been stalking me"? "There's no time to explain" said Ariel. "Let's go!" Ariel used water to let her form an air helmet for the two of them. Off they ran underwater. Zeus got up and realized that Alex is gone. Zeus went on a rampage and went inside his house.

Ariel started talking to Alex. "So I've noticed how you're not from around here. I can tell because you don't look like you're used to this place." Fedory opened it's eyes to Ariel. "I never seen a hat that it's alive on it's own. He's so cute". Fedory blushes when Ariel complemented it. "Whatever it is you're about to tell me, I'm not interested." said Alex. Ariel giggled "Well, whatever it is you're thinking about, I don't understand. You don't trust anybody do you?" "I've been through a lot" Alex said. "So where are we going anyway?" "To Duckburg" said Ariel. "But I needed to bring you somewhere in DuckBurg". "My friend and I are curious about you. She wants to get to know you." Alex started to look around as he is walking. "This is really beautiful" he said. "It's like I'm in an aquarium, but underwater. With an air helmet." "It's always been beautiful" said Ariel. "Everyday, I would explore and help out sea creatures who are in need from danger. There's so much meaning for what it's like underwater. You can never look away at something this beautiful as what it always seems." "Wow" said Alex in a surprising tone. "You sure do have ways with the ocean." "Thanks" said Ariel. "I can take you to an old underwater city someday. It has mermaid and they're really nice." An hour later, they made it to DuckBurg. "Oh man I'm starving" said Alex. "Don't worry" Ariel said. "As soon as we get here, we'll give you what we can get you and some new clothes. From that blast, you looked worn out." Ariel stomach started growling. "Oh. I guess you're not the only one hungry" she giggled.

They arrived to a house in the middle of the river 1 mile away from Lena's place. Ariel knocked on the door and yelled "Erynn it's me." Erynn peaks through the door and unlocks the door and says "come in." They went inside and Alex was so surprised to see the inside. The room has a dreamcatcher, lava lamp, photo autographs of Scrooge, books of rewrote history and bean bags. "Well hello" Erynn greeted to Alex. "My name is Erynn Cinnabon. I'm so glad you came here." Erynn give Alex a handshake. But when touching, it shocked Erynn's hand a little. "Sorry" said Alex. "That's okay said Erynn. Erynn explains why she wants to see him. "When Ariel saved you from the sunchaser, she noticed that your hat is alive. We've experienced that you're not from around here. Before she met you, we've noticed a laser that's been shot out of the thermosphere from New Yolk City. "So are there no any guys I can hang out in this house" Alex questioned in his mind. "We've figured it might be from Frank Geesness." Erynn explained. Alex questioned "Who's Frank Geesness"? Erynn then explained "Frank Geesness is a bussiness man who plans on fixing every single mistakes in the multiverse. I don't know why he brought you here, but he's not only planning on fixing mistakes. He wants to rule our world. And someday, any other worlds. We might able to help you, but we're gonna need a plan. And I know just how to do it. I know someone, but she's out of town right now." Erynn gets up and looked into her drawers. "You looked worn out. I have clothes that I used for disguises which I haven't yet. Choose anything you like." Alex picked out the clothes for a black shirt, blue pants, and a yellow jacket. "Do you got any shoes" he said. "I'm sorry" said Erynn. "I don't have any men size shoes for you. You're gonna have to live without it for a while." Erynn offered Alex to join the team. "Uh... team" he questioned. "I need to think about it." He walked out of the house and one huge beagle boy snuck behind Alex and knocked him and Fedory unconscious. "Boss, I've got the kid" Big Time said. "Don't you mean 'we' Big Time" said Bouncer. "Shut it" yelled Big Time. "I want Ma to give me the love and respect I deserve that I never gotten. At this point, I'll be getting a raise!" He dragged Alex from his feet and walk towards to New Yolk City outside of Duckburg. "He's gonna get himself hurt" said Erynn. "If we're going to get him to say yes, we gotta earn his trust." Ariel looks at the window when Alex is being dragged. "Uh, Erynn" said Ariel. "Yes" said Erynn. Ariel grabbed her head turning towards the window. The girls ran outside as they were ready for anything. Big Time calls out Burger and Bouncer to tie them up together. The Beagle boys ran off with Alex. Ariel managed to slip off the rope and helped Erynn out. Ariel got a text message from Gizmoduck. "I'm Sorry" said Ariel. "I gotta go." Ariel puts on her costume. "Since when did you dressed like a superhero" Erynn questioned. "Gizmoduck hired me" Ariel said. She flees to help out Duckburg. It's up to Erynn to figure out a way to get Alex back.

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