Part 3

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As soon as the end of the cigarette touched Nitra's lips, Gaia felt immediate abhorrence for her. Even in her overwhelming feelings, she didn't say anything. She drifted her sight and concentration towards the plants in the half-opened veranda. The sky outside was very dark, but the veranda was brightly lit with all the artificial lights that the plants needed. There was nothing to do with them, but Gaia didn't want any more of awkward jiffies with Nitra. Their chemistry was imbibed in all the silences they engulfed themselves in, deliberately ignoring the presence of another person in the room. Gaia adjusted the gloves on her hands and moved the flower pot closer to her. Most women of her age wouldn't be able to sit squatted as Gaia was, or bother themselves with this kind of trivial jobs. She carried herself in grace, hiding behind the thick tuft of white hair that waved every time she arched forward.

Gaia loved her gardening and greenery. It was for the same reason that all people of Hope Island came to her for gardening tips. Withered with age, but experienced, she embraced all their queries. She considered Hope Island to be her sufficient; her earth, and also why she never went outside the borders at any point of her life.

'I need to send manure to Zarm', she reminded herself. She loathed him.

Lost in the self-banter inside her head, she took a moment to gaze at two flowers, that were entangled at the stem but standing together effortlessly. Smile broke out immediately on her face because it reminded her of Ma-Ti and Suchi. They were her son's friends, whom she had taken in from their childhood. They had assisted her in the garden every summer, during their younger days, when it was full of life with daises and roses. Ma-Ti and Suchi always called her son Captain and looked up to him for everything. However, her son was a fresh air fiend, who often went to other countries to participate in Global issues of Global Warming or Deforestation. If it hadn't been for the neighbour brothers, she would have spent all her life alone.

Her fingers graced upon the dried yellow leaves on the plant, that broke as soon they were touched.

'Earth is growing old, it is dying. It needs people like my son, Captain, to save it'

Gaia put Ma-Ti on the same pedestal of love with her son, but she didn't like the attachments he came with. Nitra was one such for her. She often wondered what he saw in her, and it infuriated her that Ma-Ti and Suchi fought over Nitra. They didn't tell her anything and didn't have to- she just knew. Just like any other mother.

Her judgements now went into the night when Ma-Ti and Suchi fought. She had heard angry exchanges and shattering of beer glasses from the compound wall that separated her house from the brothers. Suchi has stormed out of the house in anger. She thought it would be one of those fights that when ensued seemed dangerous but would eventually fizzle out. But it didn't, Suchi never came back. And for that one reason, Gaia could hate Nitra forever. But, as complicated as life had already presented before her, Nitra was Ma-Ti's love. And anything that came with Ma-Ti, was also Gaia's. She needed to learn to not hate Nitra, but today was not the day.

Nitra's eyes danced between the smoke as she looked upon Gaia outside the glass door. Tall thin framed, with shoulders that was held back in dignity, she brought the cigarette again to her mouth. She watched Gaia pluck out the dry leaves of the plant, and it seemed that it was of anger. Nitra had always known that Gaia had hated her, but it didn't deter her love towards Ma-Ti. He had been her instantaneous love, exchanged with pleasantries and mostly, happy memories. Their days were filled with passion and energy, be it in his mission for Captain or in the bed with her. Nitra had been approached by many men, and she even went out with few, but no one affected her like Ma-Ti. It was only later that she knew he had the Heart ring, lighting a small spark of doubt if he had ever used it on her. To her, Ma-Ti was always a pure soul, full of love and honesty. The day Suchi had left Ma-Ti, unbearable to see him broken, she had suggested that he use his Heart ring to bring Suchi back.

"Hearts need to bring people together, and not the ring. I am just in possession of the ring, and I don't want to play God", he had told her. All her doubts had vanished.

