7. Abs! Abs! Abs!

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 Han Ming: "..." What

she said looked like a compliment. It was a bit ironic to listen carefully. It seemed that she was still complaining about what she had just thrown out.

Han Ming quickly went to observe Xie Xinglin's reaction.

I saw this person silently silent for a few seconds, then, Xie Xinglin gradually added a playful look (color), he slowly walked over the long legs, walked over the knuckles against the edge of the trouser pocket, and leaned down to lower the eyelids Looking at her, he slightly (hooked) his lips: "Take care of me..." The

tone rose slightly, "Are you my girlfriend? Hmm?"

His eyes were very good, and he looked sharp when looking up at people The feeling of publicity, but when staring down, it gives a gentle illusion.

The three words "girlfriend" added a bit of ambivalence in his mouth, which made the person listening to the bones crisp.

Han Ming almost broke his tongue.

Why is this man so disgusting as soon as he leaves school? ?

(Fuck cao), Sao broke his leg! !

Su Qiuge froze, then shook his head.


Xie Xinglin said softly, "Ah", raised his jaw slightly, straightened himself up, restored his expressionless expression, and then said one word in a light and slow tone--

"So, with you Is it relevant?"

Su Qiuge: "..."

This statement was so reasonable that she could not refute it.

Han Ming:? ?

He just wanted to thank Xing Lin that he was finally worried about the fact that he was starting to seduce his sister. The next sentence was undoubtedly a straight man crit.

He covered his face and said with emotion,

what the hell he was thinking,

No matter on or off campus, Xie Xinglin is Xie Xinglin,

the old Xie dog destined to be single all his life!

to go to school these days, the fall of the Soviet Union to leak knowledge grid points, two points every night till midnight in the morning.

When the alarm clock sounded at six in the morning, she suspected that she might have just taken a nap.

On the way to school, she bought a bag of strawberry jelly and mint in a convenience store next to her home. When I arrived at the school, I unpacked the mint candy, adhering to the principle of snacking as an apology, and stuffed a few belly into her table.

Although she ordered a school uniform online, the coat had not arrived yet. Then, after hesitating for a while, she crushed a strawberry jelly and squeezed it into a pink (color) cover exercise book at his desk.

This pink (color) cover workbook seems to be an after-school workbook in Chinese. Su Qiuge has a copy on everyone's table, and I haven't seen it used by the teacher. I don't know what it's used for. It is exactly the same as the color (color) of the soft candy packaging she bought, and hiding the sugar here will at least feel a little hidden in her heart.

Hmm... maybe she will be surprised when she opens the same table.

This time Xie Xinglin did not step on the bell to go to school. He came very early. When Peng Jianda had a disagreement when they discussed the answer, he was already there when he came to ask him for homework.

Those people asked him (body shen) about his physical condition when they asked him to do homework, and even when they read early, the teacher came to his seat to extend his condolences.

Look Xie Xing temporary eye grabbing head down, a disease beauty posture, resting his head in seemingly weak but in reality perfunctory said ︰ "a little better."

This all look in the eyes of the fall of the Soviet Union grid ︰ "......"

Oscar winner It's up to you.

When Peng Jianda finished his condolences and started to use the paper for reference, Xie Xinglin took the test paper from the belly.

I just glimpsed a few mints in the corner trying to hide my body.

He stared down at the few mints, his original cold expression on his face became a little subtle, and he turned his head to look at Su Qiuge sitting on the right.

She is holding up a language document, burying her head in the language document, endorsing it very quietly.

From this perspective, the collar of her school uniform was a little low, and she showed a slender and beautiful neck, and the sun shone brightly outside her window.

White was dazzling.

Xie Xinglin withdrew his eyes and handed the test paper in the belly to Peng Jianda.

The first lesson after reading today is physical education.

What Su Qiuge didn't expect was that Experiment 2 Middle School was more advanced and richer than the high school he had attended before. This school not only has a dormitory for four people, but also has a dedicated swimming pool in the school. Ordinary students of specialty students can also go there, and there are swimming lessons correspondingly.

She doesn't know how to swim, so she still wants to learn. She prepared the necessary swimming equipment last night, but when she arrived at the swimming pool, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Feeling the heat flow from the abdomen, and even accompanied by labor pains, Su Qiuge knew that her relatives were coming, and she was very helpless to ask the teacher for leave.

The teacher has been teaching for many years, and as soon as she saw her pale face (color), she immediately understood it and allowed her to go directly back to the classroom to rest.

Su Qiuge covered her belly and walked slowly towards the (more geng) dressing room. The whole person was also groggy, and went to the (more geng) dressing room. She found her storage according to her memory. Clothes cabinet.

