Chapter Forty

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A new decade of chapters; A new era.


Pretty Boy's POV




Red has fallen over the edge of the porcelain tub, naked and all.

It's quite bizarre actually, the constant flailing and the muffled cries that are coming from her. She was attempting to lean on the wall, though she mistook the curtain as the actual tiled surface.

And now, she's like one of those small, worthless spiders that reside in your sink, panicking when you flip the faucet on in hopes to drown them.

'See, this is why she is so much better than you.'

My brain makes absolutely zero sense, thinking nonsense more than it could think rationality.

'You can't be a dick about me, I'm dead.'

Myself and Red went from sensually kissing, a tension-filled banter that only hardened me greater than cemented concrete, to the suction-cupping of her delicate lips, to this.

Sending me into an orgasmic euphoria, the amethyst pleasure from both her daunting actions and her enchanting beauty nearly whisked me to my own knees.

'Pussy-whipped, Curlmania.'

"Do you, uh-," I hover my finger in Red's direction, her hands ripping at the bathmat in stabilization as her manic actions render me still. "Do you need help?" I choke out, everything on full display as we're both still naked.

God, she's really fucking weird.

But she's also really fucking beautiful, so I'm very conflicted.

Reaching beyond my statured self, my hand grips the metaled knob, turning off the running shower in hopes to calm this situation. "Nope, no. I've actually never been happier." Red muffles into the ground, face completely down as she is essentially spread-eagle.

I just wanted to buy some condoms; Didn't want Harley Quinn to break every bone in her damned body.

'Do you think this happened when she fucked Ca-'

I'll kill you, again.

"You realize this is very strange." I step out of the shower, reaching for the towel as she remains a hopeless mess on the ground. "Like, just get up or something."

Just because we have formed this semi-romantic bond, connected into a fruitful one, I'm not going to miraculously turn into Prince Charming.

Too boring, typical.

Awaking that silent fire with every pressing insult, subtle jab, I find myself falling for the ruby with every quick-witted comeback.

The Caterpillar finds himself fully inebriated, the White Rabbit mimicking his actions as Alice paddles throughout the violet water, engulfed completely.

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