Chapter Two

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The open air feels so free.
I run as fast as I could away from the voice screaming. "Don't let her get away!"
Turning a corner I hide behind a piece of cardboard. "This way!" The captain shouted as a trail of marines followed him marching past me.
As soon as I stopped hearing their footsteps I peek outside and see a man leaning against a wall in front of me with a cigarette in his mouth. One of my eyebrows arch. "They're gone now so you can come out." I slowly crawl out from behind the cardboard. I stare at the man for a few seconds and see his skin change color. Is he sick or something. "Well I don't know why your helping me but than-" "OoooOoohHhHhh it wAs nOthInG." He said swaying his body right to left with his hands clasped together. O_o. Sweat. "Okaaayy... so can you help me get out of here if it isn't too much to ask. You see I kinda was forced here and don't know anyone so I need help getting back to where I was, and I don't trust people easily so you should consider this as a complement. So don't expect anything back because my complement is worth more than gold- are you even listening!?" The curly eyebrow was still shaking his butt. "Never mind forget I asked-" He grabbed my hand. "Fear not lady I will be you knight in shining armor!" I was already walking. "What are you waiting for are you an idiot let's go!" "Comingggg!"

"So where are we going?" I asked. "To my crew!" He sang. I flinch at his singing feeling like my ears were filled with needles. We made our way towards the other side of the island while hiding behind random objects when marines came near. "This way!" A marine screamed pointing in a direction away from us. Phew. We tiptoed out from behind a barrel. Clank! Clank! Crash! ... I slowly turned my head around looking at Curlybrow frozen in a tiptoe position with barrels surrounding him. "Over there!" Someone shouts. Curlybrow fixes the barrels while I stare at him, my eye twitching. Grabbing him by the collar I run as fast as I could around a building and then jumping into a park. Looking behind me I see the marines still following us. I run around, zigzagging trees and buildings. After all of that crazy running I finally stop. Glancing behind me I see no marines in sight. Looking around I notice something unusual, the world looks a little different. The air it seems... pink? Sniff. I don't smell anything. Looking at my hand I see Brows collar. I let go and see him fall down. Glancing at his face I see an odd look with his nostrils flared. Is he mad or something. All of a sudden he grabs my hand. A chill goes down my spine and I snatch my hand away from his. "Where did they go!" A voice shouted. Brow and I look at each other frozen still for 5 seconds. Eyes widening we dash out of the park and reach the shore.

Haa I'm out of breath. Hands on my knees I struggle getting the air through my lungs. Looking next to me I see Brow doing the same thing. "Sanji!" I hear a voice in the distance. Looking up I see two long bouncy rods on both sides of me. Huh what's this. I turn in the direction the voice came from and I see a face coming towards me. In an unusual speed. Hmmm. My eyes widen realising that face was headed straight for me. "AHHHHH WHAT THE HELL!" I scream trying to move out the way- Crash! I get slammed onto a tree. "Ah my head." I wince sitting up. I open my eyes.

"AhhHHHHHHHHH!" I yell at the boy with his nose pressed on mines. "Hi!" He says smiling. "You. Scared. Me. Damm. Who are you?" I ask. "I'm Luffy!" He grins causing his nose to scrunch with mine. "Stop". I scowl pushing him off of me. That tickles and who the hells this stupid kid. He tilts his head causing the straw hat on his head to fall. "Who are you?" He asks. I stare at him for a while. "Hmm... My names y/n" "Oohh nice to meet you y/n." He grins. My eye narrows. "Hey man... you know that you should really... GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I yell at the dumb kid with his body between my legs and arms on both sides of me. I cringe. "Huh? Oh okay." He said unfazed. "Oi Luffy!" The blonde eyebrow dude says grabbing Luffy by his shirt. "Can she stay with us for a while. She's in a bit of trouble with the marines so she needs a way out." Luffy looks at me. "Okay." He says nodding his head. "Let's go y/n!" Luffy says giving me a hand. Annoying. I stand up rejecting his hand and dust myself off. Luffy tilts his head again and puts his hand away making a face. I look at him for a quick second and follow Sanji onto the boat.

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