But when she opened the cabinet, she found that something was not right, because it was not her clothes, but a black (color) swimming trunks with a swimming goggles on it.

Su Qiuge suddenly opened the door, and a problem appeared in her mind—

When she passed the entrance pool, was she walking on the left or right?

Because it was the first time to swim in the swimming pool, she might...

Su Qiuge swallowed slowly.

She may have entered the men's (more geng) room.


Su Qiuge was shocked in his heart and left without thinking about it. At this moment, (more geng) a voice came from outside the clothing room.

"I think the girls have changed their bathing suits into the swim lane. Why does our teacher have to talk so long before class every time, and weary."

"Who knows, hurry up, I can't wait, brother. you are !! diving little prince coming !! " "

raped you how not into (more geng) directly to the fitting room clothes (off tuo) up !! " "

What are you shy man, I direct Going in swimming trunks."

"Well, do you know that Han Ming in Class 11 is really a cow? He skipped class and came here to find Xie Xinglin to play."

"I really take it, I doubt this Han Ming. Memorize the class schedules of our class."

Su Qiugue burst out a huge "recessed trough" in his heart, and then looked around quickly, looking for a long time and found no place to hold.

Immediately afterwards, she stared at the cupboard in front of her, hesitated for a while, took a deep breath and drilled directly into it, and hurriedly pulled it from behind.

The cabinet has a faint scent of soap horns, and it feels very good when hiding inside. Then she heard the sound of screams from outside, and there seemed to be many people coming in.

Then there are some strange conversations in the clouds.

"You can't do this, you are too small."

"Lying trough, where are you staring."

"I have a small little ?? I ?? I xxl okay !!"

"You do not lie to me you have abdominal muscles do? Do abs? Abs do ???"

"You stupid ah, my day talking to you There were a bunch of girls next to me. Can I say I didn't? Can a man say he's not good?"

Su Qiuge curled up in the cupboard and held her breath, but at the next moment, she heard the sound of her footsteps It seems to be coming towards myself.

Lying trough.

Finished! Finished!

Finished! ! ! ! !

To be discovered.

Shouldn't you be regarded as a pervert? ? ?

She can even think of tomorrow's headline-

shock! Contemporary female high school students are hiding in the men's (more geng) locker room because of excessive study pressure, and their intentions are unclear. The boys should also pay attention to protecting themselves in these years.

Su Qiuge covered her mouth, resisted (qiang qiang)'s urge to run away from the cabinet, and tried to shrink herself into a ball. At this time, she only hated herself for not having learned bone shrinkage at first. (More geng) The wardrobe is integrated.

Xie Xinglin walked silently to his locker in a laughter conversation. He lowered his head and pulled down the door, but only opened it, and the door quickly closed like a long hand. .

Xie Xinglin frowned slightly, didn't think about it, only when the cabinet might be old, he turned his wrist slightly, and exerted more force. The door of the cabinet opened, and a "crunchy" sound was made. Xie Xinglin didn't bow his head and pulled Unzip, loosely pull down the coat (tuo), and then throw it in, then he lifted back the clothes inside.

Su Qiuge, shrunken in the cabinet, saw that the cabinet had been opened from the outside, and a trace of light appeared. She screamed in her heart, and her expression was irresistible.

Then she found that the man did not seem to be looking inside. She let out a slight sigh of relief, then retreated silently, and shrank back into the corner. Then, a coat was thrown in from the outside, and she was directly Everyone was covered, and the jacket had a faint scent on it.

She froze for a moment, and then slowly lifted the coat over her body, (exposed) a pair of eyes, and at that moment, she looked up and saw the figure of the man in front of the cabinet.

She swallowed slightly.

From this angle, he could only see below his waist. His slender index finger grabbed the upper corner of the shirt to bring out wrinkles, and then slowly lifted up the upper corner of the shirt, (exposing) a thin waistline.

Immediately followed by smooth and beautiful abdominal muscles, two clear mermaid lines on the waist side spread into the waist of the pants, which is extremely shocking (sexual xing) and makes people drool.

Su Qiuge looked up at the man's waist and looked blankly for a while, then she quickly closed her eyes and meditated a few times, "regardless of etiquette" and hurriedly took a step back quickly, who knows that her movements are a bit big, and her back is on the cabinet wall. , A whine.

This made Xie Xinglin take off his clothes slightly. He lowered the corner of his clothes and put one hand on the closet, staring at his cabinet thoughtfully, then leaned over and looked into the cabinet.

Then, he and Su Qiuge wrapped in his coat face each other.

The girl protruded a head out of his coat like a small animal, a pair of wet eyes looked at him carefully, and then slowly reached out and greeted him tentatively (sexually).

She whispered, "Hi." It

seemed to be steady like an old dog, but she was quite panicked.

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