Ma-Ti and her love was simple, strong and meant to be for a long time. On the contrary, her relationship with Suchi was strange. It wasn't hate, just strange. Suchi had shown lot of love towards her, but like she was his sister. That is how she always felt it to be, until that fateful night where silly conversations led to all the complications. Suchi had poured heart out on his love, which was half mixed in alcohol's insanity and other half on jealousy. Nitra had always alleged in her head that Suchi was jealous of Ma-Ti. Though never been vocal, she had seen many instances to prove the point. One such was, to place Nitra as a prize for the competition of love. When Nitra had chosen Ma-Ti over Suchi , as a matter of fact, Suchi disappeared from their lives for good. This was enough a reason for Nitra to think Suchi had always looked at his brother as a competition.

Nitra knew Gaia had gifted Ma-Ti with the Heart ring, though he never confided with her. She never understood why Suchi didn't get anything like this from Gaia. Does this mean Gaia and her stood on the same side of opinions about Suchi ? Things were good the way they were, and Nitra wouldn't want to ask any questions that sounded provocative and harm the pseudo perfect balance that they created between them. It was better that she kept some things to herself.

Chilly winds began to blow in the veranda , and Gaia knew she couldn't stay out for long. Also, she couldn't keep ignoring Nitra all her life. Afterall, she was her son's love, and she needed to accept this and move on.

She sighed heavily at the weight of her thoughts. When she went back into the room, and saw Nitra stub her cigarette into the ash tray.

"I am not sure if Ma-Ti will be back tonight. Do you want to have some dinner", she asked Nitra, out of courtesy.

Nitra was lost in her feelings.

"Are you ok ?", she whimpered walking towards Nitra.

"Yes yes, was thinking about something. Sorry", Nitra replied as she came into her senses.

"Is something bothering you ?"

"I don't know. Not something big, but we had a small fight today morning", Nitra replied looking directly at Gaia.

Gaia was surprised at the directness of the sentence. Gaia knew Nitra loved Ma-Ti with all her heart, but she wasn't the type who who made their feelings public. Especially, not to Gaia.

"Hope it is sorted now".

"Yes, it was over a trivial matter. Just nothing", Nitra claimed, "I just stopped by to check on him. He must have gone to the nearest pub to dissolve all his feelings. He always does that , you know ? ", Nitra gave an awkward laugh.

Gaia had known this from the day Ma-Ti failed to get admission into the College of Horticulture. He had gone to the Pub, and just sat there even without touching the alcohol. Both the brothers found solace in the stench of alcoholic pubs. It was very rare that they drank, but when they did, they over did it.

"Thank you for letting me wait in here. It was kind of you".

Gaia wasn't sure if that was a sincere thank you.

"I will make sandwiched for both of us".

Gaia whirled around the corner when she felt suddenly dizzy. The room began to spin , and she reached out to hold on to something.

"Thank you... Gaia! Are you fine ?"

Nitra shot towards Gaia and stretched her hand in support.

"Are you fine? What is happening?"

Gaia couldn't speak, or elucidate what she was feeling. She saw alternate flashes of yellow light and Nitra's face in every blink. She didn't understand what was happening.

"Breathe slowly. Inhale Gaia. Exhale", Gaia heard Nitra shout instructions to her.

It was for several seconds, and the room eventually stopped spinning. But, she didn't snap of out of the uneasiness immediately.

"I feel ok", she claimed still holding on to Nitra.

"Are you sure?", Nitra asked while helping Gaia to be able to sit on the sofa.

"Yes, I am. I think it was just hunger."

Nitra knew it wasn't the appetite. Both the women looked at each other and conversed with their eyes. They knew something was wrong but couldn't place what it was. Gaia had only felt this once when Captain had been trapped unconscious in a cave, many years ago.

"I just hope Ma-Ti is safe and isn't going to be drinking", Gaia said suddenly.

Nitra frowned in curiosity and worry. "I hope so too", she said after a pause.

They was a big silence in the room and somehow, deep within ,both knew they were wrong.

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