83. Fanwai 12: Wedding dress

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Finally, after discussing and arguing for a long time, Han Ming still compromised.

Only this time, neither he nor Xie Xinglin wanted to take a long way back.

Han Ming wanted to avoid the government's pursuit and unnecessary trouble. As for what Xie Xinglin was thinking, Han Ming also knew clearly--

I just want to stay with this little princess for a while.

When the two worked together before, he was used to seeing this person's unfeeling.

Murder was stained with blood without hesitation for a moment, and the red clothes on his body were stained with blood every time he received an order.

He never expected that a person like him would be able to move the world.

It's just that the wrong payment was indeed made this time.

After all, the identities of these two people are there, and it is more difficult to be together than to reach the sky.

During this time Su Qiuge has always been very sober.

She also tried to fall asleep, and had a strong intuition that she should leave as long as she fell asleep.

But she just couldn't fall asleep, lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

When she was seen by the people around her like this, she would think she was worried because she wanted to go back.

So Xie Xinglin became more silent, but quietly speeded up the journey.

This night they were going to sleep in a restaurant near the palace. On the way, Xie Xinglin bought her many small things, including hairpin silk flower sachets, etc., probably to help her relieve her worries.

It didn't take long to get to the edge of the capital. In the daytime, there happened to be the daughter of a wealthy family in the martial arts competition. Su Qiuge found it interesting and stopped here to watch.

Said it is a contest to recruit relatives, but it is not so exaggerated. It is nothing more than setting up a ring on the top. The reward for the winner is a beautifully crafted wedding dress.

Su Qiuge guessed that the original intention of the owner should not be directly explained, but the original intention was to dedicate the winner to the wedding dress to her daughter. Thinking of this, she was a little curious about the process, so she stopped near the restaurant. It depends on who is the winner.

At this time, there was a knife juggler standing on the stage, looking very fierce, and looking very uncomfortable.

This person has stood guarding the ring for a long time, and those who came forward to challenge have been repelled.

Everyone next to him was talking in whispers.

"I know this knife juggling. It was from the previous escort board. It seems that the surname is Lin Lai."

"Yes, yes, I heard that this man is extremely skillful. Someone previously said that he is one of the best in the escort."

"It is estimated that this surnamed Lin has been fond of Boss Wan's daughter for a long time. I think no one is fighting with him this time."

"Not to mention whether anyone is arguing with him, even if there is, it won't be enough."

"Boss Wan, he is really willing, right? The wedding dress was left by the former embroiderer, so just take it out. Don't you worry about the person holding it and leaving?"

"You are stupid, Boss Wan's daughter is so beautiful, who would desperately abandon the beauties for a wedding dress, let alone enter their home, and some of them are money."

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