Chapter One

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I walk quietly down the shore spinning a blade between my fingers. Taking a deep breath I sit down staring at the crystal water with dead eyes. How long. How long has it been. I think back to when Zen left our town to achieve his dreams of sailing the grand line.
"Y/n someday I'm going to grow up and sail the seas just like my father did."
"Your going to leave me?"
"Don't worry we're going to meet again someday!"
Ha you left me here all alone. I don't even remember how I made it through the years. The sky glistens giving me a moment of eternal peace.

"Pirates! Pirates!" A scream came from the distance. I flinch snapping out of the trance. "Huh?" I groan frustrated at the young boy yelling so loudly.
"Pirates are here everyone hurry an-" BOOM
I look up at the hill the boy was standing on moments ago and see a body rolling down. It took 10 seconds to finally understand what was happening.
All of a sudden people start screaming running around gathering their things and heading to the mountains. "Halt!" A mans voice comes booming. "No one moves until I finish my business!" Everyone freezes , fearing what might happen to them if they even breathe. The man looks around scanning the people around him and finally sees me halfway into a boat struggling to climb on. We make eye contact for a long second and I awkwardly smile sticking up a peace sign before he screams. "After that boat!" Urgh way to ruin the moment. I roll my eyes falling onto the boat face first. Fuck. I stand up straight dusting my clothes hoping no one has seen me fail and see two men staring and laughing at me. "Huehuehueeee!" "Shut up and go after her!" The captain roars. "Y-y yes sir!" They salute. I quickly grab the paddles and start paddling as fast as I could. Looking behind me I see the two men in a boat with jet engines speeding next to me. Eyes widening I paddle harder and fail to get away as the boat catches up to me. "Argh damm you marines and your stupid upgrades" I roar as the two marines make there way towards me. With a pistol in one of the men's hand he shot me. A rubber came out wrapping around my legs. I look behind me. Damm I can't jump or I'll drown. I turn my head to look at the men inches away from me and jump off the boat into the dark blue sea. That was a bad idea. I think to my self as my eyes slowly close.

Cough! cough! I jerk up staring at the metal wall in front of me. What happened. I look around and see metal bars on the right. "Shit." "Yes you are right." A familiar voice says smirking at me. I look at the man speaking. He looks like a teenager, but im pretty sure he's the captain is that allowed?  "So you captured me. Now what?" I say. He glares. "I will be the one asking the questions!" I shrug. "I know your one of the Shingsua (you'll see what it is later). I've been looking everywhere for you." I stare at him squinting my eyes. "You got a crush or sum cause just saying you've got bad taste in women." Steam comes out of his ears. "I said I will be asking the questions! That also means I will be the one talking." I open my mouth to speak but close it feeling pity for the captain. Must be treated badly. I nod my head at the thought. "WHat are you noding to yourself about!" He continues "I heard there's a requirement to get to the Genes covernt." What does that have to do with me? I stare at him trying to look confused. "You already know what it is knowing I went this far looking for you, your well overqualified for this job." ...
"Did you not find anyone else to do your job?" I ask uncomfortably.
"Oh I did however they all refused."
"And you just let them go..?"
"Not exactly. We had to kill them before word could get out about us trying to take the covernt. Kinda bad for my reputation." I look around and see a marine next to the cell unfazed. Can't he hear us? "Ah. I ate the sound sound fruit and it lets me control peoples hearing." A devil fruit huh? He holds up a blade. "Recognize this? It's a blade made to kill people like you. After all if I try using just any blade I would be the one dead." I stare at him with annoyed eyes. Dammit. "Now you know too much. You don't have a choice. We're almost at the island, your going to do exactly what I tell you or I'll use this." He says spinning the blade in his hand. My eye twitches.

