Chapter Twenty Two

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"Ah!" I winced waking up from my sleep. Damiar was still passed put on the chair next to me, I looked down and counted like Dr Lai instructed, one, two, three, four, one, two, three "Ah!" I looked over to him, deep sleeper huh
"Damiar," I said shaking him awake by the arm, he grumbled and looked up
"What? Do you want food?" He asked looking up at me
"I think I'm in lab- Ah!" A piercing pain shot through my lower half, Damiar went wide-eyed and rushed out the hall
"SOMEBODY WITH A PhD BETTER GET THEIR ASS IN HERE QUICK!" Damiar shouted, I smiled and breathed through than like my birth coach told me. In, out, in, out, in- "Ah!" Damiar busted back in the room with Doctor Lai who snapped blue latex gloves on "You know the drill" She said quickly leaning down pushing my legs apart. Three other ladies wearing scrubs, nurses I assume, came into assist.  "Are you sure you still wanna do a natural birth?" I nodded, it was meant to be better for the baby. I can live with some pain if it's better for the baby.  "Ah!" I yelled out again, the pain was only getting worse "Just breath baby" Damiar said holding my hand, I squeezed it tightly inhaling sharply. "AH!" I screamed as the searing pain ran down my leg "Just breath baby come on in out in out-"
"SHUT UP!" I screamed yelling out my pain
"That's strange.." Doctor Lai looked in between my legs "What what's wrong?" Damiar asked looking down as I kept moaning. "The baby's crowning and you've only been in labour for twenty minutes, good for you I guess. Don't worry Cora it'll be over soon" She said as I screamed and yelled. "Ahhh!" I squeezed my eyes tightly as the strange instinct to push came over me, i really can't explain it.. it was just the feeling it was what I was meant to do. So I did I pushed and I pushed and I yelled until the baby finally came out. I was expecting a cry as the doctor picked the baby up looking concerned "What wrong?" I asked holding Damiars hand
"We need two monitors set up stat" Doctor Lai said and carried the baby off to the next room leaving with the nurses.
"Damiar what happened?" I asked looking up at him and he bit his lip
"They probably just wanna clean the baby up a bit" I nodded, yeah that was it since babies are covered in blood and fluids and gross stuff. But I didn't care I just wanted my baby. Doctor Lai walked in slowly while the nurse behind her held the baby "I'm so sorry" She said pulling off her gloves. I looked up at Damiar "What- what's wrong?" He asked with a trembling voice. "The baby didn't make it, there was an issue from the car incident with your birthing canal that only presented during labour, I'm so so sorry" She said shaking her head, no. "Stop lying and give me my baby" She nodded to the nurse holding my baby "It's a boy" She said handing me him. I felt tears prick my eyes and I sobbed. He was so beautiful, tanned skin a perfect in between of my mocha and Damiars porcelain we were going to call him Benny. He had light brown curls and was laying silently. "No no no" I whispered stroking his face "Not my baby please not my baby" I held him tightly
"No please no" I whispered holding his motionless baby
"I'm so sorry" Doctor Lai said and tried to take the still infant from me "No please just five more minutes please" I begged tears streaming down my face "Cora you have to let go" Damiar said and I shook my head "Please please" I begged her "Cora please" Doctor Lai said as I sobbed slowly letting her take him away "My baby" I cried as Damiar
Laid next to me "It's okay" He said kissing me on the cheek
"My precious little baby boy"

The funeral was solemn. Everybody was dressed in warm black clothes since it was lightly snowing. He never saw snow, he never saw anything. Damiar wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I sobbed. He was so tiny, why did he have to go so soon? I watched as his little coffin was lowered into the grave, it was on our little island, a spot near the shore. Everyone looked sorry, but I was the only one crying, they couldn't really grieve a baby that had never lived.

I didn't get the point of wakes. An after party for a funeral? No thanks. People hovered around food tables and talked. How could you talk about somebody you don't know? I knew they weren't talking about him. Sammy walked over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug "I'm so so sorry" That's all anybody ever said, I'm sorry or I'm sorry for your loss. No you're not, you're not sorry at all! I nodded and she looked back at me "How are you feeling?" I shook my head, if I said anything I knew I was just going to burst into tears again. I glanced to the corner of the room, Damiar was sat down in a chair crying with his head in his hands. Harvey and golden were there trying to comfort him. Ms Johnson walked over to me and hugged me "I know how hard it can be to lose a baby, but trust me you'll turn out okay" She always knew the right thing to say, she knew how to get to me, she didn't say what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. I nodded and looked up at her sorry eyes. Aviva walked over to me "I don't even know what to say Cora, I'm so fucking sorry" She said hugging me, how many more hugs and sorries would I need before I was okay again? I didn't want to be here, I needed to get away from here. I excused me self and walked outside to look out at the cold ocean waves. I didn't care that it was freezing I didn't care that snow was falling anything was better than being stuck in there. I turned around when I heard the click of the door opening behind me. Damiar hugged me tightly as he sniffled. "It's not fair Dami"
"I know baby I know"

A/N: I actually cried while writing this chapter I'm so emotional🥺

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