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       I walked into the cool waiting room and stood at the desk waiting for the nurse to look up from her computer. Jus cleared her throat as she repeatedly slammed her hand on the counter top.
        "I'm sorry ladies I'm really slammed with booking appointments haha do you have one?" She smiled a nice smile and pulled out a clipboard.
       "I'm Dream Camden I have a 10:30 with Dr. Brown." She instantly perked up at the name.
       "OH! You're going to love her she's really good, have a seat fill that out completely and wait for them to call you." She literally swallowed a pound of sugar this morning I bet. I took a seat and looked over the questionnaire. I wondered why I had to fill all of it out, couldn't the Dr just touch my vagina and instantly know all the secrets of the universe? Wow a baby got me as a mother. Poor little creature.
     I looked over to see Jus typing away on her phone and wondered who she was texting. I'm not concerned for her welfare I'm just being nosey.
         "Camden?" I turned at the sound of my last name and saw a slightly older woman holding a clipboard and smiling warmly around the room. I stood and looked at the other women in the area, some not as big as others, all smiled at me and I felt like I was in an episode of stepford wives.
        "Hi Dream I'm Dr. Brown but you can call me Shannon how are you feeling today?" She asks me once we're in the exam room. I sat trying to hold the large scrap of paper that resembled a paper towel around my lower half.
     "She has a fever of a hundred and three,  she's nauseous and vomits on a daily basis, bathroom at least thirty times a day food and water intake has increased significantly." Jus smiled brightly and I had the strange urge to end her existence. Shannon smiled and took the stick that was handed to her. She had me lay back on the table and put my feet into these suspicious looking metal things she called stirrups.
      Poking and prodding and more questions made me wonder if all the women would go through this. And why were there baby paintings all over with zoo animals,  lions and tigers and babies Oh my!!! Don't they know these animals would devour a little helpless infant. If ever I own a doctor office I'd paint it with relaxing things like lakes and food. Definitely not murderous animals and cherubic babies.
        "Ok Dream my dear we're all done here, if you'll see the receptionist and make an appointment for a month from now I would appreciate it." I smiled at Shannon and decided she was a friend especially cause she was all up in my bottom throat for about five minutes.

         Back inside the car I let my seat back and threw an arm over my eyes. I could really go for some Jack in the box right now.
       "Feel like burgers for lunch Dream?" Jus smiled mischievously and pulled out of the parking garage into traffic. Fifteen minutes and we pull into the only place that doesn't make me want to puke my whole life out. How do they know that by throwing up you're pregnant, what if you were bulimic or that other thing where you don't eat. I munched my fries while I texted my mom.
         "So are you going to tell Major about the baby?" Jus asked around a mouthful of Bacon and beef. I raised my eyebrows at this query. Jus has been the only one bold enough to make me face my fears in the four years I had known her.
     "No, why should I when he's a world away, besides,  I ruined all my chances with him its been a month and no word from him. Now drop it and help me figure out baby names." She frowned a little before shrugging and sipping her soda.
     She went back to texting her mystery friend and spouted name after name. I let my mind wander to a blue eyed man that made trolls stomp up and down my spine. Would he be happy about this? Would he want to be there when I got fat and angry? Would it be like in the movies where he would rub my feet and get me jalapenos and ice cream at 5am? He was practically a stranger anyway he would thank me later when and if I ever saw him again.

       "Ok we definitely need gym time today do you feel up to it?" Jus stood and gathered our trash. I could only imagine what it would be like to be a happily married mother to a Marine with black hair and blue eyes.

        I fell into my bed so happy after the way the day went. Jus and I went shopping for some outfits and baby things and then to the gym where I'm sure I lost ten pounds. I kicked off my shoes and sat up on the bed. A shower was definitely needed I don't want to smell like a bus stop inhabitant. I decided to treat myself and fill my Roman tub with hot water and my brand new FOREVER PARIS bath set.
       I went into the kitchen while I waited and pulled out the Marie Callendars shepherd's pie Precious got for me. Turning on the oven and setting the temperature up to 350° I went back into the bathroom to shut off the water.

        I slipped into the scalding water and let out a sigh of contentment.  "Well little baby seed or what ever you are, looks like it's just you and me. I mean you'll have all your aunts of course. I'm not so sure about your dad because he's probably somewhere fighting bad guys and being incredibly hot and sexy and protecting the world and stuff." I closed my eyes and imagined he was here with me his fingers would stroke my belly and his voice would be warm and dark as we made mad passionate love.
        My daydream became of the baby would it be a boy or girl? Would the baby look like us, would I be a good parent? What was that noise? I lifted my head and strained to hear it again. Sure enough a creaking sound had me reaching for my robe and fluffy duck slippers. I reached into the clothes hamper and pulled out my gun. Oh Yea my ex boyfriend worked at a gun range and bought it as a birthday present.
      Shutting off the bathroom light and easing the door open I spot the dark hooded shadow standing at the foot of my bed.
        "You've got five seconds to identify yourself before I pull the trigger." I hit the safety and cocked the gun to show I wasn't playing around. The guy pulled down his Hood and before I could do anything I was flipped over his shoulder and onto my back on my bed. I looked into fury filled blue eyes as I felt the gun being yanked from my hand.
       "So our child's first toy is going to be a handgun is that what you want?" He snapped angrily. I sat up and before I could stop my hormones were all over him. His mouth sealed over mine like a suction cup and I was thrilled... wait a slippery suck ass second.

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