Chapter Three

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Cough! Hic! I spit out water. It hurts. I reach for my throat sitting up. Looking down I see blood and water on the bed. "Y/n! Are you okay!?" I see Nami looking at me. I look around and see Zoro then Chopper sitting on the stool next to him. "Haa." I breathe in pain. What the hell happened? "At da el apen?" My VOICE why can't I speak. Cough! COUGH! I spit out even more water and blood. "Y/n!" Nami shrieks, and Zoro tenses up. "What happened?" I say being able to speak again. "You fell of the edge of the ship after you and Sanji passed out, both of you were coughing blood all night." Chopper said worried. "I've been trying to figure out what caused this reaction in your bodies but I can't find anything, BUT i'm going to keep trying I'll help you guys I promise." I look at him feeling throbbing in my chest. "I'll help you guys I promise." A blush spreads across my face. Only nakama say stuff like that. I suddenly cover my face realising what I just thought. "Y/n." Nami says pointing at my shoulder. I turn my head and see a burn mark on my shirt in the shape of a hand. I remember the Marine captain grabbing my shoulder in the shop. How did he do that... I didn't even notice until now. "It's nothing it's probably from the Marines." I say. "How's Sanji?" I say getting up and heading for the door. "Wait y/n. The reaction happened in your lungs can you at least tell me if anything unusual happened back at the island when you were with Sanji?" I scratch my head and think. Aha! "Come to think of it when we were running away from the Marines the air turned pink... but I didn't smell anything weird." I say. "Hmm I see," Chopper says writing something down. "and y/n you can't get up yet you need to rest more." He says concerned. I wind my right arm. "I'm perfectly fine see." I say and quickly rush out of the room closing the door before anyone says anything. Haaaa that hurttttttt. I wince at the pain in my right arm. Ignoring it I waddle to where Sanji usually sleeps. Opening the door I step inside. Shut! The door closes behind me. I jump in surprise. I turn my head slowly as I search for Sanji and see him sleeping soundly in the back of the room. Not dead. Congrats. Walking up to him I look down at his face. I see his chest moving up and down as he breathes. He's definitely in a deep sleep. I turn around to leave. A hand grabs my arm. I flinch. All of a sudden I get yanked and fall on top of Sanji's body. "What the hell-" I pick my face up and look straight down to see Sanji frowning at me. Trying to move away, the hand on my arm tightens. I stare at the grip on my arm and see that it's Sanji's. "What?" I say looking into his eyes. "I don't get it," He breathes. "How can a boy look exactly like a girl. What are you up to? Is this a apart of your plan?.. Saving me and letting yourself fall into the ocean. Well aren't you reckless." He says pushing my face down so close to his that our noses press together. "I shouldn't have let you on the ship." He says. I can feel his breath on my face every time a word comes out of his mouth. I feel an odd rush of adrenaline. "So uh can I go." I ask. "How can you assume I'm bad just because I'm actually a guy?" Hmm might as well go along. Seems fun. How can he assume I'm a dude just because he yelled at me. He tenses up as I speak. I can't feel him breathing. Is he dead. He lets go of me. "Hey that's cheating." He says sitting up and covering his face with his hand. ??? I step back and turn away as I walk out of the room feeling his eyes burn into my back. What the hells his problem? Does he not know he's a dude.

"Y/n there you are you have to rest!" Nami says grabbing my hand tightly forcing me into the bed. "I said I'm fin-" "SLEEP." she roars with a face I've never seen her make. Is she bipolar. I choke grabing the sheets as I cover my head and doze off.

I open my eyes and see Luffy's head up side down. "Oi your up!" He grins. "AUGH!" I flinch whamming my fist into his face by reflex. I feel my hand getting absorbed into his face... I quickly take my hand back and see his face bounce like a ballon. I stare at him for a while. ... "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shriek stumbling back. "WHY IS YOUR FACE SO GUMMY." He looks at me and leans forward. "Oh I ate the gum gum fruit. He grins pulling one side of his mouth outward. What the hell kind of devil fruit... I grab his cheek and pull it. It stretches easily. "Wow!" I marvel as my eyes sparkle at the rubbery skin and let go to see it bounce back slapping his face. "Pfff... AHAHAHA!" I die of laughter slapping my leg as the image of his cheek slapping his face repeats itself over and over again. "AHAHAHA OMG YOU LOOKED SO STUPID! AhahahahhhahhaGAauh-" I choke. "Oi!" Luffy grabs my wrist as I continue laughing. "Ah hah I'm sorry. I won't laugh again. I. Just. Pfff." I look up at Luffy's face and see an odd expression. I stop laughing. "Uh Strawhat?" I say. Shadows cloud his eyes. He's pissed?  He opens his mouth to say something."LAND!" Usopp exclaims from the deck. I pull my hand out of Luffys and walk outside thanking the distraction. Isn't he just a stupid kid what the hell that that uncomfortable feeling... I was probably just imagining it.

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