Am I ready?

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"Bye mom" I say waving her while she climbs on her little Honda. "Bye mum" says Collin, waving too, next to me. I laugh looking at him. I hold his hand and we enter to the house. "So, what do you want to do now?" Asks Collin wagging a little his tails from side-to-side.

I look at him with a smile "What do you want to do?". We walk to the living room and I sit down in a couch. He sits down next to me, still wagging his tail. I put an arm around his shoulders.

He just looks at me and leans against my side. I turn on the TV and quickly change to a movie channel. It's a romantic movie, I'm not too much into romantic movies, but I think Collin likes to watch every type of movie. I carefully drop the control onto the floor and watch the movie.


The girl lies down resting her head on the boy's lap, looking up to the starry night. The boy starts caressing her hair but then he stands up. "Listen. . . Mary" Says the boy. The girl sits down looking at him, "Yeah?". He grabs her hand and helps her to stand up. "There's something I want to tell you. . ." He says holding Mary's hands.

"We spent long time together and everything. . . You know I love you right?" Asks the boy, trying to sound most normal as possible. Mary chuckles "Of coourse you dummy, I love you too" She replies.

They lean forward for a kiss, but then the man separates, grabbing her cheek. They stay like that for a few moments, then the boy takes a deep breath.

"Well. . . there's something I want to tell you. . . and I think now I'm ready—" He lets a sigh "— Marry. . .". He slowly let fall a knee on the grass, in front of her, and puts his hand on his pocket. He takes out a small blue box and opens it showing it to her. Inside, is a hard silver ring with something written in the border of it. 

The woman covers her mouth, in a surprise, with her hands. While the boy swallows nervously "W-Would you. . . marry me? . . ." 


I look at Collin. He's focused on the movie, with his ears lowered and tail moveless. I look at other side thinking.

The next day. I wake up very early and look at him, he's hugging me, sleeping. His hand is on top of my chest. I slowly, and very carefully, put my hand on top of his. I look at his finger, I wonder, should I do it? Or maybe not . . . But, I really want to do this? . . . Am I ready? . . .

He starts moving a little, hugging me tighter. I sigh looking at him. I stay lie down looking around, thinking, wondering. Then he wakes up. He sits on the bed and starts rubbing his eye. A few seconds later, he lies back down looking at me with a smile.

I chuckle, smiling, before standing up. "I need to go to the restaurant today" I lie looking at him. He nods standing up too, "Ok. I'll be here". I change of clothes and walk into the kitchen.

I grab a pan and take some beacon out of the refrigerator but he grabs my hand. "Hey it's okay. I can do it" He say looking at me. I giggle a little. "What?" He asks. "Nothing. I'll be back in a couple of hours" I say. Then I start walking into the door.

I leave the house and look at my hand. I'm forming a small circle with my fingers, like making an Ok sign but with a way smaller circle. "Your finger is not that big compared to mine, Collin. . ." I say to myself, chuckling, walking to my truck. I climb in and start driving away, heading to the nearest town. 

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