Chapter 4: Broken Heart

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Authors Notes: This chapter is a much shorter than the previous one, but I wanted to leave you guys wondering what will happen next :D. Here's where the drama really starts, read and find out what happens.

A note to say this is the second rewrite of chapter 4.

Important Note: If you're reading this, you're reading the up to date version of the story. If you didn't see this note last chapter, you were unlucky enough to have started reading this just before I updated all the chapters. It is recommended you re-read the previous chapters as some details of the story would have changed as well as the formatting, which will cause some confusion in further reading.


Chapter 4: Broken Heart

The redhead awoke in the morning a little disorientated and confused; the atmosphere seemed unfamiliar and her position wasn't her usual sleeping position either. The girl still found herself to be quite comfortable and warm though. Shifting her head a bit, Asuka let out a gentle breath of hot air. Suddenly, whatever she was resting on moved, much to the sleepy girl's surprise, before settling down again. Curiously, Asuka poked her head out of the blanket covering her and looked around. It was soon concluded that she was lying on top of Shinji on the couch in the living room with a blanket covering the both of them.

'What in the world happened yesterday? All I remember was getting the brains fucked out of me...' the redhead thought. She felt a sense of déjà vu as she remembered something similar happening just last week. Last week, returning home after a sync test, her and Shinji had passionate sex, resulting in the girl passing out from exhaustion. Asuka pondered over the past week, mostly confused as to what was going on with her and the boy. The redhead felt enmity towards the third child for what he had done to her, but at the same time she was somewhat enjoying a more honest Shinji who was no longer pretending around her.

During the week they had some long discussions about various things, including the experiences of piloting their evas or just life in general. They had another two sync tests since the one Ritsuko discovered their secret and the girl continued to score very high. The two eva pilots were spending a lot of time together, despite Asuka's standoffish attitude towards him and of course they had been having sex as well. The girl blushed a little as she finally recalled yesterday's actions and somewhat understood why she had passed out. The redhead wondered why Shinji had taken her to sleep on the couch with him again, she wasn't really sure why he had done it last week either; it was a little risky as Misato could come by and see them, causing all sorts of misunderstandings. Although, Asuka recalled tonight was another all-nighter for her guardian so they were not likely to see Misato for a while yet.

Asuka wondered if maybe she was letting something form between her and Shinji, wondered if maybe the boy was getting the wrong idea about the situation; it was a weird set of circumstances after all, the redhead still found it hard to fathom how things had turned out this way. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the sudden urge to relieve herself.

At this, the girl carefully got off Shinji so as not to wake him, causing the blanket to fall to the floor. Just as Asuka was about to move off to the toilet, the boy instinctively grabbed Asuka as he lost his heat source and pulled her back. Shinji then wrapped his arms around the redhead, making the situation even more difficult; she really needed to go.

"Let go of me baka, unless you want me to piss on you" she hissed.

The boy only grumbled in response.

"Shinji! I need to go to the toilet!" she practically shouted.

The male eva pilot still didn't stir. Enraged, the girl elbowed him in the groin, causing him to grunt and release her. Asuka wasted no time in getting away and out of range, just to be sure he didn't pull her back. Surprisingly, the boy remained asleep on the couch, a pained expression on his face. The redhead quickly entered the toilet, closed the door and relieved herself. After washing her hands, she exited the bathroom and headed back to the living room, determined to get revenge on the boy.

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