Part 4

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The small room was chalked in white, and inhabited by five people in different sections. Barely few feet from each other, in range of communication, yet no one spoke for a long time.
The temperature outside was countered by the fire, while everyone's stare remained stone cold. Now and then, sighs were heard, clothes crumbled.

"We need to find the next bearer", Kwame whispered more to himself, seated on a white chair, that contrasted the colour of his skin. He was examining the not so perfect-round ring that was once Ma-Ti's. His sentence was stirred with the wind. Linka, who was holding her husband, Wheeler's hand, looked up. She felt the wind wafted towards her, bringing the sadness from Kwame's voice. She did not respond, but Kwame wasn't even asking a question. She turned to look at her friend Gi.

Gi was seated hunched, with her legs towards the chest, at the far end of the room. She was staring at the fireplace through the bangs of her hair, blinking only when there was cackling sound of the fire. The atmosphere of the room was damp in colours and spirits.

When she did not get any response from Gi, Linka continued caressing Wheeler's hand. He had two rings on his ring finger, just like her; one of marriage to her and other, to Captain Planet. She hadn't noticed this before, but his hands seemed tired.

'How can someone's hand look tired ?'

There were lines of stress that ran parallel to the veins. The way Wheeler was holding her hand seemed strained. Just like their marriage of 3 years.

Suchi was seated opposite to Kwame on a chair that looked invisible under his large frame. The enormous face was buried in his hands, sniffling now and then.

No one had taken the news of death of Ma-Ti well, especially Suchi. When Gaia had learnt of the death from Wheeler the previous night, pieces of her heart breaking was visible over her face. Nitra collapsed on the floor, and didn't speak a word the whole night. How much ever Gaia tried to console Nitra, she couldn't even read what was on her mind. It seemed like Nitra had entered a state of comatose.

All the Planeteers were summoned together, which was usually done with the help of Heart ring. But this time, as the bearer was no longer with them, they had to travel to each other's place to convey the news. The first people that the police had contacted was the couple. When police had told her the news with no remorse, Linka stood in the same place in state of shock, until she was shaken by Wheeler. Without even bothering to wear their jackets, they ran all the way to Gaia's to tell her and Suchi. Suchi wasn't there , but Nitra was. So, she was the first one they had to convey the news to. Other Planeteers were called in, along with Suchi, and they all moved into the small cabin house behind Gaia's house where they had always held their meetings. Suchi entered the cabin with tears already welling up in his eyes. He was always the emotional one, so, took the worst hit. Nitra, on the other hand, subdued her emotions within, with sadness and anger blazing in her eyes. But, she did not make any sound. Amongst the spiders and wet wood, they mourned Ma-Ti's death for the night.

Early next morning, the police had come to house with some evidences on the killings. Gaia offered to go to the station for further legal procedures, and Nitra insisted that she would go along with her. Other Planeteers did not think this was a great idea, but they let her do as she wished.

Before Gaia was about to close her car door, she had pulled Kwame towards her, and whispered, "We need to find another bearer of the Heart ring. If you don't do that soon, the ring will become useless and my son can never come home". Kwame nodded in understanding.

When he returned to the cabin, he saw Suchi seated slumped on the chair, with lot of remorse and sadness. Kwame settled himself opposite to him, trying to speak words of comfort that went in vain. The Wheelers sat on the sofa, hand in hand, while Gi near the fireplace.

The chair was moved from its place, and Kwame stood tall. Everyone turned to this sudden commotion, except Suchi.

Kwame moved near him and patted his shoulders in condolence, but he didn't acknowledge it.

"I am sorry Suchi, and I have no words for your loss", Kwame said under his breathe.

Planeteers were close to each other, and closest to Suchi. Though he did not possess any of the rings, he was as able as rest of them. He had always been an integral part of all their missions. And now, each of them knew that the ring needs Suchi to be the bearer.

"Suchi, I know this is hard, and not the right time, but we have to do this sooner", said Kwame slowly.

Suchi pushed his hands from his face, and looked up at Kwame in bewilderment.

"Kwame?", were his first sane words.

"The Heart ring would lose its power easily if it doesn't find a bearer soon, so...", he held the ring closer to Suchi.

Suchi did not raise his hands to receive it, so, Kwame placed it on the table close to him.

"We would be very happy if you tried it on", Kwame explained with no eagerness. He understood this was not the right time, but clock was ticking.

"Kwame? YOU WANT THIS DONE RIGHT NOW?", Suchi stood up screaming, hovering few inches over Kwame.

Kwame tried to gather the right words.

"Suchi, I am terribly sorry, it is a loss for all of us, but please understand. World needs you. We need you. Ma-Ti would have wanted this. It is for all of us"

"We would love you to join us. Your heart is as pure as Ma-Ti's", Linka spoke, breaking her hand away from Wheeler. Wheeler nodded at Suchi, acknowledging what Linka had said.
All their eyes darted towards Gi, but she didn't turn around.

"Gi, what do you think about this ?", Linka enquired her best friend.

Gi turned her neck at a right angle, looking at no one.

"It is an obvious answer, there is nothing to think about it", she said.

Planeteers knew Gi was impulsive, her words were too, but that was the truth. The ring needed Suchi.

Suchi stood at his place, breathing heavily. Kwame felt the heavy air that passed through the nostrils on his face. He held Suchi's hand, opened his palm, placed the ring and closed it.

"We entrust this on you. Take your time, but the decision needs to be made today".

Suchi didn't say anything. He pushed Kwame slowly to the side with his free hand and moved towards the door.

All of them watched him as he walked. He stopped before the door, relaxed his fists and took a long breathe.

"I will see", he said , unlatching the door, "I hope the ring accepts me".

He closed the door gently behind him.

The residents of the room did not budge from the places. Their hearts beat faster, in confusion, sadness and curiosity.

The Heart ring was to have a new bearer.

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