78. Fanwai 7: It seems that I have not served well enough

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Su Qiuge took a deep breath. He was still thinking about how long this dream would take. When he would wake up, there was a mess of footsteps outside the hall, and then a little yellow door pointed. He said in a high voice, ''Welcome to your Royal Highness--''

Su Qiuge looked outside when he heard it, and saw a black color coming inside. When he approached and saw who the person was, Su Qiuge's face twitched slightly.

God damn Su Yuanzhou can be His Royal Highness! !

National luck is in danger! !

National luck is in danger! !

Su Yuanzhou was followed by a group of cautious servants, who walked in fiercely, his eyes fell on the people tied up in the temple, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Bold! You sordid kind of hooker also wants to seduce the lonely emperor. sister!"

"Come here, drag him down and hit fifty boards!"

Su Qiuge:?

Not necessary.

Who knows that instead of begging for mercy, the man in the red shirt in the hall raised his eyes slightly, his gaze fell on Su Yuanzhou, a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes.

Su Yuanzhou saw that this person even dared to look directly at him, and his face turned blue with anger, "Be careful to dig out your eyeballs!"

However, Xie Xinglin's expression remained unchanged, and the corners of his lips raised a sarcasm.

His lips are red, and when he smiles like this, his facial features become more colorful.

This success angered Su Yuanzhou. He pulled out the saber used for decoration in the hall and strode towards Xie Xinglin.

Su Qiuge saw that he seemed to be going to be true, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately stopped him, "Hold on!"

Su Yuanzhou's movement of raising the sword paused slightly, while Xie Xinglin, who was kneeling on the ground, glanced at her in a blink of an eye, and then slowly covered the exposed Hidden Blade with a wide cuff again with his slightly lowered eyelashes.

Su Yuanzhou turned her head, thinking that she was dazzled by the male appearance in front of her, and said anxiously, "This person is of unknown origin. Don't stay, and he looks like a renegade, you don't want to I was deceived by him. If you want any male pet, I will find it for you, but this person..."

Su Qiuge saw Su Yuanzhou in this attire at this time, and then said the upgraded version of "He has no background at all, he looks like a green tea bitch, you must not cheat him!", how? Listen how you want to laugh.

So she thought about her personality, and in her mind came out what kind of an arrogant princess should be like, what she wants to do, what she wants to say, and what she wants to say, besides, this is still in a dream, and things that can't be done normally are all right. Doing it again, thinking about it, she also started to let herself go, "I don't like you to say that like this, isn't this palace such a superficial woman?"

Su Yuanzhou: "..."

Her gaze fell on Xie Xinglin, and then faintly said, "Although he was born well, he is just a plaything in the palm of my palace. What storm can a plaything make?"

Xie Xinglin: "..."

Su Qiuge felt that the feeling of letting go of oneself was not too cool, especially when looking at the people here, one by one was surprised, staring at her in disbelief.

At this time, the maid outside the side hall whispered, "The princess still remembered the son of Xie in Yushuyuan before, and she would give him anything as long as she followed her, and she even went to Yushuyuan every day to listen to her thanks. The son is playing the piano, calling treasures on his lips, just like those fainted monarchs who met the enchanting concubine before, how come they are now... but so indifferent?"

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