Chapter 2: Back to School

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Author's Notes: Here's the second chapter, this contains lemons as well. I've changed the way I've denoted thoughts, flash backs and written text to make it more obvious. I think the story will read much smoother now.

A note to say this is the second rewrite of chapter 2.

Written text or flashback based on context.

Important Note: If you're reading this, you're reading the up to date version of the story. If you didn't see this note last chapter, you were unlucky enough to have started reading this just before I updated all the chapters. It is recommended you re-read the previous chapters as some details of the story would have changed as well as the formatting, which will cause some confusion in further reading.


Chapter 2: Back to School

It was early in the morning when Shinji awoke. Opening his eyes slowly, he wondered why he had woken up so early considering how late he had gone to bed. His eyes widened as he suddenly remembered what had he had done yesterday. Thinking over the events, the boy couldn't help but feel disgusted at himself. Shinji knew Asuka had suffered greatly. Not only had she been extremely distraught afterwards, their short discussion later at night in her room alluded just how much she was hurt as well; not that it should be a shock to him. Surprisingly, she hadn't killed him, though it had been close at one point. Nor had she told Misato what had happened and that confused him.

Logically thinking about it, he should be in prison by now or some other similar punishment. Yet the redhead had not turned him in and later when he visited her, she was somewhat civil and did not resist him. The only explanation in Shinji's mind was that the event had been too traumatic for her and had greatly damaged her pride; after all a girl like her being raped by someone like him only added insult to injury. As much as he wished to, he could not change the past and hoped that Asuka would return to her normal self. He should definitely make it up to her somehow; it was the least he could do.

Shinji stretched and got out of his bed slowly. After getting up, he walked over to the door and exited his room. The boy decided he might as well start making breakfast while it was this early; the other two roommates were still asleep after all. Moving into the kitchen, Shinji took out the abysmal amount of food that was left in the fridge and began preparing the morning meal. He made a note to himself to buy more food when he had the chance or at least get Asuka or Misato to do it, although he would rather Misato didn't.

The temperature in the room was already quite warm and Shinji suspected that today was going to be a hot day. A few stray beams of light pierced the blinds on the windows, lighting up the otherwise dark environment. Stopping what he was doing, the boy moved over to the windows and fully opened the blinds, causing light to pour into the residence. He then returned to the task at hand, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

Shinji's solace was short-lived as a bleary-eyed Misato walked into the kitchen, noticed him and sat down at the dining table. The boy turned to face the purple haired woman.

"Sorry Misato, did I wake you?" Shinji asked quietly.

Misato opened her mouth a couple of times, attempting to form words. "No... I had to get up early for work" she finally croaked out.

The Major was shocked at hearing her own voice and quickly stood up from the table. Moving over to the fridge, she opened it and grabbed a can of beer. Emptying its contents at an inhuman speed, she let out her usual "Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh" and then sat back down at the dining table. The boy just shook his head and continued making breakfast.

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