I look through the tiny window and see an island in the distance. I cover my face with a hand and take out the blade from my pocket gripping it tightly.... allyouneedtodoisaimatthethroatthethroatfinishthemfinisheveryonekillthemallyoudeservetolivetheydeservetodiefinishthemfinishthemfinishthem. "Hah... hahaha!" Clank. Clank! I flinch hiding the blade away in my pocket. "We're here." A marine says unlocking my cell. I look up at the cell door. Click. I dash towards the marine and wham my fist straight at his nose. "Grk! Gahh!" He screams in pain. I look down at him as my insides spin in excitement . All of a sudden marines came pouring into the cells. I clench my fist staring at them dead in the eyes. Kicking the three marines in front. Marines came running towards me and I ran too. Jumping on the shoulder of one I launch myself out of the cells to the deck. Thud! I land on my feet. Marines stare at me frozen. Before they could realize what was happening I make my way to the edge of the ship. All of a sudden a marine appeared in front of me sticking out a sword to my neck. Bruh. I fake a surrender getting ready to attack but something grabs me. "That's enough." The captain comes walking towards me. "I told you to keep low didnt I?" He takes out the blade. "Captain we're almost here!" A voice interrupts. He puts the blade back in his pocket. "Get ready to land," He turns his head. "and make sure she stays handicapped." "Yes captain." The marine grabbing onto me says before he drags me back to the cells.

The marine grabs a roll of cloth and wraps my arms keeping them stuck to my body in a cross fold. I look at his hair. "Pfff." He looks up confused and his pink hair flows with the wind "Hahhahaha are you some kind of hair model or something!" I laugh. He grits his teeth and his face turns red for a quick second. Grabbing my shoulder he drags me to the deck. "Good." The captain says in approval looking at me wrapped up like a mummy. What's so good. I squirm.
As soon as the ship lands I start to get dragged again. We made our way down to the shore and towards the town. I struggle trying to get out of cotton hairs grip looking for an opening. His grip on my shoulders only tightened. Tch. I try to loosen his grip not realizing we made it to the middle of town. This is exhausting. I kick cotton in the knee as hard as I could and he finally let go. Thinking I was free I ran towards the fountain forgetting about the wraps on me. All of a sudden he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder harshly causing my ribs to make a sound. Crack! "Agh!" I cough. Fuck these wraps. "I said keep low." The captain said standing next to us. I glare at him.

We walk into a coffee shop. I keep my head down thinking what to do. All of a sudden I get thrown onto a seat. "Urk! Damm." The captain sits down in front of me. "We're only here to talk." "No matter what you say . The answer is no."
He glares.
"I didn't even say anything yet."
"But I already know what you were going to say"
"Hm well I can't kill you because your the last one that we know of."
"Then can I go?" I stand up.
"Sit down!"
"Nah I'm just gonna run away while I ca-" I look at the cottons face and remember the harsh grip. Justsitdowndoitdoitnowsitdownnowifythatswhatyousee Sitting down calmly I ask. "Why do you want this covernt so badly?" I say crossing my leg on the table.
"I need it for something important."
I groan "I'm not helping you I don't have a reason to."
"You will because if you don't I'll use the blade."
I burst out laughing. "Hahaha! Do you really think threatening me will make me do your dirty work?" The captain stared at me unmoved. killhimkillhimdestroyhiswillhesinthewayright. Shadows cross my eyes. From the corner of my eye I see someone staring at us. His curly eyebrow lifts up as if he could hear us. Doesn't the captain have the sound sound fruits power? I look around and see the other people inside the shop sweating lakes.Hahathisidiotsoeasy Limits huh. The corner of my mouth twitches upwards. "I know that your afraid." The captain says quietly. "I'm not even a pirate or a criminal don't you think it's unfair that I'm being held hostage by a 'marine' just cause he wants treasure?" The entire shop gets silent. I look at the captain with shadows over his eyes. Smirking I feel satisfied for the win. All of a sudden the captain grabs my shoulder with a hard grip. The cloth around me rips apart as I free my arms, and punch the captain straight in the face. AHAHAHAHAHHA. I leap back onto the table of the people behind me and see cotton making his way towards me. The captain recovers quickly and stands next to cotton ready to hit. I get ready to strike him bending my legs and...
I run towards the door out into the open air.

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