Taking the right path

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Later at night, Alex woke up from a coma being tied up to a chair with an empty room. The light turns on facing towards Alex's spot and a strange man came out of the shadow behind him. "Hello Mr. Alex. My name is Frank Geesness. Founder of the Gold Goose industries". "Why have you brought me here" Alex questioned. "And where's my hat?!" "In that box" said Mr. Geesness. "Don't worry, there's holes around it so it can breath." He starts walking around explaining, "I've heard you're having problems. Mostly family problems." Alex wants to forget the past, but his anger is causing him to release a little bit of his power which didn't yet. "Do you do anything that's not creepy at all in your life besides spying me" Alex said in a relax tone but creeped out. "Could I please finished" Said Frank in a calm tone. "Thank you. Back to our topic. You were five years old and your parents were separated for an argument which I know what happened you can't even figure it out nor will I tell. You have some trouble trusting people when your brother left when you were 13 years old because he was a figure to you and always help out your problems. See, here's where we have similarities. We don't trust people and have our minds if we can trust our families or not." "I am nothing like you" said Alex. "You don't know me." "Do I" questioned Frank. "Believe me, I am more hurt than you are. I once had hair until a huge figure from Duckburg got rid of it. My parents never appreciate for what I've accomplished and I haven't gotten a "Thank You" or "I'm proud of you" feeling from them. As I continuously speaking, I want to make an offer for you. I'll help you get a family. A family that will never leave you on your side or to worry ever again. As for friends, I'll get one as well. A trustworthy one that will never see you as an outcast. I just need your help knowing a lot about your world. I want to fix that's everything wrong in your universe. In fact, make me as a king in your universe. And fix what's wrong in my universe and every single multiverse out there. What's your answer?" Alex started to look down and think.

Meanwhile, Erynn made a plan to bring Alex back all by herself, until the shadow war began. She prepared herself with a magic brush and a paper of plans. Her shadow came out from the wall and began to rip her plan. "NO" she yelled. Erynn ran outside and her shadow and some citizens of Duckburg's shadow began chasing her. Erynn bumped into Violet Sabrewing. "What's the big idea" said Violet. "I'm sorry, but RUN" Erynn yelled. Erynn ran out from duckburg and try to find Alex. She was cornered to a bolder and the shadows surrounded her. The shadow was about to claw her, but a water formed into a rope stopped the shadow attacking and send it flying away 30 feet apart. "Thanks Ariel" Erynn said. "I owe you one." "Gizmo let me help you to save Alex" said Ariel. "Now I'm free to help." They start taking out the shadows one by one while taking a path to New Yolk City.

Back in the building, Alex made a choice. "Well....I really want to have a better life, but it's not right. Opening up a single universe could lead to some destruction. If you tried to fix it, it would fall apart. I appreciate your offer, but I'm gonna have to deny it". "Hmm" Mr. Geesness grunted. "I understand. Men! Have this kid be send away to another dimension outside without having anyone noticing." Alex tried to struggle off the cuffs while the men took him to a quiet place. "Mr. Geesness" one manager yelled. "There's an outbreak in New Yolk City. They look like us, but somewhat creepy". Mr. Geesness decides to change of plans. "Then don't bring him outside. Bring him in here". The men puts Alex down to the ground while Mr. Geesness turns on the ramrod. He walks up to Alex. "I'm sorry son" Mr. Geesness said. "It's just not cut out for the both of us. I thought I could make a difference with you. And I thought that you and I are not so similar after all." Alex struggles to get up while his hands starts sparking again. "Every time I make an offer to someone, they just happened to disappear if you know what I mean. But for you, you're the most difficult one yet! You're an absolute disgrace to your world. No one will be at your side, no one will stand against for you, and no one will ever care about you. You'll be sent to the most dangerous dimension where no one has ever been to. Say goodbye child." Alex's anger then yells out unleashing his electric powers into a big wave breaking free from the men putting him down to the ground and broke the box and freed Fedory. Alex looked at his hand and said, "Where did this come from?" Erynn and Ariel knocked down the door from the main lobby and sees Alex standing while Mr. Geesness and his men are down. "Guys" Alex yelled out. "I mean, gals. Hey Ariel, what's with the getup?" Ariel was a little annoyed how he already figured out her identity. "Never mind that" said Erynn. "We need to get out of here. There's an apocalypse outside!" There are 4 dozens of shadows surrounding the 3 heroes. Erynn and Ariel starts to take on the shadows, but Alex doesn't know what to do. He then tried to fight too, but he was too weak. He then traced back his steps on what happened a few minutes ago. He tried unleashing his power again, but it wasn't enough to take out many shadows. Mr. Geesness gets up from the floor and sees his shadow preparing to attack. He ran upstairs to the 5th floor to find some chalk. The shadow followed him and stepped on a shadow trap. The shadow couldn't escape from the trap as it struggles hard. While the shadow war was almost over, Alex was starting to get the hang of his powers as he continues to fight. "Did Zeus gave you that power" Ariel questioned. "No not really" Alex said. "I was being chased by Zeus while I stole his bolt and making fun of his skills." Erynn then mixes up the puzzle. "So when Zeus shocked you while you were holding his bolt, the bolt must have gotten into your bloodstream. Or nervous system if I do recall correctly." Mr. Geesness heard the heroes conversation and has a plan. As the black vortex disappears from Duckburg in the sky, the shadows leaves and the sky changed back to normal. The citizens of New Yolk City and Duckburg cheered as the war is over. The heroes celebrated and went home to Duckburg. Mr.Geesness stands alone against the window as the heroes leave. His shadow was the only shadow that didn't leave due to being stuck in a shadow trap. "I know what I'm going to do with you" Mr. Geesness said. "And you're gonna help me whether you'll like it or not".

1 hour later, the heroes are at an all you can eat buffet. "Ooh! Shrimp Eggrolls are my favorite" said Alex. Ariel quickly slapped and yelled "NO!" She made a scene against the customers. "I mean, achoo" Erynn whispers to Alex and told him "Try not to eat seafood in front of her. She's been banned from many seafood restaurants." "I'll do my best" Alex said and give her a wink. They all sat down at their tables and Erynn started questioning Alex. "So are you thinking of joining our group? It would take a lot of time for us to get you back home." "It's really hard to trust anyone" said Alex. "I've decided to live my own path while helping you guys if there's trouble. I don't trust you, but I will help you out. As of right now, we're just partner. No more than that." "We're glad to hear it" Erynn said. "If you need anything, we're always here to help you as well." Ariel saw a person right pass by her and saw seafood on his plate. She freaked out and take out water from her bottle and hits the person's plate out. The manager calls out for the heroes in private with a mean look on his face.

 The manager calls out for the heroes in private with a mean look on his face

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