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"You didn't succeed?!" I ask. His reply annoys me. I smash my phone on the floor. I scream. "Why?! Every single time, she always finds a way to escape!" I am beyond annoyed. I wanted to grab her by the neck and suffocate her. This was my fourth attempt in trying to get rid of her. First, I got her kidnapped. The kidnapping was my best plan and I'd have gotten rid of her if only Luke didn't find out.


I was leaving Barry's room, where we'd hidden Natalie when I bump into Luke. I try to play it cool, but he knows. He pushes me and begins to squeeze my neck.

"How dare you, Laurel? Do you know what you've done?!"

"I should've turned off the cameras. She's stealing you away from me, Luke! You promised never to leave me, don't you remember?" I say, caressing his face. He flings my hands off.

"I'll forget this. I'll pretend it never happened. If Natalie finds out about this, not even I, will be able to save you."

Luke knew, but ensured he never spoke about it again, just to save me. That gesture alone, made my love grow more intensely. It was glaring that he was in love with me but he couldn't be with me because of Natalie. That day, I decided to make it a mission to get rid of Natalie. The second time, I tried to poison her food, but Rocky ended up taking it. I was enraged! That forced me into keeping my eyes on him. Then, I found out about Natalie and him. I was ecstatic.


My third attempt was unsuccessful. I tried to get her killed, stage it as a hit and run case. My tracks would be covered perfectly. I felt betrayed finding out she was pregnant with Luke's child.

"That child belonged to me!" I yell as I begin to smash and throw things round the room. "Natalie! I hate you! Die, bitch, die! Luke is mine!"

I had just now been informed that unfortunately, my fourth attempt to kill her had failed. Apparently, there was a police car just around the corner so my hit man had to abort last minute.

"I'll get you, Natalie, I must! Even when Luke has me in his arms, when he makes love to me, he still calls your name!" I begin to sob. I needed Luke's love to survive. "You have to die for me to have Luke completely, Natalie. I will kill you!" I yell as I begin to laugh. I hadn't lost all hope yet. I would still get more chances to kill that bitch.


Natalie's POV

"Hello, mom?" I inquire uncomfortably.

"Is this a dream? Natalie?"

"Yes, it's me. Don't be dramatic, mother."

"Uh! You never call me, you never send me money on time— I'm only surprised you remembered you have a mother."

"I'll send you half a million in a few. Get a nice dress. I'll accompany you to that party." I inform her. I'd remembered that she'd mentioned something about a party being hosted by the Robinsons. This was an opportunity I couldn't miss.

She gasps. She's about to speak, but I stop her. "That is all. Text me the date, time, and location. I'll be there." I say and hang up. I'd left Lydia and Louis and retired to my bedroom to prepare for the court hearing in an hour. I had to dress up and get prepared.

My phone beeps. It's Jennifer, she's in the building. I respond, informing her that my house is the penthouse. I quickly rush to my cupboard and put on a white skirt suit and white blazer. I hear the doorbell. Ashley would get the door. I go to my vanity mirror and apply another coat of red lipstick. My hair is still laid and neat, so I don't bother with it.

There's a knock on my door. "Come in." It's Ashley .

"There's a lady looking for you. Her name's Jennifer."

"Yes. Send her to the study." I say as I exit the room, heading for my study.


"Here." I say, handing over the envelope to Jennifer.

"Can I open it?" She asks.

"Of course. I wouldn't be asking you to leak it if I didn't know you'd see it." I respond, and watch her as she begins to open the envelope. She gasps. She looks up at me. I look away.

"Ma'am, this is. . ."

"Release it. Now. I don't care how you do it, but it must be made public in the next hour. Ensure it's untraceable. Nobody must know you leaked it."

She nods, shock still obvious on her face. "Yes, ma'am."


We are seated in court, Luke is about to take the stand. He swears his oath, all whilst looking at me.

His Lawyer begins, "Mr. Carrington, how do you know Ms. Richardson? How did you first meet?"

Luke answers, "In her home. Her mother had made a deal with me. They were bankrupt so her mother struck a deal with me that she'd give Natalie's hand in marriage if I saved them from bankruptcy. I agreed."

"Did Natalie know about this deal?"

"Of course. She was well aware."

The lawyer laughs out loud, "So, Ms. Richardson can in fact do anything for money?"

"Objection!" Jean-Ann counters.

"Sustained. Defense, please, be careful. Watch your words." Judge Lahey warns. I scoff.

"My apologies. Mr. Carrington, what ultimately ended your marriage with Ms. Carrington?"

"She was having an affair with another man, whilst under my roof. She was sleeping with the both of us." Luke answers, and I shiver in anger and disgust.

"So, we can say that Ms. Richardson has very bad characters, I.e lying, manipulating and cheating, right?"

"Objection!" Jean-Anne barks.

"Last warning, defense. You may proceed."

"I beg your forgiveness, your Honor. So, Mr. Carrington, did she drink often?"

"Yes, she did occasionally."

"I'm sorry but I have to ask, how was your sexual life? Did she initiate your sexual encounters regularly?"

"Objection! Relevance?!"

"One str—

"Your Honor, I had to. Please. I'm getting somewhere." Luke's lawyer pleads. He continues, "So, Ms. Richardson has a high libido and drinks a lot—

"Objection!" Jean-Ann yells. The defense lawyer was way out of line. I wanted to scream at him, punch him, but I knew I couldn't. I had to keep my calm in court.

"Your honor, not only is this very insulting, but this is invading my client's personal space."

"Defense, I'll hold you in contempt of court if you repeat this. The court will go on a 15 minutes break. Strike that off, immediately."

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